Thursday, October 31, 2019
Corporate Finance Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Corporate Finance - Speech or Presentation Example g too little has its problems and costs like the cost of lost profits that would have been made because of lost sales, the problem of loss of costumer loyalty and patronage, the cost of making more orders from time to time because of limited inventory on hand. Just in time (JIT) practice reduces an inventory level which means lower investments in inventories. It also greatly improves the lead time reliability due to shorter delivery- lead time. There is reduced lead times and set-up time increases scheduling flexibility. Many companies had reported improved quality levels in using JIT. It is also believed that extensive valued analysis reduces cost of purchased materials. There will be lower investments in factory space for inventories and product. There will be also less obsolescence risk in inventories and less paper work and a reduction in scrap and rework. On the other hand, the arguments against JIT include the following: JIT presupposes a disciplined act and as such it demands a long term commitment from management to do it. It management is changing or if there is no stability, it possibly the company may lose what would have earned under the ordinary way of maintaining inventories. There is also great possibility that there would be large initial cost that would possibly not compensated by short term returns. JIT presupposed anticipated demand and supply of its products and if management commits mistake along the way, the effect could be disastrous. JIT also making a stable agreement with supplier for the timely delivery of inputs for production and this may also create problems with supplies of terms large of money to implement the plan for JIT. Related with the large cost is also a risk that will have to be considered by the companies in wanting to implement JIT1. The formula above uses D, which refers to annual demand for the product, O which stands for ordering cost per unit and C, or the carrying cost per unit. In so computing minimum
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Analytical Critique of the Novel Ionization Device for Controlling the Term Paper
Analytical Critique of the Novel Ionization Device for Controlling the Charge States of Peptides - Term Paper Example Therefore understanding current improvements in the analytical procedures such as the inductive ionization technique is vital in the progress of proteomics. This paper by Peng et al (pp.8863) presents an improvement of the electrospray ionization method used in mass spectrometry, the inductive electrospray (inductive ESI). This work provides a background of the existing electrospray (conventional electrospray) method, its short comings and then attempts to introduce the novel technique. The benefits of the new technique are highlighted in the study together with a simple experiment giving a comparison of the mass spectrum produced by the conventional ESI and the one produced by inductive ESI. A background Mass spectrometer is used to measure samples by producing ions and separating them according to their mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio. In mass spectrometric analysis various steps are carried on the sample to be analysed. These include atomization, conversion of the atomized portion into a stream of ions. The streams of ions are then separated based on their charge-to-mass ratio (m/z). Final step in mass spectroscopy involves measuring the current when these ions hit appropriate transducers. Major components of a mass spectrometer are an inlet system for injecting micro amounts of the sample to the ion source. Conversion of the sample into ions is achieved by bombarding the sample with electrons, ions or molecules. Upon samples being converted into ions, the stream of ions is directed into a mass analyzer which disperses the ions based on m/z ratio. From the mass analyzer, the transducer converts the beam of ions into electrical signal which are processed to generate a mass spectrum of the analyte. Method for ionization falls into two categories; the gas phase and desorption methods. Gas phase involves the vaporization and ionization of a sample whereas in desorption method; solid or liquid sample is converted into a gaseous phase directly. Matrix-assisted desorpti on-ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI) are examples of desorption ion sources for mass spectrometry and bear the advantage of being applicable to thermally unstable samples as well as in non-volatile samples. Electrospray ionization(ESI) is based on extraction of ions from solution (Rosenberg 845). ESI is amenable in the analyses of biomolecules such as polypeptides, proteins and oligonucleotides which have high molecular weight (100, 000 kDa) (Skoog pp560). Multiple charged ions are produced in ESI which enable measurement of high mass species. This is achieved by reducing m/z ratio to a range appropriate for mass spectrometry application. Samples used in ESI are usually non-volatile and the method is amenable for mass determination of biomolecules, analyzing and sequencing of proteins as well as analyzing drugs. Description of the chemical target to be measured, desired precision, accuracy and cost of the measurements/instrument. The mass spectrum in an electrospr ay depends on the generation of ions in an aerosol. Usually ion formation in the aerosol is a competitive process where the sample of interest in this case peptide will compete for formation of ions with contaminants such as phosphates
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Contemporary relevance of Porter’s Five Forces to corporate strategy
Contemporary relevance of Porter’s Five Forces to corporate strategy Introduction Porters Five Forces introduced back in 1979 by Michael E. Porter from Harvard University in his first book Competitive Strategy. It becomes international best seller, and considered by many to be a definitive work on corporate strategy. The book itself had been published in nineteen languages and re-printed almost sixty times, changes the way business leaders thought and remains a guide of choice for strategic managers the world over. It has become an important tool for analyzing an industry structure and strategy process [Morrison M., 2008]. Porters work has had a greater influence on business strategy than any other theory in the last half of the twentieth century []. The tool provides a simple perspective for assessing the position and competitiveness of a corporation or business organization within the industry. Porter points out five forces which the upturn and downturn, will affect the profitability and existence for a corporation or business organizatio n. Business leaders and managers might be interested in this paper for the purpose of this paper is to discuss the contemporary relevance of Porters Five Forces to corporate strategy. An attempt also being made to find what is missing from this model related to corporate strategy in current business environment. In so doing, a comparison will be made between Porters Five Forces and another tool for corporate strategy. Another assessment made concerning the business environment in Porters era and current business environment. Porters Five Forces The development of this framework is based on the idea of attractiveness of an industry. As for the attractiveness itself, is determined by the profitability within the industry. More profit means the industry is more attractive and low profitability means a low attractive industry. The way of thinking in the model is to achieve a better competitive position against other players. The competitive advantages developed from strengthening the own position within this Five Forces. The Five Forces framework is based on microeconomics. It considers supply and demand, substitutes and complementary product, and the relationship between production volume and cost of production; also the market structures such as monopoly, oligopoly, or perfect competition. Threat of new entry The chances in which new competitors can enter the market and drive the current players price down. The threat to entry depends on six major forces of barriers which Porters describes as: economics of scale, product differentiation, capital requirements, cost disadvantages independent of size, access to distribution channel, and government policy. The decision of the new-comer also pretty much influenced by their expectation on the existing player. If the incumbents known for previously fought vigorously to new entrants, or possess such substantial resources to fight back (such as excess cash, unused borrowing power, available productive capacity, or clout with distribution channel and customers), the new entrants will likely to have second thought on entering the market. This also happened if they know that the incumbents seem likely to cut the prices. New entrants fear more also when the industry growth is so slow so that newcomers can gain volume only if they take it from the incu mbents. Bargaining power of supplier Another force Porter mention in the model is how powerful the supplier to drive up the prices of is corporate input. The term supplier includes all sources of input that are needed to provide the product. A supplier of group is powerful when it is dominated by few companies and more concentrated than the industry it sells to. The products are also differentiated or unique means relatively no substitutes for the particular input so that it built up the switching cost. The power of supplier also increase when there is a possibility for the supplier for integrating forwards in order to obtain high prices or so. Also when the industry is not an important customer of the supplier group or when it is not obliged to contend with other products for sale to the industry. Bargaining power of customer Similarly, bargaining power of customer settle on how powerful is the customer can impose pressure on margins and demands. Buyer are powerful if it is purchase in large volumes and/or the product it purchases is standard or undifferentiated, means they can always find alternative suppliers. Customer will also become more powerful if the products it purchases from the industry form a component of its product and represent an significant fraction of its cost, in other words, the customer become more price sensitive. Furthermore when they know that the company earns low profits, which create great incentives to lower its purchasing cost; and when the industrys product is unimportant to the quality of the buyers product or services, then the bargaining of customer increase. More threat comes from the possibility of the customer to integrating backward and has the ability to produce the product themselves. Another factor mentioned by Porter is that customer will be more prices sensitive w hen they recognize that the industrys product does not save the buyer money. He gave an example of logging of oil wells, where an accurate survey can save thousands of dollars in drilling costs, therefore affect the market price. Substitute products The extent of which substitute product can be used in place of one product. Porter highlighted the characteristics of substitute products that deserve the most attention as those products that are subjects to trends improving their price-performance trade-off with the industry product or are produced by industries earning high profit. Porter also said that substitutes come into play when the competition within industry increases which lead to price reduction or performance improvement. Jockeying among competitor for position within industry This factor describes the strength or the intensity of competitiveness among the existing players within the industry. High rivalry limits the profitability of an industry. Factors that shape the intense rivalry in a industry are: (a) payers are roughly equal in size and power (b) the growth of the industry is slow, precipitating fights for market share (c) lacks of differentiation and switching cost of the products (d) strong willingness to cut the price either because the fixed cost are high or the product is perishable (e) high barriers to exit the industry (f) capacity is normally augmented in large increments, and (g) diversity of strategies, origins, and personalities of the rivals. Other than the intensity, the dimension basis in which the rivalry takes place also reflects the strength of the rivalry such as price, products features, support service, delivery time, and brand image. Whether the competition takes place in the same dimension, or the rivals converge to compete on same dimensions. Strategy Crafting What do you want to achieve or avoid? The answers to this question are objectives. How will you go about achieving your desire results? The answer to this you can call strategy. William E Rothschild, Former General Electric Corporate Strategist, CEO of Rothschild Strategies Unlimited LLC Corporate strategy is about how a firm or business organization should make a decision of series of steps to achieve the desired goal. To create the best decision, the decision maker must be able to analyze the current and expected factors associated with internal as well as external environment. With strategy, one company can be more prepared and comfortable to operate on the market, because good strategy should have examined all the forces involved in business activities. Strategy planning can be developed in three levels, which are: company level, business unit level, and functional or departmental level [Morrison M., 2008]. Corporate strategy Æ’Â ¨ concerned with overall purpose and scope of the business to meet stakeholder expectations. This level of strategy concerned with the selection of business in which the company should compete and with the development and coordination of the portfolio of business. This is a crucial level since it is heavily influenced by the investors in the business and acts to guide strategic decision making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is often stated explicitly in a mission statement along with the formulation of visions and goals. It also decide on how business unit to be governed; through direct corporate intervention (centralization) or through autonomous government (decentralization). Corporate strategy also seeks to developed synergies across the business units. Business Unit StrategyÆ’Â ¨ is concerned more with how a business competes successfully in a particular market. It concerns strategic decision about choice of products, meeting needs of customer, gaining advantage over competitors, exploiting or creating new opportunities or market, etc. The strategic issues is about developing and sustaining a competitive advantage for the product and service that are produced. Functional or Departmental Strategy Æ’Â ¨ the strategy level of the operating divisions. It is concerned with how each part of the business is organized to deliver the corporate and business unit level strategic directions. The functional units translate them into discrete action plans that each division must accomplished for the strategy to succeed. Operational strategy therefore focuses on issues of resources, processes, people, etc. Functional units involved in higher level strategies by providing input into the business unit level and corporate level strategy, such as providing information on customer feedback. Business environment in current era Current business environment much likely to be characterized by more dynamic market situation. The digitalization and globalization contribute to this dynamic movement. The power of information technology (IT) grows more and more each day. And as it grows, all players in the market can have access to more information. The world is flat, globalization made great improvement in distribution of logistics and communication, enable all business to operate globally. Meanwhile, the customers have the chance to shop also on a global level, and compare the prices globally. The trends and demand now changed as the increased commoditization in so many areas. Companies now must be able to differentiate themselves by give more value for their products. One way to do that is by improving customer experience, through the improvement in the service area. Customers now want individual service and attention, and have high expectations for the goods and services they buy. Other tools for corporate strategy David P. Baron nonmarket approach: 4Is Business environment consist of market and nonmarket environment. An effective corporate strategy must be able to facilitate both market and non-market goals of the company. In relation to this, Baron introduced his 4Is, with emphasis on non-market environment. This framework together with Porters Five Forces formed the integrated strategies. The nonmarket environments are social, political, and legal setting that affects the interaction of the corporation outside and in conjunction with, the market environment. Barons define the characteristics as four Is. The first is Issues, of what nonmarket strategies address. Issues in nonmarket environment cover the regulations, proposed laws, court judgments, etc. Second is set of relevant institutions for the particular industry. Regulators or government is usually always become the relevant official body that affect a corporation decision making process. NGOs are also another example of institutions. Interests are individuals and groups with preferences about the industry. Baron includes this factor to address the identity and goals of those with a stake in the issue. Also information concerning with what the interested parties know or believe about the relation between actions and consequences and about the preferences and capabilities of the interested parties. This factor let us to think, what info needed to reach the goal? what is persuasive for the other parties? Prejudices, rumors, state reports, almost all public relations stuff is included in this factor. SWOT model Æ’Â ¨ covering external and internal forces Another tools being used for corporate strategy is SWOT. SWOT models addressing the internal and external forces. The Strength defines what characteristics impose by a company that can be used to keep hold on the market or even expand it. Weakness is really the opposite, this factors is any kind of lack the company has that can affect its existence in a bad way. Both strength and weakness is internal factors. Meanwhile, the external factor is covered by the Opportunity and Threat. Opportunity discuss about all issues or current condition of the environment that can give a better chance for the company to improve the operation. The threat talks about all threatening situation from the environment in which the company operates. More of this are, opportunity and threat, be explored more in Porters Five Forces model. Contemporary relevance between Porters Five Forces and corporate strategy Any organization, especially ones dealing with corporation or business environment realize that their success depend on both internal and external factors. With his Five Forces, Porter tries to emphasis on the most important or most influencing forces to the business profitability and existence. The competitors, the new entrants, new substitute, also the bargaining power of both supplier and buyer covered most aspects of a business activity. Indeed, Porters Five Model focuses heavily in competitive strategy, which is essential. To be specific, the Five Forces, mentioning competition, are related more to analysis of external forces from the market environment of the strategy. Of course, all business organization will always seek the best way to maximize corporate profit and determining the attractiveness of an industry. This is a need that will always be in managers mind in every industry, from every era. Therefore, through his model, Porters tries to give a framework that can help the decision maker to create a strategy where enable the company to stay in the market, defend their current position, and even grow the market size. It supports the decisions about to enter or to exit from an industry or market. As a business leader, it is important to understand the competition in the industry. The model can be used to compare the impact of one competitive force on our own company and to the impact on the competitors. With the knowledge of power and intensity of competitive forces, the strategy can be developed in way that gives the company options to influence the forces to improve their own position, such as new positioning or differentiation of product. It also gives the details on how to prevent the new entrants. Not only new entrants, the strategy should be able to cope with the substitute product that is getting more and more accessible now for the customer. Bargaining power of supplier and buyer is more relevant to supply and demand. It is essential to know which side of supply and demand equation our business is referring to. The framework tells us how profitability can be affected, in good way and in bad way from the context of industry rivalry and competition. It creates to positi on the firm to leverage its strengths and defend against the unfavorable effects from the five forces. Generally speaking, the model talked about the profitability and survival of a company. Referring to the definition of corporate strategy, Porters Five Forces seems irrelevant. Corporate strategy designs the grand strategy for the company grand purpose. And almost no company has a mission statement for to be the most profitable or so. Most company longing for sustainability; to be able to hold on success for a long term period. They achieve this by creating more value through their business, managing portfolio business, and developing business units; things that we dont learned through Porters Five Forces. Profitability is just one way to get to the grand purpose. That is the reason why, for the grandiose strategy of a company, to be based on only Porters that is focus on profitability, is unadvisable. The strategy such as focus and differentiation for competitiveness can be implemented at business unit level strategy to create competitive advantage. It may be relevant in corporate l evel as for the interest of stakeholder, indirectly. When the business unit strategy is achieved the desired goal, which most likely to be more profit, this is also will considered as favorable by the investors. Corporate strategy also concerned about the development and coordination of portfolio of business. The complexity that portfolio has cannot be found in the Porters model. Multi-variance product, multi-company in different industries, all this density of current market environment made Porters Five Forces become less practical. Other relevance is the dimension of competition. It is something that decided at the corporate level. Porters mentioning that based on the competitive advantages, we must choose the dimension of competition and it is best to create a battle field in that dimension, not in other dimension. This is about knowing our company competitive advantages and where to compete and win over the rivalry. What others are missing? Porters Five Forces did not describing the other external factor like regulator and social environment of the company. Porters Five Forces made based on the economic situation on the eighties. During early eighties, the economic situation is more stable and predictable development in industries compared to today dynamics. It is also characterized by cyclical growth and also by strong competition [D. Recklies, website]. Thus, in Porters era, the main objectives of many business organization or corporation are profitability and survival. Porters model focuses on analysis of the actual situation of companys customers, supplier, and competitor; and predictable development from new entrants as well as substitutes. Global and networked markets, as mentioned previously, force the business players to think more in the corporate strategies. Now, it is not enough to only position oneself as a price-leader or quality leader. Competitive advantages now comes from the ability of the company to de velop a way to maintain the relationship with more mobile customer and also to manage the networks that could be located in other part of the world. Porters Five Forces treats customer and supplier as third parties, which they no longer are. Corporate, suppliers, and customer now have extended relationship. And how this relationship managed is not less important than competitive advantages, because it creates values which harder to obtained and maintained than profits. This side of Porters Five Forces, lack of value-adding analysis made Porters Five Forces is less applicable in corporate strategy. In addition to that, in spite of always strengthening position within the industry with competitive advantages to compete against the competitor, co-operation with competitor by mergers and acquisition is also one way to maintain the existence and survival of a business organization. Hence, this model cannot keep up with dynamic situation in the current business environment. Globalization and digitalization Porters did not include how technology developed and that it is a strong force on competitiveness. Whereas, Porter did not explicitly mention it as a force, but it IS there. New entrant and new substitutes could mean that the competitor could have innovations background. New machines can affect the bargaining power of supplier too, in example. Not to mention how information spread unbelievably fast, and wide, around the internet. Experts coined the term of internet economy for this decades in which internet have been so embedded in everyday life. Various e-business applications have strongly influenced almost all industries. The development of the information system gives new opportunity for players from outside industry to chance the basis of competition in a market. Porter did not mention how technology will affect the competitiveness. The difference is that on Porters era, technology is something more like a tool to implement the change. But now, with its more rapid growth compare to eighties, technology has become a most important driver to a change. Non-market environment Needless to say, nonmarket environment, as brought up by Baron, also one important forces that must be considered in crafting the strategy. Any kind of corporation or business organization must dealing with social, politics, and legal arrangement, directly and indirectly. Of course, Baron extended work from Porters Five Forces expected to be able to give the best model to develop the so-called integrated strategy. Dynamic market structure Porters model assumes relatively static market structure. Yet, todays market is far from static. Dynamic market entrants, supported by more technological breakthrough, may change the entry barriers, the business model within short time. The model also assumes that all companies always try to get competitive advantages and win over other player in the industry. The dynamic market structure have new way of thinking of survival than to compete and kill each other. It is designed to analyze individual business performance. It is not considers strategies such as synergies and strategic alliances (mergers, acquisition), electronic linking of information system of all companies along a value chain, virtual enterprise-networks or others [D. Recklies]. This model also cannot assist the more complex structures of industries. The analysis cannot cope with multiple group products, by-products, and segments. And narrowing the focus only in one industry is too risky in todays corporate strategy. T his model also not yet considering that sometimes it may be possible to create new market than compete in the existing market. Nevertheless, later in his paper on 2008, he includes how technology is one factor that can greatly affect competitiveness and rivalry in an industry. Not only had that, he also included other factors such as government and complementary product that can affect the companys profitability. In this paper, he also mentioned how a change in industry structure shifts each of the five forces. In general, Porters Five Model has some limitation in todays market environment application and on its relevance with corporate strategy. In relation to corporate strategy, Porters model might be a little help for defining in which dimension or market out company wants to operate, although this dimension might be converted again once the strategy derived to business unit level. However, with all the lack Porters Five Forces had, the model is not completely obsolete to current business. Porters is an economist, so the model is basically the simple way of how he describes the microeconomics. He describes the attractiveness of the industry that is influenced by the five forces. This is also explains why the model always repeat and focusing more in profitability; for economics talks about profit maximization. Even now, business still operates in five forces framework describes by Porter. The model enable the decision maker, the managers, to think about the environment surrounding their i ndustries in a structured way, easy-to-understand way as a starting point for further analysis. Conclusion In summary, while Porters Five Forces seems less reliable concerning the current competitiveness in the industry (in terms of technology or innovations involvement), it is still manage to help strategic focus of the company in profitability and survival within the industry. The models assist more in business unit level strategy and less applicable in corporate strategy level. Corporate level strategy talks more about value which we hardly find in the Five Forces. Yet, indirectly the success in business unit level strategy supports the achievement of corporate strategy. Porters Five Forces is still relevant to current strategy planning, yet today business players must considered more things such as the growth of globalization and technology and how it will affect the other factors, if not creating its own forces. The tremendous growth of technology nowadays cant be separated in any aspects of life, and that including corporate strategy. However it might be, technology leads to innovation which will influence the every step a company have to defend its market and even expand its market. Certainly, a corporate strategy should not be carelessly made without take note of the non-market environment. In addition to that, examination on the nonmarket environment also should be conducted to support the strategy on market environment of a company. Another kind of analysis also may be needed to examine the dynamic state of markets. Porters framework becomes one of the tools in developing a strategy, maybe as a starting point, but not the most important or the only model being used. A good strategy never should use only one or few model as a basis.
Friday, October 25, 2019
People of The Great Gatsby and People of Today :: Great Gatsby Essays
People of The Great Gatsby and People of Today The young adults in F.Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby are similar to the adults of today. They show resemblance by portraying racism, irresponsibility, and corruption. Like the young adults of today many display integrity and are innocent. The people of the two generations exploit violence and have gangs and gang leaders. The generation of the 20's and the generation of the 00's exhibit irresponsibility and corruption through many characters such as Myrtle, Meyer Wolfshiem and Tom. After Myrtle bought the puppy she took no care of it at all. She never took it for walks, didn't feed it continuously, and later we find his dog leash just lying around. Tom was irresponsible and prejudice towards other races which were different form his in many instances. His irresponsibility was displayed when he was having an affair with Myrtle and not staying together with Daisy. Tom's prejudice on other races was revealed when he said, "nowadays people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions and next they'll throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between black and white,"(137). In society today many races are discriminated against because they are thought to be inferior. In school, at work, and in anyone's neighborhood there is discrimination because of the skin color and they are harassed. There was violence in the 20's with gangs and mob leaders such as Al Capone. He was a notorious racketeer who fought with other gangs. Today there are also gang crimes like in the music business there were killings of two rap artists. The killings took place because of animosity among the East Coast and the West Coast rappers. Even though there is discrimination and irresponsibility many young adults prove their integrity and assist others in the most crucial times. Everyone thought Gatsby was a killer and they were scared of him but he was compassionate. When Nick says, "They're a rotten crowd, You're worth the whole damn bunch put together,"(162), we feel the same way about him because his love for Daisy was most valuable to him. He takes the blame of Daisy for killing Myrtle even though he knows his life can be taken away in jail.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Human Trafficking – Sexual Slavery
The truth is, however, that not every human trafficking case is pulled from a Lima Nesses movie; any sexual enterprise involving foreign immigrants and underage girls regardless of whether or not it is voluntary is considered human trafficking (Baker, 2). In order to rid the world of this vulgar, damaging corporation that directly conflicts with the moral principles of freedom and self-worth, we must concentrate on spreading awareness, eradicating domestic violence and perfecting the law enforcement system.Summary If you were to meet Syrupy Chain, ;a chubby cheeked 18 year-old with an infectious laugh (Pasta,l)†, you would never guess that she was forced to have sex with hundreds of men before the age of 10. At Just seven years old, Chain was sold Into a Cambodia brothel, where she and dozens of other pre-pubescent girls were forced o have sex with at least 20 men a day (Nair) Syrupy was a victim of sexual slavery, like an estimated 12 million others worldwide.The business of b uying and selling humans is a 32 billion dollar global enterprise, and despite being illegal in virtually every country, twenty-seven million people are enslaved worldwide (Pasta, 3). Slavery, especially sexual slavery, deters natural relationships, encourages the objectification of women, prevents evolution from poverty and Isn't necessary for a country's financial or cultural survival. Sexual slavery has Its roots in family violence, power intro and monetary desperation.Though many countries such as Thailand, the unofficial child-sex capital, are attempting to crack down on the sex trade, ineffective law enforcement, financial incentives (the sex tourism industry makes millions a year in Cambodia alone) and lack of motivation prevents the industry from dying out all together (McClellan, 2). From China and Cambodia to Mexico, Sweden and our very own United States, the Sex Trafficking Industry Is rapidly escalating, becoming a major underground enterprise that crosses cultural bound aries and reiterates age- old gender struggles.Though human trafficking in the United States is a wildly ignored and taboo subject, 14,500-17,500 people are trafficked into the US annually and thousands of girls and boys are kidnapped or coerced Into different forms of slavery each year (Baker, 2). The CIA estimates that 30,000-50,000 of these trafficking victims are sex slaves (Landsman, 2) and the MGM, the Negotiation and Conflict Management Group, states that 100,000 children US children are victims of commercialese sex exploitation each year (Baker, 2).Many of these prostituted children are victims of domestic abuse, growing up in broken homes and depending on pimps as father surges. Pimps ensnare such young girls by gaining their trust, supplying the love that was devoid at home and utilizing the girl's new-found dependence to manipulate r Nine typical age AT a sex tracking volt Is plummeting; In ten past most girls were in their late teens or early ass's, but now the average g irl is from 12 to 14 years- old (Landsman, 6).The life of a US prostitute is wildly dangerous and harmful to the development of under-aged girls; the victims are put through strenuous mental and physical abuse by their financially motivated pimps, the recent demand for violent ND aggressive sex causing the occupation to become more damaging than ever (Landsman, 6). Often times, if these girls escape and return to their families, they aren't accepted back into their communities and the girls return to the only home they know – their pimp.Even when offered help by organizations such as GEMS (Girls Education and Mentoring Service), many victims slip back into â€Å"the life†due to their lack of confidence and dependence on their pimp. Because they were forced into the business at such a young age, it's their only way of supporting themselves (Very Young Girls). Each one of these factors prevents American sex slaves from rising to a good life that benefits society and pro ves that damaging effects of the US sex industry.While American trafficking is not as well publicized as its foreign counterparts, the entire enterprise reveals deep rooted issues such as domestic violence and poverty that prohibit demolishing the sex industry. Sex slavery is rampant in Asian countries such as Thailand and Cambodia, resulting in the sexual exploit of underage girls and debt-oriented imprisonment. Prostitution makes up 59-60% of Thailand government budget each year (McClellan, 1), whilst there Asian countries have numbers in similar ranges.Though trafficking laws are in place throughout the cotangent, the poverty and financial desperation of local authorities inhibits the prevention of such issues (McClellan, 4). Unlike America, Asian pimps and brothel owners rarely lure girls into their enterprises using charm or love, but rather prey on needy parents by offering Jobs in the city, a better life or sometimes Just a good deal (Luggage, 2). There are prostitutes in Cam bodia and 35% are minors (Landsman, 4).Boys and girls as young as infants are sold into sex slavery, where they are kept in miniscule, dungeon like rooms with remises of freedom at the completion of their contract. Children are often times forced to have sex dozens of times a day with strangers, burnt, cut and abused at the slightest mention of protest (Landsman, 4). Asian countries place an extremely high value on virginity, believing that intercourse with a virgin perpetuates youth and heals medical ailments (Luggage, 3).Unfortunately, this results in Sais's title as the child sex capital of the world.. The life expectancy of a prostitute in Cambodia is around twenty-eight, while 20% of the girls are HIVE positive, a statistic that cannot be reified since the majority of sex workers never get a blood test (McClellan, 4). The prostitutes, both child and adult, are nothing but commodities; they are so ubiquitous that they have become disposable and often killed when they cease to be useful (McClellan, 2).Due to this, Asia has huge gender imbalances, lack of financial opportunities for half of its people and little chance of rising from third-world status. From pedophilia to squalid conditions and absolute slavery, the Asian sex slavery system is one of the most dangerous and harmful worldwide. Though the Cambodia and Thai sex industry are well publicized in terms of brothels ND local men, sex tourism, â€Å"tourism organized with the primary purpose of facilitating the effecting of a commercial-sexual relationship with a child,†is a largely unreleased student (Song, 1).Every year, tonnages AT adults travel ten globe to sexually exploit children as young as 5 years old, while many more stumble upon such opportunities while traveling for business or pleasure (Nair). According to the International Labor Organization, countries such as Thailand, India and the Philippians report that 2 – 14% of their gross domestic product comes from sex tourism and other related fields (Nair). This horrible industry that includes 2 million children is ubiquitous in beautiful, well-traveled countries with widespread poverty (Song, 2).Young girls with desperate parents and lack of educational opportunities are often tricked or sold into the sex tourism industry with no idea what awaits the (Nair). Another major issue in ending sex tourism is the Internet; sellers and pimps can put online profiles of their victims, while foreign sex tourists can exchange locations, stories and tips (Nair). A mere Google search turns up horrific information on what awaits the average sex tourist in Thailand; meticulous details describing the co's and don't of the Patty Sex Scene.The website describes the dangers of trusting the women, wearing watches, giving them tips or treating them as anything less than whore's, while encouraging the adventurous sex tourist to experiment with gabbros and nude shows (so the buyer â€Å"knows what he's going to get†) and t ake extra cash to compensate for the unavoidable â€Å"sex-crazes†(wry. Mayhap. Com). Deeper exploration into the website reveals details on Soapy Massage Parlors, a Thai Sex Tourism Attraction that involves huge quantities of highly trained, pre-pubescent girls using their bodies to engage in a fantasy world of bubbles and sex Wyandotte. Mom). Though most sex industries remain within a single country o continental region, the sex tourism industry causes conflict between countries and changes the relationships that they would otherwise have had. The entire industry degrades females and children, abuses multicultural boundaries and continues the cycle of gender imbalances. Unlike American and Asian countries, Eastern Europe depends on promises a better future to lure potential victims into the sex trade. It is estimated by European Union Nations that there are over 500,000 women in prostitution in Europe (Kristin).Traffickers use fictional Jobs as models or nannies in the US to lure girls into the system, often times paying their own air fare and giving up their passports. In most cases the women are then held captive in transition countries such as Mexico, waiting to be moved into the United States and sold into sex slavery (Landsman, 2). Prostitution was very rare in the Soviet Union up until about 22 years ago, when the communist government fell and the country was cast into poverty (Landsman, 5). A a result, many young women turned to the prospects available in the US (Landless 2).Though many women were aware that prostitution could be involved in the opportunities offered, the glorified ideas of solicitation presented in movies like Pre Women (a top 10 movie in the area) shielded the truth of a horrid industry (Kristin). Once the girls were bought by a pimp they would have to be â€Å"broken in†. This is terrifying process used to mentally break down the girls' dignity and force them to resign too life of sex slavery. In many cases the child ren are locked in a basement squalid conditions, they are kept cold and starving, and they are beaten and raped their captors.Spherical items are forced down the little girls' throats to retract their gag reflex, and honey is put on John's penises as a training mechanism for girls undo ten age AT / (Linesman, 4) once ten gulls are phonically Ana mentally Drunken down they are ready to be transported to other locations for work (Landsman, 4). European trafficking is especially dangerous due to the unpredictability of victims, the danger it poses to inter-cultural relationships and the images it reiterates of women as second-class citizens.While Eastern European traffickers often kidnap and mislead their victims, Mexican imps, often known as â€Å"Los Lemons†, rely on charm and young women's desperation to find El Norte to lure them into the United States. Though in most other countries pimps work alone or in pairs, Mexican pimps work in larger family groups, selling and exchan ging with other well-known brothels and organizations (Landsman, 3). Los Lemons begin their training at the age of 12, when they are pulled out of school and given a girl of similar age to rape and pimp out.In such a family hierarchy system, the father or grandfather is in charge of the organizational aspects, while older sons and cousins hunt, kidnap and entrap victims (Landsman, 3). Los Lemons wait at bus stops and school dances, befriending young girls and pursuing them as suitors, much like American pimps enamored potential victims (Chin). After the initial introduction period, the results are thoroughly predictable – the girls are drugged, raped and taken to brothels in major cities like Tangoing, Mexico City or the United States (Landsmen, 3).However, these issues are constantly reiterating, as Mexican officials â€Å"see sex trafficking as a U. S. Problem†(Landsman, 4). Over the years, Mexican pimps have taken tips from European traffickers by setting up a sexu al introduction system. Young prostitutes (some of them as young as 4) are kept in underground stalls divided by frayed curtains, mentally abused by women and raped by cheap Johns in 15 minutes intervals for 20 hour a day (Landsman, 4). While the American system relies on simply having girls, Mexicans, like Europeans, depend on emotionally degrading and physically breaking them.Once the girls have completed their training, the most talented' are sold to American pimps or local tourist hot spots (Landsman, 4). Though many countries with prominent sex industries cater to Americans, Mexican slavery is an issue that must be taken seriously without placing he blame on American influence. Though the sex trafficking industry is an old and dangerous system, it can be compensated for through media coverage, careful police work and international policies.From Cambodia and Europe to Mexico and the United States, human trafficking ruins lives, destroys relationships, seals social stereotypes an d inhibits development from poverty. The tradition of women's bodies being traded and sold is a common one, but careful work can prevent it from continuing. Eventually, children will be able to attend school instead of brothels; women in 3rd world countries will e able to have Jobs and countries will be able to develop past a world where violence, trafficking and crime are the main forms of finances. Argue Prostitution and sexual slavery are common motifs in modern culture; from Grand Theft Auto and Blockbuster action films to dingy street corners and clothing styles, the sex trade is ever present in our world. Though most people accept that prostitution is wrong, it is hard to define why. The fact is that all people have the right to be free from slavery. The concept that one human can be owned by another disagrees with the principles that our country was founded on. Secondly, the sex industry is degrading to women and prevents the enslaved from developing as individuals.Though it may seem like a line straight from Opera's daily talk show, the truth is that all people have the right to confidence and a positive self-image. In reality, sex slavery prevents the development of individuals and societies due to its conflict with the basic moral principles of freedom and self worth. Among the undeniable human rights imposed on all people is the right to freedom. All over the world, millions of men and women are being denied their essential right to freedom and being forced to work against their will.In the Declaration of Independence, the fundamental document that our country was founded on, the writers state that â€Å"†¦ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Professor). †A huge flaw in the moral makeup of the sex industry is that, among the unalienable rights every person is granted are â€Å"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Such goals cannot be procured through the life of a slave, for whom the idea of pursuing their win dreams is almost as outlandish as the notion of freedom. Freedom and the triumph it brings are hugely important to the success of a nation. When people are given the creative license to think and thrive without being subordinate to another individual, society can develop new ideas and have a more successful population. While Socrates once said, an â€Å"unexamined life is not worth living†(Rosenberg, 21).Individuals who do not even have the means to examine their own lives have little chance to flourish. Therefore, the sex trade directly contrasts with the fundamental unman right of freedom and should be eliminated. Self esteem, defined as a realistic respect for yourself (dictionary. Com), is an essential right that all humans should have. Part of having a devoted sense of self worth is having the confidence to demand your rights, make your own choices about your body and stand strong in the face of adversity.The sexual, physical and mental manipulations of others, practices that are routine in the sex industry, are major catalysts in self esteem issues of under-age girls such as not valuing their bodies as their own and viewing them self as subordinate. In fact, the entire industry depends alertly on ten velum's Initially to anemia wages Ana Treetop, consulting themselves to unfair conditions and inhumane practices. Pimps repeatedly beat and rape girls until their self confidence is entirely shattered and they are ready to work, ensuring that their internal respect does not intervene with subordination.Confidence is key to achieving goals, continuing education and pursuing happiness, and as Robert Collier said, mirror chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself (Coppersmith). †People who achieve aret, hat trust their instincts and push boundaries ge t much further in the world than those that are ambivalent about their life and don't believe in themselves. Unfortunately, the sex industry and it's extremely merciless customs prevent girls from overcoming boundaries and burdens, their agony, and thriving as individuals.Just as lack of liberty prevents the development of a society, it is crucial to the success of society that girls are free, confident and able to thrive In reality, sex slavery prevents the development of individuals and societies due to its conflict with the basic moral principles of freedom and the right to self worth. Every day, millions of people are denied their freedom and fundamental rights, but unable to take charge and fight due to their depleted sense of self worth. This vicious cycle perpetuates sex slavery and prevents individuals from developing and reaching their aret, or full potential.The huge toll sex slavery is taking on the economies of various countries worldwide demonstrates the magnitude of su ch a crisis, and issues a silent plea of help to the general public. Eliminating the sex trade is an ambitious mission that may seem impossible but is so crucial to societal success that it cannot be swept under the rug. Though there are many sides of the human trafficking crisis, it is important to concentrate on three major categories; domestic violence, media and law enforcement. Domestic violence prohibits the development of self confidence and provides an initial incentive to Join the sex industry.Secondly, an unknown problem cannot be solved and it is thus vitally important to publicize the truths that ignored by the general public. Finally, employing a politically correct and moral legal system that prosecutes Johns and provides support for victims of sex slavery helps eradicate the remaining trafficking inns. By paying attention to family life, spreading information on the sex industry and utilizing proper legal systems the sex industry will be well on its way to abolition. Domestic violence, ever-present in poverty stricken regions of the US, is a huge contributor to the sex trafficking crisis.Just as self-worth aids success, women with low esteem due to family friction are much more likely to fall prey to pimps or manipulative men. Domestic abuse, which can be categorized as physical, sexual, mental or neglectful ill-treatment, drastically alters an individual's abilities to thrive. Common side effects of childhood abuse are often â€Å"fear, anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, inappropriate sexual behavior, poor self esteem, tendency toward substance abuse and difficulty with close relationships†(Farley) and thus inhibit the victim's ability to thrive.Individuals who cannot form normal relationships, who abuse substances, are sexually inappropriate and depressed tend to fall easy to pimps who provide relationship substitutes for such unstable individuals. After all, 95% of teenaged prostitutes were abused as children (Farley) and 60 milli on survivors live worldwide (Farley). I nuns, It Is crucial to laminate mostly violence Ana supply potential victims with the skills to cope with adversity and the self-confidence to stand up for themselves.An active social service system is essential to eliminating domestic violence; having a system to check in on children and families and place them in safe foster homes are necessary to end domestic violence. After all, 80% of girls in the foster system are sexually abused (CAW, Sex Trafficking) and attention to such placements helps prevent potential victims from entering the cycle and developing substance abuse issues, fear, anxiety and relationship problems.Another important step is training teachers to recognize the signs of abuse such as excessive sadness, sudden social anxiety, strange bruises and odd parental encounters (Helped). If teachers educate about family life in school and update social services on troubled children, potential victims can be removed from toxic envir onments before the develop the characteristics that aid the sex industry and prevent them for attaining a normal life. Finally, mandatory support groups for victims of domestic ill- treatment help girls mend their wounds and learn to develop the confidence the need to thrive.Overall, the keys to ending domestic violence lie in developing a comprehensive social service system and paying attention to victims who may need help. A huge obstruction to the demolition of the sex industry is the lack of media coverage the crisis receives. When a hundred people were asked details about human trafficking, 70% knew it existed but very few knew anything else, let alone that it's present in the US (CAW, Violence at Home). The truth is, sex slavery cannot be stopped until the American people are tuned into the reality of such a gruesome enterprise.Honestly, media and public speakers have a huge impact on the average American – A Million Little Pieces, the drug-addiction memoir of James Fre y, had hardly BE SPECIFIC sold 10 copies when Opera featured it in her monthly book club and before the end of the year the sales averaged $3. 8 million (Wyatt). Regardless of the legitimacy of the novel, it brought massive amounts of publicity to the drug crisis and was a pioneer in addiction honesty. In reality, media proves time and again to be a priceless tool that cannot be underestimated in the quest to end trafficking.Though television often portrays prostitutes as manipulative temptresses who sell homeless for their own financial gain, the truth is that most are frightened, underage girls who are sold, coerced or forced into the sex industry. In reality, the average new prostitute is 13 years old (Landsman) and 90% of prostituted women are managed by pimps (Beveling Gibe, 1987). And while that 10% of women may appear to work willingly, the truth is that the universal abuse of sex workers proves the fact that â€Å"sex slaves†and prostitutes†are often one in th e same.It is thus crucial that we utilize media to help end the sex crisis, initially by correcting the modern mage of prostitution in film and television. Instead of portraying them as willing, the reality of the sex industry should be shown in movies and TV shows alike. If CNN and BBC broadcasted sex trafficking cases and let the public know that many prostitutes are underage and working against their will, the entire enterprise would be more likely to condone? In addition to this, it is important that an overview of sex slavery be included in the high school Sex De classes.According to Benedict Berne, speaker at the Conference of World Affairs at CUE Boulder, the world should get to a place where ten not AT Dulling sex Is almost as Torrent as ten not AT segregating cocoons Day race†(CAW, Human Trafficking). Finally, it is crucial to supply media coverage on the truths of street life and ensure teenagers have a realistic perspective on the ordeal. Sadly, modern misconceptio ns that portray the street as a good life, causing an estimated 1. 6 million kids to run away from their troubled families (Determinate).Runaways act as a huge feeder to the sex industry, and 1/3 of all runaways turn to prostitution and pornography for survival within the first 48 hours (Thinkers). In order to demolish the sex industry, it is crucial to publicize the realities of sex slavery, develop in-school programs to spread awareness and prevent the runaway epidemic from increasing. Law enforcement plays a key role in the elimination of sex slavery. Even if every humanitarian group does all in their power to console SP victims and spread awareness, the trafficking system cannot be thoroughly eradicated without a comprehensive law enforcement system.The modern misconceptions that were previously discussed cause law enforcement officials to prosecute the victims and ignore the true perpetrators. Many people, including cops, see prostitution as consensual whilst the majority of su ch workers are underage and coerced into the business. This leads to unresponsive law enforcement systems that concentrate on the wrong aspects of the sex industry and prevent the admonishment of prostitution. A former victim of sex slavery, Rosetta Minified, reported that â€Å"cops didn't help, when they busted me with Johns they told the guys to ‘get the hell out of there' and put cuffs on me and laughed at me.They called me a bitchy and ‘a disease ridden crack head†(Hunter, 2). To avoid such miscommunication it is crucial that police are properly introduced to he sex industry and given strict orders on how to treat those under suspicion of solicitation. Teaching introduction courses to sexual slavery and solicitation would help police prosecute the real criminals who perpetuate the sex industry and prevent demolition. Secondly, it is vital that the protection laws for underage prostitutes are enforced and mandatory therapy programs need to be put in place for the girls to be enrolled in.The programs, which vary in details between countries, tend to orient around teaching the girls basic skills and redeveloping their self-esteem. In a Cambodia clinic for underage sex slaves, the recovery process revolves around â€Å"the girls living at the center, which is run by a former victim of sex slavery named Somali Mama, and attending a nearby school, as well as learning Job skills like sewing and hairstyling†(Nair). If local authorities require therapy programs for ex-prostitutes, it will help portray them as victims and prevent their re-entry into the business.Finally, establishing a system that protects underage sex slaves from being prosecuted is vital to ending the sex trade system. The fact that a twelve year-old having sex with a hairy year-old man is considered rape but if money is exchanged the girl, who would otherwise be considered a victim, is thrown in Jail is preposterous (Landsman, 21). Due to this situation's immoral param eters a Safe Harbor system was created under which the purchase of sex is illegal while the sale is not. The Safe Harbor act, originating in Sweden but spreading quickly worldwide, proved to be very successful.It has now spread to US states such as New York and Pennsylvania (Nair). Because of this, more legal concentration is put on prosecuting the Johns rather than the victims. Therefore, a major asset in ending the sex trade industry is through careful law enticement, tannery programs Ana creating a legal system Tanat prosecutes ten buyers of sex. Regardless of the state or country in question, worldwide sex trafficking is a major international issue that prevents the development of societies both financially and culturally.Until the sex industry crisis common knowledge to the average person, domestic violence is drastically reduced and the law enforcement system is effective and legitimate, the entire enterprise cannot be ended. This will give governments the accessory means to d eal with trafficking rings that pop up in the near future. Like Polio, small pox and other eradicated diseases, the sex industry will be simple keep under control even when new trafficking rings begin to develop.The sizeable goal of ending the sexual exploitation can be achieved with persistence, will power and motivation of the people. In order to rid the world of the human trafficking system, a damaging corporation that directly conflicts with the moral principles of freedom and self-worth, we must concentrate on spreading awareness, eradicating domestic violence and perfecting the law enforcement system. Sexual human trafficking, a multi-cultural enterprise whose financial value ranks in the billions and for whom violence and abuse are the norm, is a hugely undervalued crisis in America.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Under What Circumstances May a Person Be Criminally Liable for a Failure to Act?
General principleThere is no general liability for failure to act under the common law of England and Wales. A crime can be committed by omission, but there can be no omission in law in the absence of a duty to act. The general basis for imposing liability in criminal law is that the defendant must be proved to have committed a guilty act whilst having had a guilty state of mind. The physical elements are collectively called the actus reus and the accompanied mental state is called the mens rea.Liability for omissionsThe general rule is that there can be no liability for failing to act, unless at the time of the failure to act the defendant was under a legal duty to take positive action. ‘’Unless a statute specifically so provides, or †¦.the common law impose a duty upon a person to act in a particular way towards another†¦ a mere omission to act cannot lead to criminal liability’’.(R Vs Miller[1983]1 All ER 978.) A positive duty to act exists in the following circumstances:(a)Duty arising from statute Liability for failing to act will be imposed where the defendant can be shown to have been under a statutory duty to take positive action. A leading example of such a case is provided by the children and Young Persons Act 1933, which creates the offence of wilfully neglecting a child. Hence by simply failing to provide food for the child or failing to obtain appropriate medical care a parent could be held criminally liable for any harm that results. (Greener Vs DPP[1996] The Times, Feb. 15,1996).(b)Duty arising from a ContractWhere a person is under a positive duty to act because of his obligations under a contract, his failure to perform the contractual duty in question can form the basis of criminal liability. (R Vs Pittwood [1902] 19 TLR 37).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages Essay Research Paper Example
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages Essay Research Paper Example Freud’s Psychosexual Stages Essay Paper Freud’s Psychosexual Stages Essay Paper The theory of psychosexual development describes how personality develops throughout our childhood and our experiences during childhood. This theory was developed by Freud. and is good known to the universe of psychological science. Even though it is good known it is besides considered one of the most controversial theories. Freud developed this theory in which there are five different phases. Phase one is considered the unwritten phase. This phase starts at the birth of the kid and ends when the kid turns one. During this phase the infant gets the bulk of their interactions through their oral cavity. The rooting and suction physiological reactions are really of import during this phase because their oral cavities are critical for eating. Most if non all babies derive pleasance from unwritten stimulation through satisfying activities such as tasting and suction. During this phase the kid develops a sense of trust and comfort because the caretaker/parents are responsible for eatings. The primary struggle during this phase is seeking to ablactate the kid off because the kid has to go less dependent of the caretaker/parent. : Phase two is the anal phase. This phase begins when the kid turns one and ends one time the kid is three old ages old. Freud believes that during this phase the primary focal point of the libido is to larn to command vesica and intestine motions. The major struggle of this phase is toilet preparation because he child must larn to command his/her bodily demands. Once the kid has developed such control they get a sense of achievement and independency. But. success at this phase is dependent upon the parents approach to potty preparation and this phase is more successful when congratulationss and wagess are given. Stage three s the phallic phase and the erogenous zone is the genital. This phase begins one time the kid turns three and ends one time the kid turns six old ages old. During the phallic phase the libidos primary focal point is the genitalias. It’s at this age that kids begin to detect the difference between males and females. Freud believes that male childs. in this phase. get down to see their male parent as a challenger for their mother’s fondness. The Oedipus complex describes the feelings that Freud says the male childs go through during this phase. These male childs besides fear they will be punished by their male parents so Freud termed this fright emasculation anxiousness. Stage four is considered the laten period. This phase occurs from the age six to puberty. During this phase the involvement of the libido are suppressed. The development of the child’s self-importance and superego contribute to this period of composure. This phase begins merely around the clip that kids are get downing school and are going more concerned with peer relationships. avocations. and other involvements. This phase is really of import to the development of societal. communicating accomplishments. and self assurance. Stage five of the psychosexual development theory is the venereal phase. The erogenous zone of this phase is maturating sexual involvement. This is the concluding phase of psychosexual s=development. and during this phase the single develops a strong sexual involvement in the opposite sex. This phase will merely stop one time person dies. During this phase the involvement and public assistance of others grows. The end of this phase is to set up a balance between assorted countries of life. After analyzing this theory. I now see why it is one of the most controversial theories. This theory topographic points much of its focal point on males an really rarely references the development of females. Freud’s theories can besides be really hard to prove ; for illustration. constructs that Freud uses such as the libido can non be tested and are impossible to mensurate. New research being done frequently discredits Freud’s work. Freud’s anticipations are besides really obscure. and is based upon instance surveies about grownup patients and their remembrances of their childhood non existent observation and survey of kids.
Monday, October 21, 2019
clockwork orange essays
clockwork orange essays Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, which was adapted from Anthony Burgess's novella, is referred to as an example of "ultraviolent" text. This film should not be viewed as pornographic or lewd, as it has been seen in the past, but should be seen for it's artistic value. Often times the viewer of the film sees only what is place directly in front of his/her eyes. Dissecting A Clockwork Orange would be beneficial to the watcher because it is one of the most artistic films in it's time. The idea of a clockwork orange is to raise moral issues of a human being. Many times this theme is overlooked while watching the movie. Anthony Burgess explains the defintion of a clockwork orange as well as the theme of his novel in the preface he published in modern american texts: "...a human being is endowed with free will. He can use this to choose between good and evil. If he can only perform good or only perform evil, then he is a clockwork orange meaning that he has the appearance of an organism lovely with colour and juice but is in fact only a clockwork toy to be wound by God or the Devil or (since this is increasingly replacing both) the Almighty State. It is as inhuman to be totally good as it is to be totally The scenes are constructed in a musical-esque ideal. The violence is choreographed to music. In contrast to most controversial movies, we see these heinous acts performed by Alex, the protagonist, as art in motion and, in some cases, even feel appreciation for them. The viewer never sees the outcome of his victims. We never see how Alex has affected them. Violence is made light of in this film until it turns on Alex. Then the viewer sees how violence can affect one person, Alex. The viewer has connected with Alex throughout the entire film, so when this occurs we feel hatred for the An eye motif is dominant throughout the film and makes prolific use of close...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Aspects of British Culture
Aspects of British Culture Aspects of British Culture What is culture? Is it the language we speak, overall ethnicity in a region, or the simple customs of a daily routine? Culture is something we are all a part of whether we like it or not. Your family may have certain customs and routines. This is culture. In this research paper I will be analyzing British culture in four categories: history, ethnicity, customs, and also the future direction of British Culture. How did Britain become so rich in culture? Well Britain certainly did not just appear one day. The name of the country and the term â€Å"English†derive from the Old English word for one of the three Germanic Peoples that invaded the British Isles in the 5 th century (Countries and Their Cultures). The Angles â€Å"Britain†and â€Å"British†derive from a Roman Term for the inhabitants (Countries and Their Cultures). In fact, written records of British History do not exist until the arrival of the Romans (J.P. Dommerville). Be fore the arrival of the Romans, there is only archaeological evidence of Britain’s inhabitants (J.P. Sommerville). The earliest inhabitants of Britain for whom there is compelling evidence are bands of hunters living in Southern and Western England during the Hoxnian (J.P. Sommerville). Many peoples make up the rich history of British Culture. There were many immigrants that came to found The United Kingdom. Their genes still walk the grounds today. Just like America this country was founded, and made by immigrants from many different backgrounds. Like many cultures, there are different peoples whom make up the general ethnicity. British Culture is no exception to this understanding. Britain or the U.K. known to others is located in Western Europe, islands including the northern one-sixth of the island of Ireland between the North Atlantic Ocean, and the North Sea, northwest of France (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The capital of the United Kingdom is London (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The population is roughly 60, 766, 238 people; with an ethnic make-up of White, Black, Indian, Pakistani, Mixed, and Other (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The White Population is composed of: 83.6% English, 8.6% Scottish, 4.9% Welsh, and 2.9% Northern Irish (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The other ethnic populations are composed of: 2% Black, 1.8% Indian, 1.3% Pakistani, 1.2% Mixed, and 1.6% Other (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). As you can see, all of these different ethnicities will definitely impact culture. So what customs will follow this diverse cultural background? Many people may assume that British Culture is defined with scones and tea, or the rich writings of Shakespeare; however it is not like this at all. There are many customs that British people practice, that Americans or any other type of nationality may find odd. Many customs are a ssociated with the annual climate, and British Culture is once again no exception. The annual climate of the United Kingdom has temperatures that are moderated by southwest winds over the North Atlantic Current, and more than one-half of the days are overcast (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The U.K. is also home to a constitutional monarchy (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). Although there is no defined official language due to the diverse cultural background, the primary language is English (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). About 70% of the population speaks English (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). Other languages that are frequently spoken include: Welsh, Irish, Ulster Scots, Cornish, Gaelic, and British Sign Language (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The United Kingdom is comprised of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). Now all of these countries share a common thing, and that is to address a person from a country properly. For instance, English and British do not mean the same thing (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The term â€Å"British†, denotes someone who is from England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). The term â€Å"English†, refers to people from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland (UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette). People from different countries want to be known for what they are; another example is people from Scotland are identified as â€Å"Scots†. People from Wales are identified as â€Å"Welsh†. People from Northern Ireland are identified as â€Å"Irish†(UK – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business Management and Organizational Behavior Assignment
Business Management and Organizational Behavior - Assignment Example The factors that Jasper Hennings need to think about while settling on his course of action are culture of the business, values and beliefs which are being followed, management and employee aspects of the organization. Jasper Hennings also needs to consider the mental status of the employees while committing the offense. He requires holding up a session with the guilty employee, talking about the issues and the motive behind the actions. Jasper Hennings needs to judge all of his employees similarly and biasness should be strictly avoided in the prevailing scenario while judging and making a decision about the course of action with Henry Darger (Richard, L. D. & Marcic, D., â€Å"Understanding Management†). In the Rio Grande Supply Company, the expressed cultural values and beliefs include honesty, integrity and a reverence for every individual employee. In addition to the expressed culture values and beliefs, other subconscious values and beliefs include interest, motivation, trust and the adopted norms. In Rio Grande Supply Company, conflicting norms and values are present. Henry Darger, the chief of operations, has been found to be guilty as he violated company’s internet policy and used internet to surf certain unauthorized sites. The policy clearly stated that none of the employees are allowed to use the Rio Grange’s computers for everything except the business related purposes. Beside this, Henry Darger is being hypocritical towards an employee as he fired the lady employee for her offense. However, he himself is identified to be violating the company’s policy and it raised conflict between the norms and the ethical values of working culture, as watching adul t pornography related sites in working hours at office is strictly offensive. And, any failure to follow the rules and policy would hamper the image of the company. Henry Darger being one of the administrative members should
Success in Modern Labor Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Success in Modern Labor Market - Essay Example Under conditions of globalization it is possible to reflect one’s abilities from different prospects. We live at interesting times and we are fascinated by the diversities of the modern globalized world. Thesis statement: labor market of the 21st century is a new way for employees’ treatment, to their performance, which is based on their personal interests and concerns, which, if respected by the company, are perfectly integrated with the main goals and values of the company. The vision about the modern labor market changed and the vision about success has changed as well. With regards to the immense opportunities of self-development, it is possible to position oneself as he wants in a social sphere and play for example a role of a perfect wife, mother or housekeeper and at the same time remain a successful employee. Such options are provided by numerous companies, such as Google Plexes, for example. Different opportunities may lead to integration of culturally diverse employees and work in the name of a perfect conglomerate development. Modern developments in economics To begin with, it is necessary to outline current developments in the context of modern employment practices. Employers are no more interested in manufacturing employment or knowledge-based occupations. Nowadays each employer chooses the best individual, whose skills are endless and whose imaginative thinking may open a global horizon for future development. There is a need to invest in capable and talented workforce in order to succeed globally. For modern companies success means keeping catching up with the rest of companies internationally. Employees in the global market are characterized by flexibility and their ability to catch up with the changing norms and processes in the labor market. Such features as initiative, energy drive, mental sturdiness, and emotional stability, creative thinking, striving for perfection, inspiration and many other features are dominant. Therefore, it is relevant to focus on different tendencies in the labor market internationally in order to make some conclusions about the best ways to succeed. Performativity On the example of case study about Egyptian women, performativity option as the right way to success will be considered further on. Women in this country have witnessed that currently they have numerous opportunities for their self-development, realization of their career inspirations etc. Labor participation of Egyptian women is on halt, though in their academic performance they have higher rates in comparison with Egyptian men (Hassanien, 2010). Unfortunately, Egyptian women are often characterized as â€Å"women at leisure†, because there is a too high barer for gender-work interplay in Egypt. In terms of gender performativity it should be noted that case with Egypt is interesting and resonance. They have creative thinking, imaginative potential, good credentials and degrees but they do not have their jobs or well-paid jobs. It means that Egyptian labor market requires restandartization in accordance with global labor market needs. Moreover, there is an option to show that it is possible to reach success in this country in the labor market. Such a successful entrepreneur is Azza Fahmy. She is one of the leading jewelry designers in the Middle East. She has combined her innovative and creative thinking and her craftsman skills. In the result she became the CEO of Azza Fahmy Jewellery. Earlier this
Different types of financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Different types of financial statements - Essay Example A balance sheet helps a company in analyzing its current financial position vis-à -vis any other time period. A balance sheet most important for the management of a firm. The second important financial statement used is the income statement also known as profit and loss statement. The income statement is generally prepared at the end of a time period such as a quarter or a year. It gives information of the total income earned during the period and its sources. It also lists the various expenses. The difference of the two is used to calculate gross margin and net profit. Based on income statement companies take decisions on dividend declaration and future investment plans. The income statement is most significant for the investors of a firm. Cash flow statement is the third important financial statement. It helps a company to analyze the cash flows financial, operating and investment activities. This financial statement is important to understand the availability of working capital for a firm. Cash flow statement is very significant for the creditors of a firm. The fourth financial statement used is the statement of retained earnings. This statement depicts the changes in the title rights of equities if there are any. This is the least used of the four financial statements. It is also called as statement of shareholders’ equity as it calculates the money that will be left with a company after selling its assets and fulfilling its
Thursday, October 17, 2019
California Should Have Stricter Divorce Laws Essay
California Should Have Stricter Divorce Laws - Essay Example This skyrocketing number of divorces has resulted in greater numbers of children being separated from one of their parents and cast into an uncertain future. More importantly, California has made divorce such an easy process that it now suffers from a culture of divorce that is void of personal commitment, places career and finance ahead of relationships, and needs to be reformed to make divorces in California a more deliberate process. A major breakdown in marriage that is caused by easy divorce is the breakdown in the trust and commitment that a couple needs to exist as equal partners. This breakdown begins way before a problem in the marriage surfaces. The easy dissolution of a marriage dilutes the traditional marriage vows and leaves them as little more than a casual agreement. When both spouses live with the anxiety created by the knowledge that the marriage can end at any time, and for no good reason, couples are less likely to invest in their relationship. They may be more reluctant to invest in property or children. A difficult, and more thoughtful approach, to divorce could help restore the belief necessary to remove the uneasiness of living with the thought that your spouse is in no way contractually bound to the you. I think it would also be a significant sign to the children that commitment, promises, and sacred vows have a purpose. It is generally held true that children suffer the most in a divorce. Initially they are impacted by the separation from one of their parents and a confused notion that it may have been their fault. Divorced couples that I have known have greater financial problems that directly impact the children. These parents sharing custody, or with single custody, find less time to involve themselves in the child's life. The child may participate in fewer outside the home activities and have less connection with their social environment. I don't believe that remarriage and step-parenting can ever replace the bond of the biological parents in the minds of the children. These difficulties will follow the child through their life and result in alienation and very little faith in the institution of marriage. While children are taught that commitment has less value in a relationship than the convenience of easy separation, the easy divorce laws reinforce the idea in the minds of adults. Making a career choice or a wish to make a geographical move may break up a marriage. If personal fulfillment outweighs the trust that the partner has invested in the relationship, the jilted spouse will be left with the haunting fear of intimacy. They have come into the institution of marriage with uncertainty and leave it with the certainty of mistrust and betrayal. I think that these issues could be addressed by making the laws on divorce stricter in its requirements that lead into the legal finalities. I think stricter laws on divorce would help insure that the intent of marriage is not at the mercy of whimsical personal preferences. Often, these career or personal preferences are a short-term divergence outside the relationship. They may offer a future that appears to be rosier than it will eventually be. Thoughts of infidelity may wane with time, counseling, or reexamination. However, a quick and easy divorce eliminates any possibility of
Oakland, Illinois - a Typical American Town Statistics Project
Oakland, Illinois - a Typical American Town - Statistics Project Example The ethnic composition of the Oakland city is 98.20% Whites, 1.20% African American, 0.50% Native American, and 0.10% from other races. Latino or Hispanic of any race was just 0.90% of the entire populace (American Towns 1). The mean income for a family unit in the metropolis was US$ 38,167, and the mean income for a household was US$ 34,038. Men have a mean income of US$ 29,342 against $20,577 for women (American Towns 1). The â€Å"per head†income for the metropolitan was $15,964. Roughly 8.8% of households along with 10.8% of the population were underneath the poverty line, comprising of also 20.2% of those below age 18, as well as 7.6% of those above the age 65 (American Towns 1).The city, which was platted, in 1833, is a very small, like most, with a post office, high priced grocery stores, and gas stations being the majority of businesses. The filling stations mostly cater to travelers who pass by to fill their vehicles although the town citizens are also frequent clien ts. The city has a total of five grocery stores. The only good thing concerning these grocery stores is that they sell food, which is produced from the state alone. Oakland is one of those towns where everyone knows everyone, and there are no secrets between individuals. It can, in reality, be a good thing when everyone knows you, but also a bad thing when everyone is in your business. It takes away the privacy of someone. Another thing that can be seen in Oakland is the small schools and also the small classroom sizes. Even if, the populace of the town is small, at least the government should consider increasing the size of their classrooms in order for their children to learn properly. These classes feel literary like confinement (American Towns 1).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Different types of financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Different types of financial statements - Essay Example A balance sheet helps a company in analyzing its current financial position vis-à -vis any other time period. A balance sheet most important for the management of a firm. The second important financial statement used is the income statement also known as profit and loss statement. The income statement is generally prepared at the end of a time period such as a quarter or a year. It gives information of the total income earned during the period and its sources. It also lists the various expenses. The difference of the two is used to calculate gross margin and net profit. Based on income statement companies take decisions on dividend declaration and future investment plans. The income statement is most significant for the investors of a firm. Cash flow statement is the third important financial statement. It helps a company to analyze the cash flows financial, operating and investment activities. This financial statement is important to understand the availability of working capital for a firm. Cash flow statement is very significant for the creditors of a firm. The fourth financial statement used is the statement of retained earnings. This statement depicts the changes in the title rights of equities if there are any. This is the least used of the four financial statements. It is also called as statement of shareholders’ equity as it calculates the money that will be left with a company after selling its assets and fulfilling its
Oakland, Illinois - a Typical American Town Statistics Project
Oakland, Illinois - a Typical American Town - Statistics Project Example The ethnic composition of the Oakland city is 98.20% Whites, 1.20% African American, 0.50% Native American, and 0.10% from other races. Latino or Hispanic of any race was just 0.90% of the entire populace (American Towns 1). The mean income for a family unit in the metropolis was US$ 38,167, and the mean income for a household was US$ 34,038. Men have a mean income of US$ 29,342 against $20,577 for women (American Towns 1). The â€Å"per head†income for the metropolitan was $15,964. Roughly 8.8% of households along with 10.8% of the population were underneath the poverty line, comprising of also 20.2% of those below age 18, as well as 7.6% of those above the age 65 (American Towns 1).The city, which was platted, in 1833, is a very small, like most, with a post office, high priced grocery stores, and gas stations being the majority of businesses. The filling stations mostly cater to travelers who pass by to fill their vehicles although the town citizens are also frequent clien ts. The city has a total of five grocery stores. The only good thing concerning these grocery stores is that they sell food, which is produced from the state alone. Oakland is one of those towns where everyone knows everyone, and there are no secrets between individuals. It can, in reality, be a good thing when everyone knows you, but also a bad thing when everyone is in your business. It takes away the privacy of someone. Another thing that can be seen in Oakland is the small schools and also the small classroom sizes. Even if, the populace of the town is small, at least the government should consider increasing the size of their classrooms in order for their children to learn properly. These classes feel literary like confinement (American Towns 1).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Is There One Best Way to Structure an Organisation Essay Example for Free
Is There One Best Way to Structure an Organisation Essay Organisation is an entity in which people work together to accomplish a set of goals. Organisations have certain pattern of activities, that is, structures. There is no best way to structure an organisation, since the structure is always adapted to best serve the functions of the organisation. The optimal organisational structure is contingent upon both internal (such as strategy, size, and technology) and external situations (such as external environment) – this is referred to as ‘Contingency Theory’. Based on the academic articles as well as the empirical evidence provided, four contingency factors are covered to justify my position, including strategy, technology and innovation, environmental uncertainty, and size. Firstly, strategy is an important contingency of organisational structure. One of the most important features of an organisation is the goal. Organisations utilise different strategies to accomplish their goals, and a variety of organisation structures are adopted to best serve the strategies since an appropriate structure is critical to the effective strategy implementation. In the early 1960s, Chandler developed the contingency model which research on the strategy-structure relationship within companies (Qiu Donaldson 2010), he suggested that the optimal organisational structure is contingent on various factors, including the strategies (Pertusa-Ortega, Molina-AzorÄ ±n Claver-Cortes 2010). In the 1970s, the structural contingency model was extended to multinational corporations (MNCs) (Qiu Donaldson 2010). Based on the research since then, Qiu and Donaldson (2010) constructed the Cubic Contingency Model which incorporates the previous models to propose the structure-strategy fits for nine MNC structures. The nine structures fit for different levels of contingent strategies which mean that the design of the structure of an organisation is highly contingent on the organisation’s strategies. Since the organisation’s strategies are never stagnant and are always adapt to accomplish its goal, there can never be a best structure for an organisation. Pertusa-Ortega, Molina-AzorÄ ±n and Claver-Cortes (2010) approached the relationship between strategy and structure from a different angle – resource-based view (RBV). They argued that organisational structures should be considered as a resource for the development of strategies and a source of competitive advantage. Although this approach differs from Chandler’s, it reinforces the strong connection between strategy and structure that organisational structure influences the competitive strategies. As competitive strategy is constantly adapted to the latest goals of the organisation, the structure needs to be varied accordingly, thus there is not a best structure. Technologies and innovations are important to the organisational process of converting inputs into outputs, thus it is also an important contingency of the organisational structure. Firms adapt their structures to the technology or innovation activity they utilise. Leiponen and Helfat (2011) conducted studies to examine the relationship between the innovation activity and the organisational structure of a company, namely, RD. They examined the two conflicting perspectives on the best structure (centralisation or decentralisation) under which RD was able to achieve greater innovation output. According to knowledge-based view, decentralisation is more effective for updating existing technology as well as acquiring new sources of knowledge. On the other hand, organisational economics argues that centralisation reduces the cost of communication and coordination, thus improves the innovation output. Leiponen and Helfat (2011) incorporated both literatures and concluded that decentralisation served imitative innovation better, whereas centralisation led to greater new-to-market innovation output. Leiponen and Helfat’s research effectively proves that the organisational structures are contingent on technology and innovation; since organisations’ technology and innovation activities differ by their degree of standardisation, there is no best way to structure an organisation. Another contingent factor of organisational structures is the environment. â€Å"Contingency theory holds that individual organisations need to adapt to their internal and external environments in order to survive and thrive†(Qiu and Donaldson 2010, p. 81). Managerial discretion is highly dependent on the organisation’s environment and its level of uncertainty (Ferner et al. 2011). The uncertainty of environment requires high level of flexibility within an organisation. Ferner et al. (2011) examined the relationship between span of control and the organisation’s external and internal environment. Based on the empirical data collected, they made several observations. One of the observation stated that variables such as nationality (external environment) and product standardisation (internal environment) affect the degree of central control in multinational companies. US ownership features with relative centralised control of HR in subsidiaries and standardisation of product tend to cause less subsidiary discretion. These studies reflect the close relationship between external and internal environment and the organisational structure. Furthermore, a research conducted by Nandakumar, Ghobadian and O’Regan (2010) indicated the relationships between the environmental dynamism and the business strategy as well as the organisational structure. They observed that highly dynamic environment favoured the cost-leadership strategy with organic structure whereas lower dynamism favoured the differentiation strategy with mechanistic structure. Thus the structure of an organisation is always adapted to the environment, and there is no best structure. Moreover, the size is another contingency variable influencing the design of organisational structure. Organisations with smaller size tend to be more organic and flexible whereas those with large size have more bureaucracy involved (Bradshaw 2009); larger organisations usually have mechanistic structure with more specialisation, centralisation and departmentalisation. Bradshaw (2009) examined several contingency factors of non-profit organisational structure, including age, size, strategy, environmental stability and so on. Based on the empirical data collected, the size along with organisational age is identified as factors to determine the organisation lifecycle (from founding to mature). Generally, the greater age means greater formalisation and the larger size means a more elaborate organisation structure. Thus, it can be concluded that the organisational structure is also contingent on the organisational size. As size varies according to the companies’ type and strategy, there is no best way to structure an organisation. In conclusion, there is no best way to structure an organisation. The optimal organisational structure is contingent upon various factors including strategy, innovation, environment and size. Due to the variance among organisations in terms of these contingency factors, the structures of different organisations vary. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the internal and external environment of organisations means that the structure of any organisation is always adapted to best serve its goals. Bibliography Bradshaw, P. 2009, ‘A Contingency Approach to Nonprofit Governance’, Nonprofit Management Leadership, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 61-81, viewed 18 March 2012, [EBSCO host / Business Source Premier]. Ferner, A., Tregaskis, O., Edwards, P., Edwards, T., Marginson, P., Adam, D., Meyer, M. 2011, ‘HRM structures and subsidiary discretion in foreign multinationals in the UK’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 483-509. Leiponen, A., Helfat, C.E. 2011, ‘Location, decentralization, and knowledge sources for innovation’, Organization Science, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 641-658. Nandakumar, M.K., Ghobadian, A., O’Regan, N. 2010, ‘Business-level strategy and performance: The moderating effects of environment and structure’, Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 907- 939, viewed 18 March 2012, [ProQuest Central / Business Source Premier]. Pertusa-Ortega, E.M., Molina-Azorin, J.F.; Claver-Cortes, E. 2010, ‘Competitive strategy, structure and firm performance. A comparison of the resource-based view and the contingency approach’, Management Decision, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1282-1303. Qiu, J. Donaldson, L. 2010, ‘The Cubic Contingency Model: Towards a more comprehensive international strategy-structure model’, Journal of General Management, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 81-100.
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