Monday, September 30, 2019
EBay Inc. and Essay
EBay, Inc. and Introduction Problem definition and historical context     In broad spectrum, the case of eBay and Amazon explores the strategic interaction between the two organizations as they embrace different business models. This case considers how competitors in the market can successfully challenge the rival in highly competitive market where business is defined by strong network effects and fluctuating costs. The audiences in this case are given a chance to assess the merits and the demerits of the business platform utilized by eBay in contrast to Amazon’s online based retail model (Harvard business school, 2012). In addition, the case allows those interested to evaluate business performance in the event of looping value because of the indirect interactions in the two industries. The case offers a vivid exploration and analysis of how Amazon expanded its business in the competitive environment as well as discussing how eBay responded and the strategies they can adopt to lower the difference in earnings between the two. All this is done through an in-depth analysis of acquisition of GSI commerce by eBay in 2011. Briefly, business competition is the main issue in this case. Case research     Business competition between the two corporations rapidly grew in 2011, ten years after a story by â€Å"Businessweek’ labeled eBay vs. Amazon was released. The publication by Businessweek clearly depicted that between the two, the company that would win the biggest market share would probably dominate the future of internet-based business. By the time of this publication, Amazon was leading in all aspects of online transactions. Inherently, the history of the two corporations is based on Royal battle. The rivalry between the two companies is very high. Actually, Amazon and eBay are the biggest firms in online business. They are competitors of each other. Despite being in the same business, the two corporations have been operating by taking different business approaches. In terms of financial growth, Amazon had established itself as the market leader. Its financial aspects had grown by 37% as compared to eBay’s 6% (Harvard business school, 2012). Mor eover, eBay specializes in focusing on being a facilitator in internet business while Amazon focuses on becoming a one-stop platform. It is in the is respect that the case establishes that Amazon in the long-run will outrun eBay in the online stage. The two companies expand their markets by merging with other related companies. Industry/Goal/Product     EBay Company offers a market place where both retailers and buyers interact. The company aims at enabling both buyers and sellers to agree at a neutral price that can be referred to as action price. Similar to Amazon, e bay offers its clients with variety of products where they can choose on what to buy or sell. Both companies deal with used good but strictly dealing with e commerce as mode of payment. Generic Strategies Grid (2 char. per axis) 291909541338500 The generic strategies are mostly applied in analyzing competitive advantage of the business environment of both companies. Cost leadership Differentiation 147637518796000 Cost focus Differentiation focus This chart articulates ways how e Bay company can gain competitive advantage over the other viable competitors. Five Forces Model     In business context, Five Forces Model is paramount as they help then businesses analyze their competitive advantage. It is paramount to understand both internal and external business environment so in order to develop viable strategies to remain in the competitive edge. In reference to the case study, the Five Forces Model will greatly help to analyze the intense competition between and e Bay. More importantly, Five Forces Model is a viable tool to help both companies to plan in ways such as coming up with new products needed by the customers. Supplier Power is the first element that deals with suppliers and prices of the commodities (Harvard business school, 2012). With the intense competition as witnessed in the case study, each company is striving with best ways how they can demand the prices of commodities to lower. Indeed, E bay has collaborated with many suppliers by offering clients with variety of products ranging from different prices.     Buyer Power is the second element in the Five Forces Model. Ultimately, this element is concerned on how best the buyers can bring down prices of commodities. Quite different from Amazon, E bay has offered their customers with a direct linkage with their suppliers with an urge to bring down cost of goods. Competitive Rivalry is another model vital to understand all potential competitors around the business. As noted in the case study, potential competitors in this industry include newspapers cites, music or video shops and personal homepages among others. Threat of Substitution is less as both companies have a strong CRM hence making it difficult for other companies to displace them in the market. Lastly, the companies face intense competion from Threat of New Entry companies such as yahoo among others. Strategic analysis Value chain analysis     Value chain analysis entails analysis of the manner in which companies ensure value creation to their customers with the use of their resources and strategies. In relation to eBay, the company ensures value creation to their customers through price cutting, enhancing its customer search capabilities and ensuring its new business model. The company’s inbound logistics are well-built. EBay is tight-lipped in regard to their approach to payment processing, communications, website operations and more importantly customer support. With respect to its operations, the company does not restrict the maintenance of a marketplace and this resulted to it entering new markets outside U.S.A in 2011 (Harvard business school, 2012). Evidently, eBay unlike Amazon is depicted a powerful in relation to its operations. With the introduction of its core business segments, that is communications, payments and marketplaces, eBay aimed to maintain the trust and opportunity by devel oping new business communities globally with the help of e- business. In this case, the company compared to Amazon generated much revenue and increased its popularity around the world. Project risk model     Project risk management aims to measure the company’s capabilities and risks and the most effective measures it adopts to prevent various risks as it conducts business. With respect to project risk model, eBay is depicted as one with clear project risk management process. On the other hand, Amazon also has a well established project risk model to address company’s capabilities and risks. Model justification     The business model assumed by eBay that is auctions marketplace is depicted by the article and paramount in ensuring the success of the company especially in the competitive business environment. The model provides effective and efficient means of payments, communication and means of entering new markets. Based on the article, the business model assumed by the company connects buyers and sellers in such a way that it ensures value creation. The model is also portrayed as effective as it improved the revenue of the company in the year in 1999 (Harvard business school, 2012). Alternatives flow from strategic models     To ensure its competitive, eBay according to the article used groundbreaking business platforms and models to attract more customers globally. However, the article depicts that the company should also focus on expanding and transforming its business and project risk models in areas such as marketing and services to its customers. In this case, the company should be in a position to compete with competitors such as Amazon. Technology and costs     Technological changes are occurring drastically hence citing the need why the companies should be at par with these innovations. The technology used by both companies is effective to enhance the search catalog and ability to retrieve information at ease hence cutting operational cost. Use of AWS has huge benefits, as it is not only reliable but also secure. Another advantage of this technology in relation to cost is that it is simple in scalability. Use of superior technology such as AWS, S3, catalogue and EC2 enhances the company to reduce fixed prices of commodities (Harvard business school, 2012). Recommendation     Competition between the two corporations is high and specifically eBay should adopt several strategies to minimize the available gap. For instance, eBay should embrace better advertisement strategies and search for better advertisement partners. This will help attract some of the Amazons customers to their side. Secondly, to ensure that they stand a chance to reduce the business gap, eBay should focus on its strengths. Getting into the digital media sales should be another area to strategize on. In terms of internet technology, eBay should ensure better internet search as well ensuring improved tagging approaches. Lastly, it is of importance for eBay to reduce the PayPal fees to entice and attract more clients. On the other hand, Amazon should materialize on making their products better besides competing with their close competitor on price. Reference Harvard business school.(2012). Bay, Inc. and (A) and (B). Source document
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Patton-Fuller Network Design Project Essay
This project focuses on designing an integrated network for the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. The first section of the paper describes the characteristics and components of the current network as well as the standards that coincide with the project. Lastly, the paper also evaluates the current network topology. The hospital has a power backup unit designed to automatically use auxiliary power from a diesel generator. Each department also has its own uninterruptible power supply. The topographical network design shows that of a centralized design. This system has benefits with no need for an operating system stored locally. Thus improving the performance because the OS and user applications are already running on the servers, however it also increases the risk if the mainframe suddenly lost power it will affect all terminals. Distributed networks have much less risk of power outages because if one component in the network fails the others will still have functionality. On the other hand they require OS and software installed on individual computers which require additional hardware to store it, which can take more time to maintain and update. The network bridge is a critical component in this network that passes information locally throughout the network. Doctors can be authorized in a virtual private network (VPN) from a router linked to the remote access server (RAS) that permits them access to the servers from their home. For email functions the network has a Windows Exchange server running on an IBM x3250 series. Workstations in doctor’s offices and nurses have iMac clients on fiber cables. The senior managers in human resources, operations, and finance have virtual operating systems with both Mac OSX (Leopard) and Windows XP. The hospitals current network architecture comprises of a network bridge joining the administrative and clinical areas. All administrative functions have lines contained in a trunk using Cat 6. The executive departments have Apple desktop systems with Wi-Fi cards installed. The hospital central mainframe is an IBM series Z9EC featuring a database storing patient records and with a fiber connection to a 10 terabyte NAS. Clinical departments have another trunk line on a single mode fiber optic line. (Virtual Organizations Portal, 2011) As part of HIPAA, which is meant to protect patient information in attempts of data breaches. This information is stored in encrypted data files using AES (advanced encryption standard). Access is permitted through identification and authentication of any user the requests this information. Standards are important in networking because all networking devices must have the same rules for communication to prevent a loss of data. Networks can have several levels of scope, local area networks (LAN) are a group of devices connected by Ethernet cables and are limited to the same building with a range of 300 feet. Wide area networks (WAN) are networks built in cities, usually for institutions. Wireless networks have the same scope as LANs do, but use radio signals as communication between a router or wireless modem and any number of wireless devices. A WLAN will require a wireless standard in typically 802.11n or ac. In the installation of a WAN an X.25 standard using a leased line will be adequate for a connection between other hospital locations. (International Business Machines [IBM], n.d.). Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a telephone network that utilizes the Internet to send voice signals. Unlike the public switched telephone networks that require extra hardware when placing calls in other countries, VoIP send data packets to the phone. Which is the same as how a webpage is loaded in a browser (Nunn, McGuire, & Crowe, 2009) In summary, this paper discussed characteristics and components in Patton-Fuller’s network and its topographical design. Finally, standards that are relevant to this project were analyzed. References International Business Machines. (n.d.). Wide area network standards: X.25 networks. Retrieved from Nunn, L., McGuire, B., & Crowe, B. (2009, Forth Quarter). Measuring the benefits of voice over internet protocol. The Review of Business Information
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Case study - analysis company's economic issue and expansion of Essay
Case study - analysis company's economic issue and expansion of solution - Essay Example They are the proprietors who take the advantage of their position in ranking to exploit the employees and strain the gains of a firm for their personal gains. One key aspect of these vulture capitalists is that they invest in a firm, shows quick returns but the firm is bound to collapse and as such, the capitalist seizes part or the whole of the assets of the firm. Such is the case as described by John Nichols about the Hostess Brands Inc. These investors then cover up by laying blames on the employees and the workers unions. Hostess Brands Inc, the collapsing maker of Twinkies, Wonder Bread, vast range of snack cakes and other breads is one such a company to have severely been hit by the wave of the unscrupulous vulture capitalists. She has closed her 33 plants around the United States and has now embarked into liquidating the assets in a bid to offset the huge amount of debts outstanding. The company’s employees went on a strike joining the rest of the union’s members over the alleged exploitation by the proprietors and the top management distributions. Neoclassical economists have studied the optimal production of a firm by focusing on distribution of income among other aspects of major importance. This is well illustrated by the analysis of supply and demand and maximization of utility by individuals who are constrained on income matters and the study of firms that are constrained in terms of costs. According to the proponents of the neoclassical thoughts, people are always rational in thinking, and have rational preferences when it comes to value based outcomes. It is worth noting that firms maximize profits while persons maximize utility. As regards relevance in information, people act independently. However, according to analysts, individual persons lack competence in negotiations and bargains. This necessitates unions of persons with like interests or grievances. This can explain the formation of the BCTGM, a workers union that serves the hostess workers, however, the workers of the firm did not ask for better pensions as individuals or also through their union and this would better explain that the union was in no way responsible for the crisis. In fact, as a matter of fact, the company employees have a record of good working relations with the proprietors and have had working benefit and wage concessions. Adjustments to new demands in the industry and technological advancements have dominated the firm in the past. Farber defines labor unions associations of workers who bargain collectively and has the employers regarding the terms laid down for employment. The BCTGM was formed to serve the following purposes as is the role of all other labor unions: as a maximizing agent, as a bargaining body for the wages, as an arbitrator in times of conflicts and strikes and basic amongst all the roles, as a determiner of membership (Farber, 2001, 1). Nevertheless, Hostess collapsed as a result of the vulture capitalist’s nature of the management team. The team laid off 20% of the workforce and while the workers bore all the burden of the collapsing corporation, the management engaged more in looting the company’s assets and funds. According to the classical economics, human beings are assumed to be rational and that they make decisions on the best way for personal gains. This explains the nature of the vulture ca
Friday, September 27, 2019
Individual Leadership Growth Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Individual Leadership Growth Reflection - Essay Example In this paper, I give the self-discoveries I have made from this course with regard to my growth as a leader in terms of power, coercion and management functions. Various ways exist in which to define leadership because of the variance in the meaning attached to leadership under diverse contexts. Nonetheless, the bottom line of leadership entails a focus on the processes of a group. It entails how an individual’s behavior or personality perspective interacts to cause transformation. Additionally, it entails the power relationship between the leader and the followers. Therefore, the definition of leadership as a process of an individual influencing a group of individuals so as to achieve a common objective by Northouse (2010) adequately covers all aspects of leadership. This means that in this evaluation of my leadership, I look at how I have been able to influence various groups of individuals to achieve the intended common goal. It will involve an analysis of my leadership traits and how I have used such traits to influence groups. First, just as is human nature to love power, I have sought to acquire power under various capacities that would give me the command and thus the leadership. Without power, it would be difficult for me to cause transformation in a group. After all, Northouse (2010) defines power as the capacity to influence. Without this potential, it implies that it would be difficult for me to control any group. Borrowing from the traits approach to leadership, some of my physical traits have greatly contributed to my leadership positions. Being tall and well built has always been a way in which people have opted to give me legitimate power in many groups. The most recent is the position of chairmanship of a group of a minority represented in the school. Through this power, I was able to bring about changes among the minority students, empowering them to occupy executive positions in the school’s students’ council. This way,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Careers in Math Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Careers in Math - Essay Example This change in gas prices has been attributed to many things, including the war in Iraq, and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This is a real life example of the pre-calculus concept of functions. The problems with modeling this situation are obvious. There are so many factors that could be involved it is difficult to tell which is the actual cause of the change, and then there is the difficulty with the rate of change. Finally, there is the pesky problem of the spot price and the difficulties with assessing how spot prices affect retail prices. Retail prices usually follow the spot price shifts, but they sometimes lag behind (This Week in Petroleum 2005). These are the sorts of issues that must be analyzed and solved by mathematicians working out in the real world. One person who designs and runs numerous mathematical models for decision making purposes is Amanda Peterson, who works in the Operations Research department of the Dynamic Research Corporation. Often, decision problems can be solved using mathematical equations, but there are "cases when the situation is too detailed for a math model alone or the customer prefers a more visual product" (MAA Online 2005). Then she writes a computer program called a simulation model to simulate the different aspects of the problem. Decision makers can use this model to test different scenarios.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Self-Driving Cars Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Self-Driving Cars - Research Paper Example From this paper it is clear that in 1939, a General Motors (GM)’s sponsored exhibit, Futurama designed by Norman Bel Geddes, was unveiled at the world Trade Fair. The electromagnetic fields generated by the embedded circuits in the highway provided propulsion while control was radio based. Bel later outlined his mission in a book entitled Magic Motorways in 1940. These developments prompted the improvements in highway design and transportation. In 1923, Radio Corporation America (RCA) labs successfully built a miniature controlled by wires laid on the laboratory floor. It was an experimental system that jerked the imagination of a traffic engineer in Nebraska called Leland Hancock.This study highlights that during the same time, London under United Kingdom’s Transport and Roads Research Lab tested Citron Ds, a driverless car that interacted with magnetic cables embedded in the roads. Citron cruised through a test track at a steady speed of 130 kilometers per hour withou t signs of deviation in any weather condition. In 1980s, Ernst Dickmann and his team of engineers in Bundeswehr University Munich in Germany designed a vision-guided Mercedes Benz robotic van. The van moved at a speed of 63 kilometers per hour on the streets without traffic jam. EUREKA also conducted a multi-million Prometheus Project on autonomous vehicles from 1987 to 1995. The United States Congress passed the Transportation Automation Bill in 1991 that instructed the United States Department of Transportation to demonstrate self-driving vehicles and highway systems by 1997.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Planet Venus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Planet Venus - Essay Example Venus is the closest planet to earth both in distance and radius and this proximity has meant that we know more about it than any other planet. As shown below a lost has been discovered regarding the planets formation, composition, and visibility. Picture of Venus Venus was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago together with the rest of the solar system when our sun was formed in a cloud nebula referred to as the solar nebula (Cain). The cloud nebula must have been destabilized by a strong external force such as a nearby supernova as it began to deteriorate and with its crumbling down many stars were formed including our sun which due to its gravity attracted residue from the nebula that rotated in the form of hot rocks. The rocks would join together to form the planets of our solar system and one of them was Venus. It is believed that Venus must have collided with another huge object that affected its rotation as it the only planet to rotate in a clockwise manner. Proof of this is also seen in the fact that Venus has the longest day in the solar system the equivalent of 243 which is longer than the time it takes to revolve around the sun. In spite of this collision, Venus would still remain the biggest region within its location and it is believed it might have even absorbed the object that collided with it. While Venus is similar to earth in size being 95 % the size of our planet and given their close proximity it is likely that they formed during the same time. Venus does however have some stark differences that have made it be nicknamed earth’s evil twin by scientists. Comparative photo of Venus and Earth by NASA The lower atmosphere of Venus is filled with Carbon Dioxide and nitrogen while the upper atmosphere has a strong presence of sulphur dioxide which makes the temperatures of Venus extremely high due to a Greenhouse effect. With recordings of over 460? Centigrade the temperature on Venus are the hottest recorded on any planet even surpass ing Mercury which is the closest to the sun and the sulfur fumes make the environment acidic as it rains sulfuric acid in the upper atmosphere. These factors make Venus a lifeless planet as the places are highly inhospitable for terrestrial life as we know. The surface of Venus unlike other planets does not have craters due to meteorites and two theories have arisen to explain this: either the gases are so thick that any object that enters the atmosphere will burn up due to the air pressure with the exception of the largest of meteorites, or the planets volcanoes have been erupting frequently and so cover any asteroid collisions that have occurred (Redd). The planet does not have any water on the surface due to the high temperatures but it does have two huge continents that have mainly volcanic plains. Venus also lacks a magnetic field like that of the earth and it is thought that the main cause of this is that the core has cooled down significantly thus lacks many ionized particles . Several projects have been initiated to send probes to Venus so as to explore the planet a significant number of which were done by the USSR during the cold war era where it was competing with USA in the space race. The first successful landing was done in 1970 by the Venera -7 space probes however, several fly by missions had been done before it. The Venera successfully transmitted date from the planet’s surface regarding its composition and in 1975 the Venera – 9 sent the first images from the planet. From then other probes have been sent as well as fly by missions conducted with the European Union sending its own orbiters to study the planet (Anatoly). Photo of surface of Venus from Nasa 2005 Venus is a highly inhospitab
Monday, September 23, 2019
Nietzsche's theory of nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nietzsche's theory of nature - Essay Example On the other hand what does human being do? in his opinion humans try to run nature the way they think best. As man is the ultimate being and creation of God thus he wants to use this power and modify the things going on around him. Isn’t living life close to respecting, desiring, being unfair, to be restricted, near to the attempt of being different, he says. Furthermore the idea that humans are aggressive by nature the statement as living according to nature in actuality will mean living in accordance to life, so how can one do anything that is otherwise or different. He attempts to further shed light on this natural yet so indifferent methods of humans by suggesting that there is no need for people to make principles based upon what they are themselves and should be. It can be quite the opposite he says as one might imagine to go through the ecstasy of reading the rule of one’s own principles in Nature it is understandable that they would be looking for an altoge ther different thing. He calls people â€Å"you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders!†(9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) So much is the negativity he holds against the way human beings function. It is to him a shocking reality that things could be so deceiving and yet people try to justify themselves by saying it is what nature has taught them. Man is a proud being and undoubtedly in their pride they â€Å"wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein.†(9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦)
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Impact of Illegal Immigrant Workers on the US Economy Essay Example for Free
Impact of Illegal Immigrant Workers on the US Economy Essay Illegal immigration is tightly woven into the fabric of the US economy. Its prevalence impacts all corners of the financial world, but affects the greatest impact on educational funding, healthcare expenditures and taxes. Illegal immigration tends to be viewed from extreme viewpoints in our country often influenced more by personal biases and political opinions than statistical facts. In reality, the positive and negative effects nearly neutralize each other and it has become a delicate balancing act for politicians to create and maintain a system that works to please both sides and retain economic stability. Illegal immigrants are defined as anyone who is not a US citizen and who is in the country in violation of our immigration laws; this could mean anyone who has entered the country undocumented or falsely documented, those with expired visas or any permanent resident who commits a crime after entry and remains after deportation orders. It is virtually impossible to report exactly how many illegal immigrants reside in the country since they deal with fears of deportation they don’t readily identify themselves, but the INS, Census Bureau, and US General Accounting office estimates put the number somewhere between 2 and 12 million. There is also likely fluctuation based on time of year depending on availability of agricultural work. Most of the illegal immigration debate over the last two decades has focused on Mexican immigrants and California has been used as a model for influencing regulations across the country. This is due to the fact that in the US those of Mexican origin account for over 54% of all illegal immigrants and that California houses over 40% of the illegal immigrant population. This is important to recognize because many of the arguments and proposed or passed laws with regards to this issue stem from the Mexican immigration dilemma in California. (Here is what I could recover- I can get it done by Sunday on the school computers if it will make your due date- I am so sorry again. . . I have been freaking out ‘cause of my computer and then I was stuck at work and couldn’t get to any computer all day yesterday.)
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Three Ways That Cigarette Ads Hook Kids Essay Example for Free
Three Ways That Cigarette Ads Hook Kids Essay Cigarette smoking is prevalent among kids and teens. Tobacco companies invest billions of dollars every year to get children and teens to use tobacco. They target children in their advertisements to get them addicted on cigarettes at an early age. The cigarette companies use many tactics to engage youth: advertising through popular medias such as magazines, television and websites, by creating scenarios that relate to kids and by using youth-targeted flavors in their tobacco. Cigarette smoking in the movies and on television is portrayed as thrilling, fun, sexy and trendy. When smoking is viewed as normal, children tend to adopt the lifestyle. Recent marketing campaigns for cigarettes seem to have attracted the interest of teens. The ads which are featured in magazines such as, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Glamour were a hit with girls in their early teens. Special promotional giveaways such as berry-flavored lip balm, purses, cell phone, and wristbands to lure them. Secondly, cigarette advertisement creates scenarios that relate to kids. For young girls, they have beautiful women making girls think if they smoke they will be beautiful. Likewise, they make boys think if they smoke they will get beautiful girls. The people in the ads are relaxing and having a good time. They seem to be confident and popular. These are things children and teens want. Children assume that smoking will help them get these things. Finally tobacco companies use pictures or candy, and fruit-flavored cigarettes to appeal to youth. These sweet flavorings make the tobacco taste better to children making them easy target for early addiction. The strategies employed by tobacco companies through effective advertising are working. Kids are particularly vulnerable to the highly addictive nature of tobacco.
Friday, September 20, 2019
altropine competitive antagonist of acetylcholine
altropine competitive antagonist of acetylcholine Atropine is a competitive antagonist of acetylcholine which binds to the muscarinic receptor in order to inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system. It causes a reversible blockade of the action of acetylcholine and it can be overcome by increasing the concentration of acetylcholine at receptor sites of the effectors organ (e.g. by using the anticholinesterase agents which inhibit the destruction of acetylcholine). Atropine is an alkaloid or an extremely poisonous drug derived from a plant called atropia belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade. â€Å"Belladonna†is Italian word which means beautiful woman. In the Renaissance, woman used the juice of berries of atropia belladonna to dilate pupils as it was perceived as more attractive. Pharmacological effects Eye -Atropine acts in the eye to block the action of acetylcholine, relaxing the cholinergically innervated sphincter muscles of the iris. This results in dilation of the pupil (mydriasis). The cholinergic stimulation of accommodative ciliary muscle of the lens in the eye is also blocked. This results in paralysis of accommodation (cycloplegia). Besides, the elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) occurs when the anterior chamber is narrow. It will further raise IOP in glaucoma patients because it will obstruct evacuation of aqueous humor by the Schlemm channel. Atropine is thus contraindicated in these patients. Another effect of antimuscarinic drugs is to reduce lacrimal secretion which produces dryness in eyes. Atropine has a slower onset and more prolonged effect in eye as maximum mydriatic effect occurs around 30 to 40 minutes and maximum cycloplegia takes several hours. Mydriasis usually lasts 7 to 12 days and cycloplegia may persist for 14 days or longer. Cardiovascular system The vagus (parasympathetic) nerves that innervate the heart release acetylcholine (ACh) as their primary neurotransmitter to slow the heart rate. ACh binds to muscarinic receptors (M2) that are found on cells comprising the sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) nodes. Atropine has a potent and prolonged effect on the heart muscle. It inhibits the effect of excessive vagal nerve activation on the heart like sinus bradycardia and AV nodal block (delay in the conduction of electrical impulses at the AV node of the heart) by binding to muscarinic receptors in order to prevent ACh from binding to and activating the receptor. Thus, atropine speeds up the heart rate and increases conduction velocity as it very effectively blocks the effects of parasympathetic nerve activity on the heart. There are little effects on blood pressure since most resistance blood vessels do not have cholinergic innervations. Small doses of atropine used may decrease the heart rate, yet, large doses used definitely causes increasing of the heart rate. Central nervous system Atropine has minimal stimulant effects on the central nervous system, especially medullary centers, and a slower, longer-lasting sedative effect on the brain. Low doses atropine may produce mild restlessness and higher doses may produce agitation and hallucination. With still larger doses, stimulation is followed by depression leading to circulatory collapse and respiratory failure after a period of paralysis and coma. Respiratory tract The parasympathetic nervous system regulate bronchomotor tone and secretionary glands of the airway. Since atropine is an antagonist muscarinic drug, it inhibits the secretion of nose, mouth, pharynx and bronchi, and thus dries the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. And it also relaxes bronchial smooth muscle, producing bronchodilation and decreasing airway resistance. The effect is more important in patients with airway disease like asthma. Gastrointestinal tract Motility and secretions of gastrointestinal tract are declined by atropine. GI smooth muscle motility is affected from the stomach to the colon by decreasing tone, amplitude and frequency of the peristaltic contractions. However, the gastric secretion is only slightly reduced. Genitourinary tract The antimuscarinic action of atropine relaxes smooth muscle of the ureters and bladder wall in order to decrease the normal tone and amplitude of contractions of the ureters and bladder. Atropine has not significant effect on the uterus. Sweat glands Small doses of atropine inhibit the activity of sweat glands, producing hot and dry on the skin. Sweating may be sufficiently depressed and this will elevate the body temperature if using the larger doses in adult or at high environmental temperatures. For the infant or children who are administered large doses or even ordinary doses may cause â€Å"atropine fever†. Pharmacokinetics Absorption Atropine is rapidly and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, mucosal membrane, conjunctival membranes, and to some extent through intact skin when given by oral route, solution, ointment or injection route (directly goes into muscle or vein). Pharmacological activity of paranteral administration is 2-3 times greater than enteral route. Distribution Atropine is rapidly cleared from the blood and is distributed throughout the body. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and placenta. Peak plasma concentrations of atropine are reached within 30 minutes. The duration of action of atropine administered by general route would be approximately 4 -6 hours. Metabolism After administration, atropine disappears rapidly from the blood with a half-life of 2 hours. The half-life of atropine is slightly shorter in females than males. Then it is metabolized in the liver by oxidation and conjugation to give inactive metabolites. Excretion The drugs effect on parasympathetic function declines rapidly in all organs except the eye. Effects on the iris and ciliary muscle persist for more than 3 days. About 50% of the dose is excreted within 4 hours and 90% in 24 hours in the urine, about 30 to 50% as unchanged drug. Therapeutic uses As preanaesthetic medicationts Atropine is used to block two effects in particular during anaesthesia, secretions in the respiratory tract in response to the irritating nature of some inhalant anaesthetics, and bradycardia (slowing of the heart) which accompanies most anaesthetics due to the block of muscarinic receptors in the heart. Overall, atropine can reduce the risk of airway obstruction and increase the heart beat when anaesthetic drug is going to be used. Ophthalmological uses Topical atropine is used as a cycloplegic (temporarily paralyze the accommodation) and as a mydriatic (dilate the pupils) for accurate measurement of refractive error in patients. A second use is to prevent synechiae (adhesion) formation in uveitis and iritis. After local administration in the form of ophthalmic solution, the onset of atropine is around 30 minutes and it effects last very long: dilation of pupil can persist several days. Cardiovascular disorders Injection of atropine is used in the treatment of bradycardia (an extremely low heart rate) due to excessive vagal tone on the SA and AV node. It accelerates the cardiac rate by reduction of vagal tone and suppression of reflex bradycardia during arterial hypertension. In addition, atropine is also used primary for sinus node dysfunction (inappropriate atrial rates) and symptomatic second-degree heart block (irregularities in the electrical conduction system of the heart). Respiratory disorders Parenteral atropine can be used as a preoperative medication to suppress bronchiolar secretions when anaesthetics are used. It can be used to treat asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Gastrointestinal disorders Atropine is seldom used to treat pepti-ulcer nowadays. Atropine can provide some relief in the treatment of common travelers diarrhea (irritable bowel movement). It is often combined with an opioid antidiarrheal drug in order to discourage abuse of the opioid agent. Urinary disorders Atropine is used to relieve bladder spasm after urologic surgery and for treating urinary urgency caused by minor inflammatory bladder disorder. Hyperhidrosis It is an excessive and profuse perspiration. Atropine can reduce the secretion of sweat glands by inhibiting the Ach binds to the muscarinic receptors. Cholinergic poisoning By blocking the action of ACh, atropine also can be used as an antidote for organophosphate poisoning caused by inhibition of cholinesterase and nerve gases. The atropine serves as an effective blocking agent for the excess ACh but does nothing to reverse the inhibition of cholinesterase. Troops, who are likely to be attacked with chemical weapons often carry autoinjectiors with atropine and obidoxime which can be quickly injected into the thigh. It is the only known antidote for VX nerve gas. Some of the nerve gases attack and destroy acetycholinesterase (an enzyme hydrolyzes ACh to give choline), so the action of acetylcholine becomes prolonged. Therefore, atropine can be used to depress the effect of ACh. Parkinsons disease Atropine is used to treat the symptom of Parkinson such as drooling sweating rigidity and tremors. However, with the wide array of uses and side effects that atropine has, it has been replaced by several other medicines that are more effectively in treating Parkinsons. Adverse effect Atropine and its possible side effect can affect individual people in various ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with atropine. Not all the patients using this antimuscarinic drug will experience the same effects. These effects are intensified as the dosages are increased. General chest pain, excessive thirst, weakness, dehydration, feeling hot, injection site reaction, fever. Eye dilation pupil, pupil poorly reactive to light, photophobia, blurred vision, decreased accommodation, decreased contrast sensitivity, decreased visual acuity, dry eyes or dry conjunctiva, acute angle closure glaucoma, irritated eyes, allergic conjunctivitis or blepharoconjunctivitis, heterophoria, red eye due to excess blood supply (hyperaemia). Psychiatric hallucination, mental confusion, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, excitement especially in elderly, fatigue. Central nervous system headache, nervousness, dizziness, drowsiness, muscle twitching, abnormal movement, coma, difficult concentrating, insomnia, amnesia, ataxia (loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement). Cardiovascular tachycardia (increasing in heartbeat), acute myocardial infarction, cardiac dilation, atrial arrhythmias, paradoxical Bradycardia (if low does Atropine used), asystole (absence of heart beat), increased blood pressure or decreased blood pressure. Respiratory slow respiration, breathing difficulty, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure. Gastrointestinal nausea, abdomen pain, vomiting, decreased bowel sounds, decreased food absorption, delayed gastric emptying, reduction of salivary secretions, loss of taste, bloated feeling. Genitourinary urinary retention, urine urgency, bed-wetting, difficult in micturation. Dermatologic dry mucous membrane, dry warm skin, flushed skin, oral lesion, anhidrosis (absence of sweating), dermatitis, rash, hyperthermia (elevated of body temperature) Overdose and Treatment Widespread paralysis of parasympathetically innervated organs can characterize serious over dosage with atropine. Dry mucous membranes, widely dilated and nonresponsive pupils, tachycardia, fever, hallucination and flushed skin are mental and neurological symptoms which may last 48 hours or longer. Severe intoxication, respiratory depression, blood pressure declines, coma, circulatory collapse and death may occur with over dosage of atropine. Overdoses of atropine are generally treated symptomatically by given small doses slowly intravenously of physostigmine (1-4mg in adults and 0.5-1 mg in children). Contraindication Atropine is contraindicated in patients with Known hypersensitivity to the drug Glaucoma, especially angle closure glaucoma Bladder neck obstruction Myasthenia gravis Severe ulcerative colitis Gastric ulcer Abdominal distention with decreased peristalsis and/or intestinal obstruction A history of prostatic hyperplasia Special Consideration Caution in patients with Down Syndrome Used in elderly patients Used during pregnancy or breastfeeding Limited use in newborn infant
Thursday, September 19, 2019
In Favor of Gay Marriage Essay -- Homosexual Gay Lesbian Same Sex Ethi
In the twentieth century, America has undergone vast changes in family styles. Because of the increase in many gays and lesbians speaking out, we see a new emphasis on the word family. "Many gays and lesbians have decided to come out of the closet shaking up an issue that has made a ruckus between Americans" (Carey 2). We find that the Defense of Marriage Act states that marriage should be between one man and one woman for federal purposes; but is this fair? The United States was founded on the belief of equality, loyalty, and justice for all. The phrase for all means for everyone; not everyone besides gays and lesbians. One issue that has struck Americans is that gays and lesbians want to adopt children and start a family. If gays and lesbians could marry they wouldn't have to go through all kinds of trouble to adopt kids. Whether the child is from a previous heterosexual marriage gone bad, artificial insemination, an agreement between a gay and lesbian, or co- parent adoption, gays and lesbians will continue to fight for their rights and find ways to create a fa...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Reincarnation Essay examples -- Law of Karma Papers
Reincarnation I suppose in the world, today, there are really three approaches to the idea of reincarnation. A two-fold one in the West, where the idea itself is almost non-existent, either a belief in the transmigration of souls - that you could be a human being in one life and an animal in the next, and therefore that there is great danger in swiping flies and treading on ants because it could be your grandmother -- or simply an interest in past lives. That is almost the sole interest in the concept of rebirth in the West. In the East, broadly speaking, people do believe in reincarnation and, correctly, in relation to the Law of Karma. Unfortunately, even in the East, the Law of Karma is seen from an erroneous point of view. Of course, here and there, both in East and West, there is a correct interpretation and approach to the idea of rebirth, and its close connection with the Law of Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect. In the Orient, most people believing in the Law of Karma accept that they are who and where they are because of their actions in a previous life, which is true; but, unfortunately, they think they can do nothing about changing their particular situation, which is not true. In the West, we tend to think that we are totally in control of our destiny, which we are to some extent, but that there is no greater law governing our destiny, which is not true. The Westerner tends to reject the idea of a future life. It is an idea which is only just beginning to engage people's minds. If he thinks about it at all, he really thinks about it in terms of: If I have a future life, I must have had a past life; and if I had a past life it is interesting to know w... artificial and man-made. The poverty, the squalor, the degradation and the misery of people in the Third World is not necessary, it is not a result of karma, but of our greed. And we have the major responsibility to help them change these conditions and enter true living. People think of karma as always from the past life, but what about yesterday's karma, or the day before, last week's, last month's karma? It is this succession of moments of action and reaction which today we are coping with, which tomorrow and in our next life we will cope with. Until we come into right relationship with each other and with the whole of which we are a part, we will go on making bad karma. It is more important, more useful, to realize the benefit of right relationship, thus handling the Laws of Karma and Rebirth correctly, than to know our past lives.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Eid Ul Azha
Eid is a great festival for Muslims. There are two Eid occasion- Eid ul fitr and Eid ul adha. Muslims celebrate these festivals with great respect and pleasure. Eid ul fitr is celebrated after the month of Ramadan. Eid ul adha is celebrated in 10th Jilhajj. We celebrated Eid ul adha in last month. Eid ul adha remembers the prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son when God ordered him to. God appeared in a dream to Ibrahim and told him to sacrifice his son Isma'il. According to Islamic tradition, approximately four thousand years ago, the valley of Mecca (in what is now Saudi Arabia) was a dry, rocky and uninhabited place.Ibrahim was instructed to bring his Egyptian wife Hajirah and Ishmael, his only child at the time to Arabia from the land of Canaan by Allah's command. As Ibrahim was preparing for his return journey back to Canaan, Hajirah asked him, â€Å"Did Allah order you to leave us here? Or are you leaving us here to die. †Ibrahim turned around to face his wi fe. He was so sad that he couldn't say anything. He pointed to the sky showing that Allah commanded him to do so. Hajirah said, â€Å"Then Allah will not waste us; you can go†.Though Ibrahim had left a large quantity of food and water with Hajirah and Ishmael, the supplies quickly ran out, and within a few days the two began to feel the pangs of hunger and dehydration. Hajirah ran up and down between two hills called Al-Safa and Al-Marwah seven times, in her desperate quest for water. Exhausted, she finally collapsed beside her baby Ishmael and prayed to Allah for deliverance. Miraculously, a spring of water gushed forth from the earth at the feet of baby Ishmael. Other accounts have the angel Jibrail striking the earth and causing the spring to flow in abundance.With this secure water supply, known as the Zamzam Well, they were not only able to provide for their own needs, but were also able to trade water with passing nomads for food and supplies. Years later, Ibrahim was i nstructed by Allah to return from Canaan to build a place of worship adjacent to Zamzam well Ibrahim and Ishmael constructed a stone and mortar structure â€â€known as the Kaaba which was to be the gathering place for all who wished to strengthen their faith in Allah. As the years passed, Ishmael was blessed with Prophethood (Nubuwwah) and gave the nomads of the desert his message of submission to Allah.After many centuries, Mecca became a thriving desert city and a major center for trade, thanks to its reliable water source, the well of Zamzam. One of the main trials of Ibrahim's life was to face the command of Allah to devote his dearest possession, his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to Allah's will. During this preparation, Satan (Shaitan) tempted Ibrahim and his family by trying to dissuade them from carrying out Allah's commandment, and Ibrahim drove Satan away by throwing pebbles at him.In commemoration of their rejection of Satan, stones are thrown at symbolic pillars signifying Satan during the Hajj rites. When Ishmael was about 13 (Ibrahim being 99), Allah decided to test their faith in public. Ibrahim had a recurring dream, in which Allah was commanding him to offer his son as a sacrifice – an unimaginable act – sacrificing his son, which Allah had granted him after many years of deep prayer. Ibrahim knew that the dreams of the prophets were divinely inspired, and one of the ways in which Allah communicated with his prophets.When the intent of the dreams became clear to him, Ibrahim decided to fulfill Allah's command and offer Ishmael for sacrifice. Although Ibrahim was ready to sacrifice his dearest for Allah's sake, he could not just go and drag his son to the place of sacrifice without his consent. Ishmael had to be consulted as to whether he was willing to give up his life as fulfillment to Allah's command. This consultation would be a major test of Ishmael's maturity in faith, love and commitm ent for Allah, willingness to obey his father and sacrifice his own life for the sake of Allah.Ibrahim presented the matter to his son and asked for his opinion about the dreams of slaughtering him. Ishmael did not show any hesitation or reservation even for a moment. He said, â€Å"Father, do what you have been commanded. You will find me, Insha'Allah (Allah willing), to be very patient. †His mature response, his deep insight into the nature of his father’s dreams, his commitment to Allah, and ultimately his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the sake of Allah were all unprecedented.Ibrahim could not bear to watch his son die so he covered his eyes by a blindfold. When he cut Ishmael's throat and removed the blindfold, he was astonished to see that Ishmael was unharmed and instead, he found a dead sheep which was slaughtered. Ibrahim had passed the test by his willingness to carry out Allah's command. As a reward for this sacrifice, Allah then granted Ibrahim the good news of the birth of his second son, Is-haaq. And We gave him the good news of Is-haaq, a prophet from among the righteous.Ibrahim had shown that his love for Allah superseded all others: that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dearest to him in submission to Allah's command. Muslims commemorate this ultimate act of sacrifice every year during Eid al-Adha. I celebrated Eid ul adha with my family in Chittagong. Our eid vacation was started 17 October. I went to Chittagong with a great pleasure. Before 3 days of eid my father bought a cow to sacrifice for Allah. The eid was celebrated at 27th October. On that day I take bath in 7. 00 am.Then I help my mother in cooking. My father was going to slay cow and collect beef. My father returned home at 1. 00 pm. Then my mother cooked meat. At afternoon I get out with my friends. I visited my friends’ house. My friends were gathering in one of my friend’s house and chatting. At 9. 00 pm I returned home . I took my supper with my family. I was tired but I enjoyed the festival. After 7 days I returned to Dhaka. It was an enjoyable Eid celebration. Dhaka is a busy city. Everyone is busy with his own business. I miss my Eid days in this busy life. â€Å"Thank Youâ€
Monday, September 16, 2019
Sex Education Should Be Taught in Schools
Computer has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. During the past few years, computer has evolved in many ways and is probably without a doubt better than ever before. People are always trying to find something new that put in computer will improve our lives level. Computers can perform calculations much more quickly and accurately than humans. For example, modern computers can perform hundreds of millions of calculations per second. Large amounts of data can be stored in a small amount of space. For example, hundreds of pages worth of text can be stored on a 31?2inch floppy disk. Computers can work continuously and perform repetitive tasks well. Unlike their human counterparts, computers do not get bored or tire. Besides, information system has been with us for a long time, may be as the history of man him self. Then pencil and the clerk dominated the period around 1955. By today standard, data processing was very rudimentary for most organizations because i t was limited to only accounting system, payrolls etc to operate business for ex ample, order processing and invoicing but computer come along with changes. Businesses, and particularly the marketing aspect of businesses, rely a great deal on the use of computers. Computers play a significant role in inventory control, processing and handling orders, communication between satellite companies in an organization, design and production of goods, manufacturing, product and market analysis, advertising, producing the company newsletter, and in some cases, complete control of company operations. In today's extremely competitive business environment businesses are searching for ways to improve profitability and to maintain their position in the marketplace. As competition becomes more intense the formula for success becomes more difficult. Two particular things have greatly aided companies in their quests to accomplish these goals. They are the innovative software products and the World Wide Web. More and more manufacturing businesses are integrating some aspects of production, including inventory tracking, scheduling, and marketing. This idea, known as computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), speeds processing of orders, adds to effective materials management, and creates considerable cost savings. In addition to designing and manufacturing a product, a company must be effectively able to advertise, market, and sell its product. Much of what passes for business is nothing more than making connections with other people. What if you could pass out your business card to thousands, maybe millions of potential clients and partners? You can, twenty four hours a day, inexpensively and simply on the World Wide Web. The computer is an incredibly tool. As long as we have a internet connection with computer, we are connected to the world. It is an international network that connects all websites and search engines to give us information, new, data and entertainment. In fact, it is a global library, newspaper, and entertainment centre rolled into one. How can we say that this is a bad thing? At the click of the mouse, we can get any information we want. We don’t have to go to the library to do it. Many local libraries do not have the resources that the computer has. We can also talk to anyone in the world as long as with internet connection , they allow people across the globe to communicate with each other, no matter at what time, via the use of email or any socials network. We do not have to write a letter, put it in an envelope with stamp and post it, waiting for weeks for a reply. Once we e-mail someone, that person get the message almost in instantly. When we use a chatroom, we can talk to anyone in the world. The last one advantage of Computer is faster document writing. We can safely say that is a good tool to us when we have to complete our homework, assignment, projects or research. Back-up copies of work can be made easily, without having to re-write everything, and keeping of records.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Nucor Corporation Case Essay
Summary: For more than 20 years the Nucor Corporation has been one of the leading manufacturers of steel and steel related products in the world. With their technology advancement, low debt ratio, decentralized type of organization and many more, this company still thrives to achieve better goals in their company. Aside from the positive views of the company, it also faced problems like bankruptcy. (te pakidagdagan n lng) History: Nucor traced its origins to auto manufacturer Ransom E. Olds, who founded Oldsmobile, and later, Reo Motor Cars. Through a series of transactions, the company eventually became the Nuclear Corporation of America, a company involved in the nuclear instrument and electronics business. In 1972, the firm changed its name to Nucor Corporation. By 1998, it had become America’s second-largest steel maker. Operations: Nucor related its diverse facilities in rural areas across the United States, establishing strong ties to its local communities and its work force. As a leading employer with the ability to pay top wages, it attracted hard-working, dedicated employees. These factors also allowed Nucor to select from among competing locales, siting its operations in states with tax structures that encouraged business growth and regulatory policies that favored the company’s commitment to remaining union-free. By mid-2008, Nucor operated 53 facilities throughout the United States and one in Point Lisas, Trinidad. The company also maintained operations through wholly owned subsidiaries, Harris Steel and the David J. Joseph Company (DJJ). Strategy: Nucor’s strategy focused on two major competencies: building steel manufacturing facilities economically and operating them productively. Organization Structure: Compared to the typical Fortune 500 company with 10 or more management layers, Nucor’s Structure was decentralized, with only the four management layers illustrated below: Chairman / Vice Chairman / President Vice President / Plant General Manager Department Manager Supervisor Human Resource Policies: Employee relations at Nucor were based on four principles: 1. Management is obligated to manage Nucor in such a way that employee will have the opportunity to earn according to their productivity. 2. Employees should feel confident that if they do their jobs properly, they will have a job tomorrow. 3. Employees have the right to be treated fairly. 4. Employees must have an avenue of appeal when they believe they are being treated unfairly. Compensation: Nucor provided employees with a performance-related compensation system. All employees were covered under one of four compensation plan, each featuring incentives for meeting specific goals and targets. 1. Production Incentive Plan * employees directly involved in manufacturing were paid weekly bonuses based on actual output in relation to anticipated production tonnages produced. The bonuses were paid only for work that met the quality standards and were pegged to work group, rather than individual output. 2. Department Manager Incentive Plan * Department managers earned an annual incentive bonus based on the performance of the entire plan to which they belonged. The targeted performance criterion here was return on assets. 3. Non-Production and Non-Department Manager Incentive Plan * All employees not in the Production Incentive Plan or Department Manager Incentive Plan – including accountants, engineers, secretaries, clerks, and receptionists – received a bonus based primarily on each plant’s return on assets. It could total over 25% of an employee’s base salary. 4. Senior Officers Incentive Plan * Included all corporate executives and plant general managers. A portion of pre-tax earnings was placed into a pool that was divided among the officers. If Nucor did well, the officers’ bonuses, in the form of stock (about 60%) and cash (about 40%), could amount to several times their base salaries. If Nucor did poorly, an officer’s compensation was only base salary and, therefore, significantly below the average pay for this level of responsibility. Information Systems: Benefits: Nucor took an egalitarian approach toward employee benefits. Nucor’s benefit program also attested to the company’s commitment to education. Technology: Nucor did not have a formal R&D department, a corporate engineering group, or a chief technology officer. Instead, it relied on equipment suppliers and other companies to do the R&D, and they adopted the technological advancements they developed – whether in steel or iron making, or in fabrication. Teams composed of mangers, engineers, and machine operators decided what technology to adopt. Future: The company’s biggest challenge (in the future) is to continue to grow the company at 15 – 20% per year, and to keep earnings parallel with its growth. Analysis: Nucor Corporation became one of the top corporations in the steel industry because of their handwork and technology innovation. This company also sees and takes care of its employee’s needs, which in return gives them a quality service in their work. Conclusion: Nucor, even though we can see it as a successful, almost perfect company, still faces problems like other businesses in the industry. Problem: The company has lost one-third to one-half of its market value when the stock reached its peak value (mid-2008), and has not recovered as of 2012. Recommendation: We can recommend change in the company’s technology, like getting more advance equipments in making steel and steel-related products. Or the company could make a merger to other company to utilize its resources to its maximum while keeping cost low.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Sheet Metal Design Site Map
Sheet Metal Design Site Map Preface Using This Product More Information What's New? Getting Started Entering the Workbench Defining the Parameters Creating the First Wall Creating the Side Walls Creating a Cutout Creating Automatic Bends Unfolding the Part Extracting Drawings Basic Tasks Managing the Default Parameters Editing the Parameters Bend Extremities Bend Corner Relief Bend Allowance Creating Walls From an Existing Solid From a Sketch Tangent Walls From an Edge Extruding Isolating Walls Creating Rolled Walls Creating Bends Site Map http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. oc/src/sheugsm. htm (1 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:18 PM] Bends from Walls Automatic Bends Conical Bends Bends From Line Creating Swept Walls Creating a Flange Creating a Hem Creating a Tear Drop Creating a Swept Flange Redefining Swept Walls Limits Displaying Swept Walls Axes Unfolding Folded/Unfolded View Access Concurrent Access Creating a Cutout Stamping Standard Features Point Stamp Extruded Hole Curve Stamp Surface Stamp Bridge Louver Stiffness Rib Creating User-defined Stamping Features Punch and Matrix Opening and Cutting faces Editing User-Defined Stamps Patterning Site Map ttp://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugsm. htm (2 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:18 PM] Rectangular Patterns Circular Patterns User-Defined Patterns Corner Relief Redefining a Corner Relief Creating a Local Corner Relief Creating Corners Creating Chamfers Mapping Elements Saving As DXF Reference Elements Advanced Tasks Integration with Part Design Designing in Context Designing†¦ Modifying†¦ PowerCopies Management Creating PowerCopies Instantiating PowerCopies Saving PowerCopies Looking For Sheet Metal Features Workbench Description Menu Bar Sheet Metal Toolbar Constraints ToolbarReference Elements Toolbar Specification Tree Customizing Site Map http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugsm. htm (3 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:18 PM] Glossary Index Site Map http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish /sheug. doc/src/sheugsm. htm (4 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:18 PM] Preface The V5 CATIA – Sheet Metal Design is a new generation product offering an intuitive and flexible user interface. It provides an associative feature-based modeling making it possible to design sheet metal parts in concurrent engineering between the unfolded or folded part representation.V5R7 CATIA – Sheet Metal Design offers the following main functions: Associative and dedicated Sheet Metal feature based modeling Concurrent engineering between the unfolded or folded part representation Access to company defined standards tables Dedicated drawing capability including unfolded view and specific settings. All sheetmetal specifications can be re-used by the CATIA – Knowledge Advisor to capture corporate knowledge and increase the quality of designs. Natively integrated, CATIA – Sheet Metal Design offers the same ease of use and user interface consistency as all CATIA V5 applications.As a sca lable product, CATIA Version 5 Sheet Metal Design can be used in cooperation with other current or future companion products in the next CATIA generation such as CATIA Version 5 Assembly Design and CATIA Version 5 Generative Drafting. The widest application portfolio in the industry is also accessible through interoperability with CATIA Solutions Version 4 to enable support of the full product development process from initial concept to product in operation. Using This Product More Information Preface http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugpr01. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:19 PM] Using This ProductThis guide is intended for the user who needs to become quickly familiar with the CATIA Version 5 Sheet Metal Design product. The user should be familiar with basic Version 5 concepts such as document windows, standard and view toolbars. To get the most out of this guide, we suggest you start reading and performing the step-by-step tutorial â€Å"Getting Started†. The next s ections deal with the handling of more detailed capabilities of the product. Using This Product http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugpr03. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:19 PM] Where to Find More InformationPrior to reading this book, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide. The Part Design User's Guide, the Assembly Design User's Guide and the Generative Drafting User's Guide may prove useful. Finally, you can read the Sheet Metal Production User's Guide to find out more about that product and to fully use the interoperability between the two products. Conventions More Information http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugpr04. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:19 PM] What's New? This table identifies what new or improved capabilities have been documented in Version 5 Release 8 of the Sheet Metal Design workbench.Basic Tasks New: Creating chamfers New: Displaying swept wall axes New: Saving as DXF Enhanced: Creating walls from an existing Part Enhanced: Cre ating walls from an edge Enhanced: Extruding Enhanced: Defining bend extremities when manually creating bends from walls or automatically creating them Enhanced: Stamping Enhanced: User interface of user-defined stamping features (punch and die and cut-out and opening faces). Enhanced: Choice of convex/concave edges when creating corners Enhanced: Mapping elements Advanced Tasks Enhanced: Creating PowerCopy Features Enhanced: Instantiating PowerCopy FeaturesWhat's New? http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugwn. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:19 PM] Getting Started Before getting into the detailed instructions for using Version 5 CATIA – Sheet Metal Design, the following tutorial provides a step-by-step scenario demonstrating how to use key functionalities. The main tasks proposed in this section are: Entering the Workbench Defining the Parameters Creating the First Wall Creating the Side Walls Creating a Cutout Creating Automatic Bends Unfolding the Part Extracting Drawi ngs All together, these tasks should take about 15 minutes to complete. Getting Started ttp://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs01. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:19 PM] Entering the Sheet Metal Workbench The Sheet Metal Design functions are available when you are in the Part environment. Several functions are integrated from the Part Design workbench. This task shows how to enter the workbench. Choose the Mechanical Design -> Sheet Metal Design item from the Start menu. The Sheet Metal toolbar is displayed and ready to use. You may add the Sheet Metal Design workbench to your Favorites, using the Tools -> Customize item. For more information, refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide.Entering the Workbench http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs00. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:20 PM] Defining the Sheet Metal Parameters This task shows you how to configure the sheet metal parameters. 1. Click the Sheet Metal Parameters icon . The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog b ox is displayed. 2. Enter 1mm in the Thickness field. 3. Enter 5mm in the Bend Radius field. 4. Select the Bend Extremities tab. 5. Select Tangent in the Bend Extremities combo list. An alternative is to select the bend type in the graphical combo list. Click OK to validate the parameters and close the dialog box.The Sheet Metal Parameters feature is added in the specification tree. 6. Defining the Parameters http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs02. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:20 PM] The other two tabs are not used in this scenario. Defining the Parameters http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs02. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:20 PM] Creating the First Wall This task shows how to create the first wall of the Sheet Metal Part. 1. Click the Sketcher icon then select the xy plane. 2. Select the Profile icon . 3. Sketch the contour as shown below: Click the Exit workbench icon to return to the 3D world.The sketch remains selected. 4. Click the Wall icon . The Wall Definition dialog box opens. 5. Creating the First Wall http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs03. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:20 PM] By default, the Material Side is set to the top. Click OK. The Wall. 1 feature is added in the specification tree 6. The first wall of the Sheet Metal Part is known as the Reference wall. Creating the First Wall http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs03. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:20 PM] Creating the Side Walls This task shows you how to add other walls to the Sheet Metal part. Click the Wall on Edge icon .The Wall On Edge Definition dialog box opens. 1. 2. Select the left edge. Enter 50mm in the Value field. The application previews the wall. 3. By default, the material side is such that it ensures a continuity with the reference profile. If needed, invert it using the Reverse side button, or clicking the arrow. 4. Click the Reverse Position button to Invert the sketch profile. Click OK. The wal l is created and the Wall On Edge. 1 feature is displayed in the specification tree: 5. Creating the Side Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs04. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:21 PM] 6. Select the right edge.Click the Wall on Edge icon again. The Wall On Edge Definition dialog box opens with the parameters previously selected. 7. 8. Invert the sketch profile and click OK to validate. Click the Wall on Edge icon again. 9. Select the front edge. The Wall Definition dialog box opens with the parameters previously selected. 10. Enter 30mm in the Value field and 10mm in the Limit1 and Limit2 fields, then invert the sketch profile. 11. 12. Press OK to validate. Creating the Side Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs04. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:21 PM] The final part looks like this: Creating the Side Walls ttp://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs04. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:21 PM] Creating a Cutout In this task, yo u will learn how to: open a sketch on an existing face define a contour in order to create a cutout. Select Wall On Edge. 2 from the geometry area to define the working plane. 1. 2. Click the Sketcher icon . 3. Click the Elongated Hole icon to create the contour. To access the oblong profile, click the black triangle on the Rectangle icon. It displays a secondary toolbar. Click to create the first point and drag the cursor. 4. Click to create the second point. The first semi-axis of the rofile is created. 5. Drag the cursor and click to create the third point. The second semi-axis is created and the oblong profile is displayed. 6. 7. Click the Exit workbench icon to return to the 3D world. Creating a Cutout http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs05. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:21 PM] 8. Select the Cutout icon . The Pocket Definition dialog box is displayed and a cutout is previewed with default parameters. 9. Set the Type to Up to last option to define the limit o f your cutout. This means that the application will limit the cutout onto the last possible face, that is the opposite wall. 0. Click OK. This is your cutout: Creating a Cutout http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs05. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:21 PM] Creating the Bends Automatically This task shows how to create the bends automatically. Click the Automatic Bends icon . The bends are created. 1. CATIA displays the bends creation in the specification tree: Automatic Bends. 1 The Sheet Metal part looks like this: Creating Automatic Bends http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs06. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:21 PM] Unfolding the Sheet Metal Part This task shows how to unfold the part. 1.Click the Unfold icon . The part is unfolded according to the reference wall plane, as shown below. Note that the bend limits are displayed in the unfolded view. To refold the part, click the Unfold icon again. Unfolding the Part http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs07. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:21 PM] Extracting Drawings from the Sheet Metal Part This task shows how to create the Sheet Metal Part views in the Generative Drafting workbench. The Sheet Metal part is displayed. 1. Click or select File -; New†¦ 2. Select the Drawing type and click OK. The Generative Drafting workbench is launched.The New Drawing dialog box opens. 3. Click OK. For more information about this workbench, refer to Generative Drafting User's Guide. 4. The drawing sheet appears. 5. Tile the windows horizontally using the Window -> Tile Horizontally menu item. 6. Select the Unfolded View icon in the Projections toolbar from Generative Drafting Workbench. This icon is added to the Projections toolbar provided the Sheet Metal workbench is present. Choose the xy plane in the Sheet Metal specification tree. The unfolded view is displayed with the bends axes and limits. 7. Eventually, the Drafting sheet looks like this:Extracting Drawings http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/ SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs08. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:22 PM] Extracting Drawings http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheuggs08. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:22 PM] Basic Tasks The Basic Tasks section explains how to create and modify various kinds of features. Managing the Default Parameters Creating Walls Extruding Isolating Walls Creating Rolled Walls Creating Bends Creating Swept Walls Unfolding Creating a Cutout Stamping Patterning Corner Relief Creating Corners Creating Chamfers Mapping Elements Saving As DXF Reference Elements Basic Tasks ttp://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0000. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:22 PM] Managing the Default Parameters This section explains and illustrates how to use or modify various kinds of features. The table below lists the information you will find. Using Sheet Metal Design assumes that you are in a CATPart document. Edit the parameters: select the Parameters tab et the wall thickness and bend radius values . Modify the bend extremities : select the Bend Extremities tab and choose a predefined bend type. Define the bend corner relief: select the Bend Corner Relief tab and choose a predefined corner relief type.Define the bend allowance: select the Bend Allowance tab and define the allowance value (K factor). Managing the Default Parameters http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0100. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:22 PM] Editing the Sheet and Tool Parameters This section explains how to change the different sheet metal parameters. Click the Sheet Metal Parameters icon . 1. The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed. 2. Change the Thickness if needed. 3. Change the Bend Radius if needed. Convention dictates that the inner angle between the two walls is used to define the bend. It can vary from 0 ° to 180 ° exclusive.This angle is constant and the bend axis is rectilinear. Press the Sheet Standards Files†¦ button to access to the company defined standards, if need be. For more information, refer to the Customizing section. 4. 5. Click OK to validate the Sheet Metal Parameters. When the Check all bend radius button is checked, and you click OK in the Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box, a list is displayed with all the bends the part that do not use the standard Bend Radius value as defined in step 3. Editing the Parameters http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0101. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:22 PM] Modifying the Bend ExtremitiesThis section explains how to change the bend extremities. Click the Sheet Metal Parameters icon . The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed. 1. The second tab concerns the bend extremities. A combo box displays the six possible axial relimitations for the straight bend: These options can also be accessed through the pop-up button: Bend Extremities http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0103. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:22 PM] Maximum: the bend is calculated between the furthest o pposite edges of the supporting walls. Bend Extremities http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0103. tm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:22 PM] Minimum with no relief: the bend corresponds to the common area of the supporting walls along the bend axis. Square relief: a square relief is added to the bend extremity. The L1 and L2 parameters can be modified if need be. Round relief: a round relief is added to the bend extremity. The L1 and L2 parameters can be modified if need be. Linear: the unfolded bend is split by two planes going through the corresponding limit points (obtained by projection of the bend axis onto the edges of the supporting walls). >Tangent: the edges of the bend are tangent to the edges of the supporting walls.Bend Corner Relief This section explains how to change the bend corner relief. Open the CornerRelief01. CAPTPart model from the samples directory. Within the Tools -> Options -> General -> Parameters -> Knowledge tab, check the Load Extended Langu age Libraries option. See Customizing Knowledgeware Applications. Click the Sheet Metal Parameters icon . 1. The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed. The third tab concerns the bend corner relief. By default, no corner relief is created when a bend is created. Check the Automatic corner relief creation option to activate this creation every time a bend is created.Three corner relief types are available. Select the icon corresponding to the requested type: : square: the square corner relief is created using the bend limits. Its dimensions are defined by the width of the unfolded bends. : circular: its center is located at the intersection of the bend axes. For that option, a radius is proposed by default. It is equal to the bend radius + the thickness. To change it: Selecting Formula -> Deactivate from the contextual menu of the input field and enter a new value, clicking on the button and entering a new formula. Bend Corner Relief http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. oc/src/sheugbt0104. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] : triangular: the triangular relief is created from the intersection point of the inner bend limits towards the intersection points of the outer bend limits with each wall. The corner relief is not previewed during its creation. The corner relief is taken into account in the unfolded view. For better result, you should select the Maximum Bend Extremities option when creating corner relief. These parameters are applied to each corner relief created or to be created, except to those with that have been redefined, or the locally defined corner relieves.Bend Corner Relief http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0104. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] Defining the Bend Allowance This section explains the calculations related to folding/unfolding operations. Click the Parameters icon . 1. The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed. The fourth tab concerns the bend allowance. When a bend is unfolded, the sh eet metal deformation is represented by the bend allowance V, defined by the formula: L = A + B + V where: L is the total unfolded length A and B the dimensioning lengths as defined on the figures below: bend < 90 ° bend > 90 °Bend Allowance http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0102. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] Another way to compute the sheet metal deformation is the neutral fiber definition (K Factor): W = a * (R + k * T) where: W is the flat bend width R the inner bend radius T the sheet metal thickness a the inner bend angle in radians. If b is the opening bend angle in degrees: a = p * (180 – b) / 180 Physically, the neutral fiber represents the limit between the material compressed area inside the bend and the extended area outside the bend. Ideally, it is represented by an arc located inside the thickness and entered on the bend axis. Therefore the K Factor always has a value between 0 and 0. 5. When you define the sheet metal parameters , a literal feature defines the default K Factor, according to the DIN standard: K = (0. 65 + log(R / T) / 2) / 2 This formula can be deactivated or modified using Knowledge Advisor workbench. When a bend is created, the bend K Factor and the bend allowance literals are created. Two cases may then occur: If the Sheet Metal K Factor has an activated formula and uses the default bend radius as input parameter, the same formula is activated on the bend K Factor with the bend radius as input.Else the bend K Factor is a formula equal to the Sheet Metal K Factor. The bend allowance literal is equal to a formula representing the use of the bend K Factor. This formula is fairly complex and it is strongly recommended not to delete it. V = a * (R + k * T) – 2 * (R + T) * tan ( min(p/2,a) / 2) Though it is possible to deactivate the formula to enter a fixed value. Finally, the bend flat width is computed from the bend allowance value. The bend allowance can be locally redefined when cre ating bends from walls, generating bends automatically, Bend Allowance http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0102. tm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] Creating Walls This section explains and illustrates different methods to create walls. Create walls from an existing Part: click the icon, and select a face of a wall Create a wall from a sketch: use the sketcher to define the profile, and set the material side. Create a wall tangent to another one: select a profile coincident with an existing wall, and select the wall to which it should be tangent Create a wall from an edge: select a wall edge, set the height, limits, angle, then the sketch and material sides Creating walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. oc/src/sheugbt0800. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] Creating Walls From an Existing Part This task illustrates how to create a Sheet Metal part using an existing Part, that is recognizing the thin part shapes of the Part as created using the Part Design workb ench or from a CATIA Version 4 Solid for example. Open the WallScenario1. CATPart document from the samples directory. The document contains a Part created in the Part Design workbench and it looks like this: 1. Click the Walls Recognition icon 2. Click any face to be the reference wall. The Walls Recognition Definition dialog box is displayed. 3.Choose the Wall creation mode: Part body recognition: the whole solid is processed and walls are created wherever possible Only selected faces: only explicitly selected faces of the solid are processed and the corresponding walls are created. The Reference wall is indicated in the Walls Recognition Definition dialog box for information only (it is grayed out). From an Existing Solid http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0201. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] Select faces as the Compulsory walls. These are faces from which the walls are to be generated when there might be an ambiguity.For example, if the initial part is a box, you will need to select two opposite inner faces and outer faces on the other two sides of the box, in order to avoid overlapping when generating the walls. 4. 5. Set the Internal profiles recognition mode: As cut out wall: generates walls with inner contours (no cutout feature is generated) One cut out by wall: regardless of how many pockets there are on a face of the solid, only one cutout feature is generated per wall One cut out by profile: for each inner contour on the sketch-based solid, a cutout feature is generated None: whether there are pockets on the solid aces, or not, no cutout feature is created in the resulting SheetMetal features. The Generate Bends check button allows the automatic creation of bends as the walls are being created, wherever applicable. 6. Click Apply. The walls are generated from the Part Design geometry. The Walls Recognition. 1 feature is added to the tree view. At the same time, the Sheet Metal parameters are created, deduced from the Part geometry. Select the icon to display the sheet metal parameters: 7. the Thickness is equal to 1mm the Bend radius is twice the thickness value the Bend Extremities field is set to Square relief.From an Existing Solid http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0201. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] You can modify a few of these parameters The Thickness parameter cannot be modified because it is based, like the bend extremities and radius, on the initial solid geometry . However you can modify these parameters (bend radius and bend extremities) to be taken into account for sheet metal features other than the â€Å"recognized†ones. The bend allowance, being used to unfold the part, and the corner relief affect all features, and therefore can be edited even for â€Å"recognized†features. . Click OK in the Sheet Metal Parameters when all parameters have been redefined where needed. The solid is now a Sheet Metal part. All the features are displayed in th e specification tree. Once the solid has been converted to a Sheet Metal part, you can create bends as with any other Sheet Metal part, or modify/add Sheet Metal features to complete the design. Uncheck the Generate Bends button, if you do not wish bends to be created automatically. From an Existing Solid http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0201. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:23 PM] Creating Walls from a SketchThis task shows how to create a wall from a sketch. You must be in the Sheet Metal Workbench, with a . CATPart document open, and you must have defined the Sheet Metal parameters. Set the sketcher grid to H = 100mm and V = 100mm, using the Tools -> Options, Mechanical Design -> Sketcher, Sketcher tab. 1. Click the Sketcher icon then select the xy plane. 2. Select the Profile icon . 3. Sketch the contour as shown below: 4. Click the Exit workbench icon to return to the 3D world. Click the Wall icon . The Wall Definition dialog box opens. 5. By default, the M aterial Side is set to the top.From a Sketch http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0801. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:24 PM] Click OK. The Wall. 1 feature is added in the specification tree. 6. The first wall of the Sheet Metal Part is known as the Reference wall. Click the sketcher icon from the Wall Definition dialog box, if you wish to directly edit the selected sketch. When exiting the sketcher, you then go back to the wall creation step, without having to reactivate the Wall icon. This is also very useful if you have selected an edge from a wall and clicked the Wall icon . In this case, the sketcher is utomatically activated and the plane defined as being the selected edge's plane. You can then directly draw a sketch, then exit the sketcher and return to the wall creation step. From a Sketch http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0801. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:24 PM] You can directly create a wall with a hole, by selecting a sketch with an inner contour (the contours must not intersect): Sketch with inner contour Resulting wall Note however, that the emptied area is part of the wall and is not a separate cutout that can be edited. From a Sketch ttp://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0801. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:24 PM] Creating Tangent Walls This task shows how to create a wall tangent to a planar part of another wall or of a flange. This capability will then allow this tangent wall to be seen when unfolding the part, even though there is no bend linking it to its tangent support, provided this support is unfoldable too. Open the TangentWall1. CATPart document from the samples directory. Select a face of an existing wall and click the Sketcher icon . Here we selected the flange's planar face. 1. 2.Select the Profile icon and sketch the contour as shown below: Using the Constraint Defined in Dialog box icon, set coincidence constraints between the edges where the support and sketch are to coinc ide. 3. 4. Click the Exit workbench icon to return to the 3D world. Make sure the sketch is still active, then click the Wall icon . 5. The Wall Definition dialog box opens. Tangent Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0803. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:24 PM] Note the orientation of the wall to be created. Click inside the Tangent to field, then select the wall to hich the new wall has to be tangent. 6. Here, you need to select the planar face of the flange. Note that the orientation automatically changes to conform to the material orientation already defined on the support wall. Click OK. The wall is created and a Wall. xxx feature is added in the specification tree. 7. Tangent Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0803. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:24 PM] If you want to create the wall on a wall that cannot be unfolded, the system issues a warning and prevents you from creating the tangent wall. Tangent Walls ttp://arbredsy/FmoCX R8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0803. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:24 PM] Click the Unfold icon . The tangent wall is unfolded as a wall linked by a bend to another wall, would be. 8. Creating Walls From An Edge This task shows how to create walls from edges of an existing wall. This function is used to create a box in an easy and quick way from an existing reference wall. At least one wall must already exist. Open the Wall1. CATPart document from the samples directory. Click the Wall on Edge icon and select an edge of an existing wall. 1. The Wall On EdgeDefinition dialog box is displayed together with a preview of the wall. Define the type of wall to be created by specifying the Reference, that is: 2. the Height of the wall: that is the orthogonal projection from the top of the wall on edge to the reference wall. Select the icon to define the height of the wall from the bottom of the reference wall or the icon to define the height of the wall from the top of the reference wall . the Length of the wall: that is the absolute value of the wall on edge without bend. From an Edge http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0802. tm (1 of 6) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] the limits of the wall: LIM1 and LIM2. These texts only indicate on which side a given limit is. They are not precisely on the limit spots. The actual locations of the limits are defined with the icons and an input distance that is taken into account respectively from the inner side of an existing bend, the inner side of an existing wall or the outer side of an existing wall. the angle of the wall: by default it is perpendicular to the plane containing the edge. You may modify it according to your needs. it is updated dynamically on the screen. This preview gives information about: he Sketch Profile: by default, if you pick an edge on the top of the reference wall, the direction of the wall is upwards, if you pick an edge on the bottom of the reference wall the direction of the wall is do wnwards. Preview with top edge selected Preview with bottom edge selected You can invert the sketch's position, and therefore the wall's, using the Reverse Position button. Preview with bottom edge selected and sketch profile inverted From an Edge http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0802. htm (2 of 6) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] the material side: by default the aterial side is proposed so as to keep a continuity with the reference profile. However, you can change it by clicking the red arrow or the Reverse Side button. Check the Clearance option to offset the wall on edge from the selected edge. 3. The entered value is the radius of the bend on this edge. Wall on edge with clearance Wall on edge without clearance Note that the reference wall remains unchanged when changing the bend radius value. It is the Wall on Edge's length that is affected. You can also choose to create the wall with or without a bend by checking the With Bend option. 4.If there is no wall from which a limit can be computed, the reference element is the edge of the reference wall. From an Edge http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0802. htm (3 of 6) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] A wall on edge is defined by the selected edge (reference edge). When the reference edge is modified, by adding any feature that shortens the edge (a bend to an adjacent wall on edge or a cutout for example) the wall on edge based on this reference edge is recomputed. To avoid this you may: create the bend manually on the wall modifying the edge used as the reference to create the other wall eorder the creation of walls to postpone the creation of the modifying feature Both limits are computed with the same reference icon. The bend is not previewed, even if the option With Bend is checked. However it will be created. The selected options are modal and will be proposed to create the next wall. Walls on edge being contextual features, if you break the profiles continuity by inverting the material side of a wall, you may have to manually re-specify all features based upon the modified one, even if they are not directly connected to the modified wall, in order to update the part afterwards.This is the case when creating a wall on edge from another wall on edge, for example: From an Edge http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0802. htm (4 of 6) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] If you invert the material side of the reference wall on which the first wall on edge has been created, both walls on edge are relocated (as if you were flipping the geometry): If you invert the material side of the first wall on edge (and not the material side of the reference wall), the second wall on edge is relocated. Indeed, its specification being relative to the first wall on edge, when its input data (i. e. he edge selected on the first wall on edge) is modified, the second wall on edge is rebuilt at a new location. 5. Click OK in the Wall On Edge Definition dialog box. A WallOnEd ge. x element is created in the specification tree. A WallOnEdge. x element can be edited: double-click it in the graphic area or in the specification tree to display its creation dialog box and modify the parameters described above, including the edge from which it is created. However, the sketch of a wall on edge cannot be edited directly. Would you need to edit the sketch of a wall on edge, you have to isolate it first. See Isolating Walls.You can cut or copy and paste a wall on edge. If you cut and paste a wall on edge with children elements, these children elements are lost. This may result in update errors. You cannot undo an Isolate action after having modified the wall. Isolating a wall on edge erases all updating data. From an Edge http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0802. htm (5 of 6) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] Extruding This task explains how to create a wall by extrusion. You must have defined the Sheet Metal parameters. A model is available in the Extru de1. CATPart from the samples directory. 1. Click the Extrusion icon . 2.Select a sketch. The Extrusion Definition dialog box is displayed. Several types of extrusion are available: Dimension : the requested input data are a sketch and a dimension, Up to plane or Up to surface: a plane or a surface are input as limit to the extrusion. These functions are used to create walls that are not rectangular. 3. Edit the Length1 and Length2 to set both extremities, for option Dimension. Extruding http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1100. htm (1 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] 4. Define the options as needed: Check the option Mirrored extent to extent the material on both sides of the sketch.In that case, only Length1 can be edited. This option is only available if the type is set to Dimension. Extruding http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1100. htm (2 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] Push Invert Material Side to invert the direction of the creation of the m aterial. 5. Click OK. The walls corresponding to the selected sketch are created according to the specified options, and added to the specification tree. When the extrusion is the first Sheet Metal feature of the Part, the reference wall is the first wall created based on the first segment of the sketch.For option Up to Surface, while the wall end that is limited by the surface has the shape of the surface, its thickness does not fit the surface. It is a â€Å"rectangular†polygon defined by the first edge that comes into contact with the surface. Extruding http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1100. htm (3 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] Check Symmetrical thickness to create thickness inside and outside the sketch. Such an extrusion can also be performed on a sketch made of lines and arcs of circle, provided there are no tangency discontinuities between the different elements. However, in this ase, the Up to plane or Up to surface capabilities are not availab le, and you cannot isolate such an extrusion. Extrusion walls can be edited and/or isolated. The sketch may not be closed. Extruding http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1100. htm (4 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] Isolating Walls This task explains how to isolate a wall. This is possible in two cases: 1. after having created walls by extrusion (see Extruding) 2. after having created a wall on edge (see Creating Walls from an Edge). You must have defined the Sheet Metal parameters. A model is available in the Extrude2. CATPart from the samples directory.Isolating Extruded Walls Right-click the Extrusion. 1 feature and choose the Extrusion. 1 object -; Isolate contextual menu item. 1. The Extrusion Isolate dialog box is displayed. Select one of the wall of the extrusion to be isolated. 2. The selected wall is highlighted in the geometry. This wall is the reference wall, meaning that it can be modified and the other walls will take the modification into account. On th e other hand if the other walls are modified the reference wall is an anchoring wall, and modifications will be made around it. The Extrusion Isolate dialog box is updated. 3. Click OK in the dialog box.The walls of the extrusion have been isolated, each with its own sketch. Yet coincidence constraints are automatically generated between the isolated walls. Isolating Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1701. htm (1 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] The extrusion's initial sketch is retained (Sketch. 1 in the example above). Double-click the sketch of the reference wall (here Sketch. 3) and modify it by increasing its length. 4. Exit the Sketcher using the Exit icon . 5. The Part is updated. You can note that the wall that was adjacent to the pad, now lies on it, as it is the reference wall that was modified.Isolating Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1701. htm (2 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] However, had you modified the sketch of t he wall lying on the pad (Sketch. 4), moving it further away from Wall. 2 as shown here to the right, the updated pad would not take the gap between the walls into account. The resulting part looks like this (Wall. 3 has been modified but still coincides with Wall. 2): Isolating Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1701. htm (3 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] You can then edit its sketch if needed. In the present case, the wall on edge had been created with a end. Therefore when isolating this wall from the reference wall, the bend is created as a separate feature that can be edited as well. The angle value between the two walls is displayed for edition. You cannot undo an Isolate action after having modified the wall. Isolating a wall on edge erases all updating data. Isolating Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1701. htm (4 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:25 PM] Isolating Walls on Edge Right-click the wall on edge and choose the Wall On Edg e contextual menu item. 1. The wall on edge is then changed to a standard wall, as you can see from the specification tree.Creating Rolled Walls This task shows how to create rolled walls (such as pipes, open pipes with flange, etc. ). You must have defined the Sheet Metal parameters, and have a sketch available, in the form of an circular arc. The part is available in the Rolledwall1. CATPart from the samples directory. 1. Click the Extrusion icon . 2. Select the circular sketch. 3. Make sure the type is set to Dimension. Length 1 and Length 2 indicate the location of Limit 1 and Limit 2. 4. 5. Define the options as needed (the length being down to -50 mm): Creating Rolled Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. oc/src/sheugbt1000. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:26 PM] Check the option Mirrored extent to extend the material on both sides of the sketch. In that case, only Length1 can be edited. Check Symmetrical thickness to create thickness inside and outside the sketch. Push Invert Material Side to invert the direction of the creation of the material. Click OK in the dialog box to create the rolled wall: 6. Creating Rolled Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1000. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:26 PM] The rolled wall is a particular extrusion: he input sketch is either a circular arc or a closed circle, the creation type is always Dimension. The sketch may be open. In that case, you can define where the opening should be. The sketch may be closed. In that case, you have no control on the opening location. The only operations you can combine with a rolled wall in a Sheet Metal model are flanges and cutouts. No other elements (standard wall, bend,†¦ ) are allowed. Creating Rolled Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1000. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:26 PM] Creating Bends on WallsThis section explains and illustrates different methods to create bends on walls. Bends can only be created between walls , whether manually or automatically, and not between any other Sheet Metal features, such as stamps for example. Create bends from wall: select the two walls, set the bend radius value, the bend extremities, and specify the use of corner relief Generate bends automatically: select the part, then a reference wall Create conical bends: select the part, and choose a reference wall Create flat bends: select a sketch, set the creation mode and limiting option, set the radius and angle in relation to the selected sketch.Creating Bends http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0210. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:26 PM] Manually Creating Bends from Walls This task explains two ways to create bends between walls in the Sheet Metal part. These bends can be created on non-connex walls, and with a constant radius value. Open the BendExtremities01. CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Select the Bend icon . The Bend Definition dialog box opens. Note that the Radius field is in gr ay because it is driven by a formula: at that time, you cannot modify the value. Select Wall. 2 and Wall. 5 in the specification tree.The Bend Definition dialog box is updated. 2. Right-click the Radius field: the contextual menu appears. 3. Deactivate the formula: you can now change the value. 4. Enter 4mm for the Radius and click Preview. 5. The bend is previewed, along with its orientation symbolized by arrows. The Left and Right texts further indicate this orientation and are useful to define different bend extremities. Manually Creating Bends from Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0202. htm (1 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] 6. Click the More button to display further options: You can define: he left and right extremity settings (see also extremities definition settings) the corner relief definition settings and the bend allowance settings. Within the Left Extremity tab, choose the Mini with round relief bend extremity type, deactivate the L1 and L2 le ngth formulas, and set them to 6mm and 3mm respectively. 7. Click the Right Extremity tab, and choose the Curved shape type. 8. Click Preview to visualize the left and right extremities. 9. Click OK in the Bend Definition dialog box. 10. The Bend is created with the specified extremity types. Manually Creating Bends from Walls ttp://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0202. htm (2 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] The extremities and the corner relief defined with the current dialog box will apply locally and prevail over any other global definition. Be careful when creating bends with square or round relief. Depending on the geometry configuration, this can lead to removing more matter than you would expect. Indeed, a corner relief being computed on the whole intersection of the elements involved (bends or bend/wall), in the following configuration the matter is removed till the end of the wall.Bend with no relief Bend with square relief In this case, it is best to replace the bend corner relieves with cutouts (identified in red in the figure below) that will act as corner relieves removing matter to the part. Manually Creating Bends from Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0202. htm (3 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] Generating Bends Automatically This task explains how to automatically generate bends between walls in the Sheet Metal part. You can first create all the bends, then modify the parameters for any of the generated bends.However, when an ambiguity arises, that is when more than two bends end on the same vertex, the bends are not automatically generated. You then need to create them manually, so as to explicitly select the walls between which the bends are to be created. Open the BendExtremities01. CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Select the Automatic Bends icon . The bends are created. Generating Bends Automatically http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0206. htm (1 of 4) [12/7/200 1 5:13:27 PM] Double-click the bend of interest: Bend. 4 The Bend Definition dialog box opens. 2. Right-click the Radius field: the contextual enu appears. 3. Deactivate the formula: you can now change the value. 4. Enter 4mm for the Radius and click Preview. 5. Bend. 4 is modified. 6. Click the More button to display further options: You can re-define: the left and right extremity settings (see also extremities definition settings) the corner relief definition settings and the bend allowance settings. Generating Bends Automatically http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0206. htm (2 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] Within the Left Extremity tab, choose the Mini with round relief bend extremity type, deactivate the L1 and L2 length formulas, and set them o 6mm and 3mm respectively. 7. Click the Right Extremity tab, and choose the Curved shape type. 8. 9. Click OK in the Bend Definition dialog box. The bend is modified with the specified options The extremities and the corner relief defined with the current dialog box will apply locally and prevail over any other global definition. Push the more button to display; the extremities definition settings and the corner relief definition settings and the bend allowance settings. Generating Bends Automatically http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0206. htm (3 of 4) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] Creating Conical BendsThis task explains how to generate conical bends between two walls in the Sheet Metal part. These bends are different from the standard bend in that they allow different radius values at each end of the bend. Open the ConicalBend1. CATPart document from the samples directory. Select the Conic Bend icon . The Conic Bend Definition dialog box opens. 1. Select Wall. 1 and Wall. 2 in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Bend Definition dialog box is updated, and arrows are displayed indicating the walls orientation. 2. You can click on the arrow to invert them if needed. Th e LIM1 and LIM2 texts indicate the endpoints for the bend.Enter the radius values for each end of the conical bend. If the difference between the specified radius values does not allow the generation of a cone with an angle greater than 1 degree, a warning is issued prompting you to increase one of the radii. Click OK in the Warning dialog box, and increase/decrease the radius values. 3. Conical Bends http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0204. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] By default, Radius 2 is twice Radius 1. 4. Click More†¦ to display further options. 5. Choose the bend extremities: Mini with no relief: the shortest possible bend is created, and presents no reliefCurve shaped: the bend is created keeping the tangency continuity with the support walls. Maximum: the bend is calculated between the furthest opposite edges of the supporting walls. 6. Click OK. The Bend is created. The two walls must be connected by the edge of their internal faces. The Angle field is locked. It indicates the angle value between the two walls between which the bend is computed. Conical Bends http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0204. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] Should you choose the Curve shaped extremity option, the bend would look like this:Conical Bends http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0204. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:27 PM] Creating Bends From a Line This task explains how to generate bends based on a line (also called flat bends) in the Sheet Metal part. A wall and a bend are created. Open the FlatBend1. CATPart document from the samples directory. Select the reference wall then the Bend From Flat icon . 1. The Bend From Flat Definition dialog box opens. Select a sketch (Sketch. 3 here). This sketch must necessarily be a line. 2. 3. You can choose the line extrapolation option: he line is extrapolated up to the wall edge (Bend From Flat Until) the line is not extrapolated, and the bend is l imited to the line's length (Bend From Flat Length) Set the bend radius value. You may need to deactivate the formula using the Formula -; Deactivate contextual menu on the Radius field. 4. 5. Set the angle value between the generated wall and the reference wall. 6. Click OK to create the bend. Bends From Line http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0205. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:28 PM] When creating such a bend on a reference wall (first wall), an arrow indicates which part is to be folded.Click this arrow to invert the side that will be bent. Such bends cannot be created, if the section to be folded already intersects the part. Bends from line should be performed on end walls, or prior to creating further walls on the bent one. Perform the bend before creating the stamping features, as stamps are not retained when the part is folded with the bend. Bends From Line http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0205. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:28 PM] Creating Swept Walls This section explains and illustrates how to create and use various kinds of swept walls, i. e. alls based on a given contour that is swept along a spine. Create a flange: select a spine, and set the radius, length, and angle values. Create a hem: select a spine, and set the radius, and length values. Create a tear drop: select a spine, and set the radius, and length values. Create a swept flange: select a spine, and a user-defined profile Redefine swept walls limits: choose the Relimited type, and select a point lying on the spine or a plane normal to the spine and intersecting it as limits Display swept walls axes in drafting sheets: open a CATDrawing document, click the Unfolded View icon, and select a planeSelecting the Spine Whatever the type of the swept wall you wish to create, you first need to select one or more contiguous edges to make up the spine along which the contour, either pre- or user-defined, is to be swept. You can: manually select one, or m ore, edge(s) Selection without propagation Resulting flange without propagation select one edge and click the Tangency Propagation button: all contiguous and tangent edges are selected. In this case, would you need to remove one edge, you need to manually select it. Remember that only extremity edges can be removed without breaking the continuity between edges.Creating Swept Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0600. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:28 PM] Selection with propagation Resulting flange with propagation Creating Swept Walls http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0600. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:28 PM] Creating a Flange This task explains how to generate a flange from a spine and a profile. Open the SweptWall01. CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Select the Flange icon . The Flange Definition dialog box opens. 2. Select the edge as shown in red. Creating a Flange http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. oc/src/sheug bt0601. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:28 PM] Enter 2mm in the Radius field, 10mm in the Length field and 120 ° for the Angle. 3. Click the More button to display the Bend Allowance tab allowing you to locally redefine the bend allowance settings. You may need to deactivate the formula using the contextual menu on the field and choosing Formula -; Deactivate before editing the value. 4. In this case, the new K Factor value overrides the value set in the Sheet Metal Parameters. 5. Click OK to create the flange. Creating a Flange http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0601. tm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:28 PM] The feature is added to the specification tree. Use the Tangency Propagation button to select all tangentially contiguous edges forming the spine (see Selecting the Spine). You can redefine the flange limits by choosing the Relimited option (see Redefining Swept Walls Limits). Creating a Flange http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0601. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:28 PM] Creating a Hem This task explains how to generate a hem from a spine and a profile. The SweptWall01. CATPart document is still open from the previous task. If not, open the SweptWall02.CATPart document from the samples directory. Select the Hem icon in the Swept Walls sub-toolbar. 1. The Hem Definition dialog box opens. 2. Select the edges as shown in red. Creating a Hem http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0602. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] Enter 2mm in the Radius field, and 3mm in the Length field. 3. Click the More button to display the Bend Allowance tab allowing you to locally redefine the bend allowance settings. You may need to deactivate the formula using the contextual menu on the field and choosing Formula -; Deactivate before editing the value. 4.In this case, the new K Factor value overrides the value set in the Sheet Metal Parameters. 5. Click OK to create the hem. Creating a Hem http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish /sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0602. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] The feature is added to the specification tree. Use the Tangency Propagation button to select all tangentially contiguous edges forming the spine (see Selecting the Spine). You can redefine the hem limits by choosing the Relimited option (see Redefining Swept Walls Limits). Creating a Hem http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0602. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] Creating a Tear DropThis task explains how to generate a tear drop from a spine and a profile. The SweptWall01. CATPart document is still open from the previous task. If not, open the SweptWall03. CATPart document from the samples directory. Select the Tear Drop icon in the Swept Walls sub-toolbar. 1. The Tear Drop Definition dialog box opens. 2. Select the edge as shown in red. Creating a Tear Drop http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0603. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] Enter 3mm in the Radius field, and 8mm in the Length field. 3. Click the More button to display the Bend Allowance tab allowing you to ocally redefine the bend allowance settings. You may need to deactivate the formula using the contextual menu on the field and choosing Formula -; Deactivate before editing the value. 4. In this case, the new K Factor value overrides the value set in the Sheet Metal Parameters. 5. Click OK to create the tear drop. Creating a Tear Drop http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0603. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] The feature is added to the specification tree. Use the Tangency Propagation button to select all tangentially contiguous edges forming the spine (see Selecting the Spine).You can redefine the tear drop limits by choosing the Relimited option (see Redefining Swept Walls Limits). Creating a Tear Drop http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0603. htm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] Creating a Swept Flange This task explains how to generate a swept flange from a spine and a user-defined profile. The SweptWall01. CATPart document is still open from the previous task. If not, open the SweptWall04. CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Using the Sketcher , define a profile in the yz plane as shown below: Then quit the Sketcher, using the Exit iconSelect the Swept Flange icon in the Swept Walls sub-toolbar. 2. The User Defined Flange Definition dialog box opens. 3. Select the edge and the profile, as shown in red. Creating a Swept Flange http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0604. htm (1 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] The dialog box looks like this: Click the More button to display the Bend Allowance tab allowing you to locally redefine the bend allowance settings. You may need to deactivate the formula using the contextual menu on the field and choosing Formula -; Deactivate before editing the value. 4.In this case, the new K Factor value overrides the value set in the Sheet Metal Parameters. 5. Click O K to create the swept flange. Creating a Swept Flange http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0604. htm (2 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] The feature is added in the specification tree. Use the Tangency Propagation button to select all tangentially contiguous edges forming the spine (see Selecting the Spine). You can redefine the tear drop limits by choosing the Relimited option (see Redefining Swept Walls Limits). Creating a Swept Flange http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0604. tm (3 of 3) [12/7/2001 5:13:29 PM] Redefining Swept Wall Limits This task explains how to redefine the spine's limits when creating any type of swept walls, using existing geometric elements: points lying on the spine or intersecting planes.. Open the SweptWall01. CATPart document. 1. Select the Flange icon . The Flange Definition dialog box opens. Using the combo list, choose the Relimited type. 2. The Flange Definition dialog box is updated and now displays two Limit fi elds. Select the spine. Here we select a single edge. See also Selecting the Spine. 3. Redefining Swept Walls Limits http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. oc/src/sheugbt0606. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:30 PM] Successively select the two limiting elements. Here we select a point lying on the spine as the first selecting element, and a plane intersecting the spine as the second limiting element. 4. Make sure intersecting elements are normal to the spine, and they intersect it only once. Specify the swept wall values. In the example of the flange you set the Radius, Length and Angle values. You may also click More >> to display further options. See Creating a Flange. 5. 6. Click OK. The swept wall is created within the limits on the spine. Redefining Swept Walls Limits ttp://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0606. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:30 PM] Displaying Swept Wall Axes This task explains how to generate an unfolded view of a part with swept wall in a drawin g sheet including the axes of planar hems, tear drops, and flanges are displayed within the drawing. The SweptWall01. CATPart document is still open from the previous task. If not, open the SweptWall05. CATPart document from the samples directory. Make sure that the Generate axis button is checked in the Tools -> Options -> Mechanical Design -> Drafting -> Generation tab, prior to generating a view in a .CATDrawing document. 1. Click or select File -> New†¦ 2. Select the Drawing type and click OK. 3. Click OK. For more information about this workbench, refer to Generative Drafting User's Guide. Displaying Swept Walls Axes http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0605. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:30 PM] 4. The drawing sheet appears. Tile the windows horizontally using the Window -; Tile Horizontally menu item. 5. Select the Unfolded View icon in the Projections toolbar from Generative Drafting Workbench. 6. This icon is added to the Projections toolbar provided the Sheet Metal workbench is present.Choose the xy plane in the Sheet Metal specification tree. The unfolded view is displayed with the planar swept wall axes. 7. Displaying Swept Walls Axes http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt0605. htm (2 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:30 PM] Unfolding Unfolded Sheet Metal parts can be displayed in two ways: Folded/Unfolded View Access Concurrent Access Each Sheet Metal feature is created in a given view: folded, or unfolded. Editing a feature must be done in its definition view. If not, a message is automatically issued, prompting you to change views, before editing the feature. Unfolding http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. oc/src/sheugbt1200. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:30 PM] Folded/Unfolded View Access This task shows how to unfold the part. 1. Click the Unfold icon . The part is unfolded according to the reference wall plane, as shown below. 2. Click this icon again to refold the part for the next task. Bend limits and stamping are n ow displayed in the unfolded view. When designing in context, If a CATProduct document contains several SheetMetal parts, only one part can be visualized in the unfolded view at a time. Folded/Unfolded View Access http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1201. htm [12/7/2001 5:13:30 PM] Concurrent AccessThis task explains how to display the Sheet Metal part in two windows: one with the folded view, one with the unfolded view. Any modification in one window is displayed in the other window. 1. Click the Multi-view icon . The part is unfolded in a second window. 2. Choose the Window -; Tile Horizontally menu item. Both windows are tiled. Activate the window in which you want to work. Concurrent Access http://arbredsy/FmoCXR8/SheEnglish/sheug. doc/src/sheugbt1202. htm (1 of 2) [12/7/2001 5:13:30 PM] Any modification in one view is taken into account in the other view enabling the user to make modifications in the best possible context.In the multi-view mode as in the st andard unfolded view, all constraints are displayed in the geometrical views. Once in the Multi-view mode, the standard icon Unfold is not longer available. The Multi-view function is not available from a standard unfolded view. Only parts with bends can be unfolded. Cutting faces and open faces are not displayed in Multi-view mode. Concurrent Access
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