Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Symptoms And Treatment Of Cancer - 1303 Words
Introduction Cancer, also known as malignant neoplasm, the hallmark characteristic involves uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Under normal conditions cell grow, divide and die, but in cancer cells the defect takes place at the gene level leading to the formation of an abnormal DNA. As genes are the basic control machines of the cell, alteration of any kind may bring devastating consequences, or malignancy. Moreover, in normal cells damage of any kind is taken care by the repair system but in cancer cells, the repair function is altered, hence damaged DNA is not repaired, occurs, cells divide continuously without displaying senescence, generating a series of abnormal cells (Alberts, 2007). (Normal cell†¦show more content†¦Cancer Proliferation Cancer is initiated in the cell, the basic unit of any living entity. Under normal conditions the cell follow the regular cell cycle but any chemical, physical or biological agent may trigger the conversion of proto-oncogene to oncog ene, the active form of cancer causing gene which is responsible for the altered metabolism of the cell. The genetic basis of cancer has been revealed through numerous animal models. The human Genome Project aids in improving preclusion, analysis and management of cancer with better efficacy (Luo, 2008). Luo et al (2008) have identified essential genes in 12 cancer cell lines, they were exploited to find the presumed and established oncogenes such as KRAS, EGFR, MYC, MYB, BCR-ABL, CDK4 and CRKL that are vital for cancer cell proliferation and are found to be altered in the human cancers. Their findings postulate that tumoricidal agents trigger the expression of four genes PTPN1, NF1, SMARCB1, and SMARCE1. Moreover, five regulators are also activated in response to FAS activation, FAS, FADD, CASP8, ARID1A and CBX1. The information is beneficial for pursuing future cancer studies as well as for therapeutics. A comparative study between normal stem cells and cancer stem cells states that signal transduction namely Bmi1 and Wnt are shared by the normal as well as cancer stem cells for cellular proliferation. Perception and thorough understanding for cancer stem cells will certainly aid in recognition of the drug
Monday, December 16, 2019
China 1400’s Free Essays
In the early 1400’s most people did not venture outside of their birthplace. Most did not live long lives. They died either from child birth, famine, or sickness. We will write a custom essay sample on China 1400’s or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their knowledge of Arts, medicine, work, and law was confined to the small village and the families that lived there. They would have traveled only a few miles to the next village to trade or shop for necessities. The bulk of their food intake would have been corn, wheat, sorghum, rice and barley. But not too far away in the same world there were missionaries, pilgrims, explorers, conquerors, seaman, caravan leaders and merchants. Explorers and conquerors made their way to villages and took people into their web of networks most against their will. In the beginning merchants were like lower class people. They were watched closely, and their activities were regulated. However as the world got bigger the merchants grew in power, wealth, and status. China was a power house in the early 1400’s. They were an advanced region and would have been best prepared for the emerging world market. They were trading silk, spices, tea, religion, and sickness. Sickness was a drawback/ disadvantage of having travelers, merchants and traders in your area. China had a fleet of ships that traveled to places such as Calicut, Thailand, and other countries. But in 1421 a emperor named Yongle stopped a voyages by the Ming Fleet, and in 1436 emperor Zhu Qizhen ordered the destruction of all shipbuilding plans. China became isolated from other countries and isolated from itself merchants and traders were not supported by the government and were not protected from pirates. The population almost tripled in size from the 1400’s to the 1600 to a staggering 160 million. The majority were poor and could not purchase from Chinese traders. How to cite China 1400’s, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Learning Perspectives & Development in Childhood-Free-Samples
Question: Discuss about the Learning Perspectives and Development in Childhood. Answer: Introduction The social construction of a child mind plays a big role in influencing crucial future events like early childhood development of learning process, thought processwhich finally portrays the socio-cultural and emotional quotient of the child, better known as the image. Every child creates his/her/their own perception based on the real life experiences since birth (Piaget, 2013). Through their energy and curiosity to know more, to connect with the surrounding world, the child possesses far more potential than is often recognized. This study looks back in time to explore the various exemplary methods that were used in the past to connect and communicate with a child in order to help him/her/them form a strong, independent personality. Changing the normative culture of the human society is only possible through the help of children; and making them realize their full potential, inculcating the ability to think critically instead of blindly following norms , would empower the child with a decisive mind, capable of critical thinking. According to (Powley Taylor, 2014) there are various pedagogical approaches to early childhood developmentamongst which, the Reggio Emilia approach emphasizes on a holistic learning process based on constructivist, experiential learning . The approach was first seen in the Italian city of Reggio Emilia and was developed by psychologist Malaguzzi along with the contemporary parents of the city, who wanted to give their children something more than the normative structure of imparting knowledge and information. Early Childhood Education Contemporary theorists have introduced looking at early childhood education as a social construction. Early childhood education emerged during the evolving phases of enlightenment and Renaissance, post world war-II (Classen, 2017). Ever since the human society realized the necessity of early childhood education and care, various cultures across the world have taken up various approaches to impart appropriate knowledge and wisdom for fulfilling societal expectations. A child with critical thinking capability is considered rich on the basis of competency, emotional quotient and independence of thought process. While the previous normative theory was to assume a childs competence by labelling him/her/them vulnerable or independent, contemporary researches are seen to focus more on the context of the child, the socio-economic-cultural environment he/she/they are growing in, and utilise that to establish a relationship with the child for better communication and growth. Current theorists have pointed out the necessity to embrace a technique that is developmentally appropriate in relation to the child (Gestwicki, 2013). A childs contemporary social and cultural processes play a vital role in shaping the childs context, in which he/she/they are developing and it is inclusive of family and friends as major contributors. The early childhood experiences play a big part in shaping the childs cognitive behaviour, emotional quotient and social participation. History of Early Childhood Education Theories Educators, over the history of time, have innovated unique styles, in accordance with each of their socio-cultural contexts, to provide optimum care, affection and wisdom to the children who would be the future of the society. The idea of early childhood education first came up in Europe when a mother started interacting and educating children outside their homes and then during the Industrial Revolution when the churches, factories and even private homes set up pre-schools for children whose parents had to go out for work. Further, during the post world war- II phase, parents felt the increasing need to protect their children from the violence and aggression of fascism that had clouded the futures sky. Rightly analysed, children and their alternative ways of perception of reality were the most powerful means to put a control to the existing normative structures. Impact of Socio-Cultural Constructions Social constructions of a childs mind are the core pillars that define the character, behaviour pattern and finally the competence of the child in regards to functioning as a social being. Early childhood education can be considered a process of social construction of mind and body, complemented with ethics and values. Childhood is a construction of the society and the image of the child changes with every changing context, beliefs and cultures. However, childhood may be varied for children living in the same society because of the normative social and cultural differences within the society. Therefore, the socio-cultural constructions of a childs image hinder the childs freedom to perform independently in the contemporary social structure. The chief socio-cultural constructions that influenced the development and learning techniques of a child are briefly discussed below: Dependence: The past notions of childhood care have started to lose relevance in the light of modern times. The past era took into consideration the child as a vulnerable being, dependent on adults for growth and survival. However, the modern theorists have included the socially constructed nature of learning complementary to the individualistic ways of development, often due to genetics. Knowledge: The past ideas about children assumed that they are incapable of retaining knowledge, unlike the adults, and therefore need help to learn to perform as a social being. However, todays educators argue that the early childhood phase is one of the most crucial stages for gaining knowledge and wisdom. During the earliest phase, a child is full of curiosity to know the surroundings he/she/they live in. Therefore, this phase experiences the maximum potential to acquire and retain knowledge that would later contribute in forming the childs character. Moral Teachings: Early childhood education in the past mostly comprised of etiquettes and manners that one is expected to adhere to in a particular society. It did not take into consideration the cognitive development of a child in relation to the circumstances and environment that surround him/her/them. Modern theories have challenged this approach for hindering independent thought process and encouraging normative biases. The modern day early childhood care offers an academic approach rather than an action based approach by allowing the child ample space to grow and learn in his/her/their own way. Key Perspectives and Approaches One of the key perspectives in the art of pedagogy is to sustain a holistic view towards children instead of treating them as vulnerable individuals, waiting to be led and guided by adults. The previous years of early childhood education was more like setting up normative rules for the children, adhering to which would make the child more acceptable and successful in the society. However, contemporary views on pedagogy have changed as theorists today encourage viewing a child as a psychosocial individual, interacting in the society and evolving in his/her/their own exclusive way. Some of the relevant early education teaching theories that were practised in the past, are briefly discussed below (Pound, 2017): Reggio Emilia Approach: The most essential element of the Reggio Emilia Approach is that it puts its dependence on the idea of self, for learning and development during the initial years of life. It emphasizes on the childs relationship with the surrounding society, the life-experiences of privilege or oppression and encourages self-driven and self-guided curriculum. Secondly, it believes in the development of teachers along with the development of the child, to avoid stagnation of ideas. A child educator needs to modify him/herself everyday to maintain relation with the child and understand him/her better. The motive of this approach is to utilize their curiosity and creativity through relationship-driven interaction in order to help them formulate their own learning process based on their interests and circumstantial context. Montessori Approach: This particular approach takes into account that children have a natural inclination to know and eventually master their surrounding environment. The Montessori approach aims to employ this curiosity in a creative and fun way for the children to enjoy as they learn to participate in relation to the society around them and develop their motor skills and cognitive behaviour. Interesting games are devised in a way to inculcate the ability to judge, analyse and criticize instead of simply following and remembering useful information. Socio-cultural Approach: Socio-cultural learning theory was devised by Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, who argued that the experiences of a child in the society he/she/they live in, determines their ways of thinking and perception of the world around them. Children learn best by communicating with experienced peers, families and adults, essentially because learning is a social process and will always be measured in terms of the socio-economic-cultural context. This approach has successfully helped with the development of psychologically unstable children as it encourages a teacher to identify the needs of a child and work accordingly to resolve the issues. Primary education shares an intricate relationship with early days of childhood and experiences of the same. Therefore, the early years of a child are crucial for the development of perception, motor skills and emotional quotientdetermined by the kind of experiences and education the child receives (Wood, 2014). Dealing with children during early childhood phase could be a critical task and therefore the key perspectives of efficient early childhood education are listed below: Developmental Perspective- This stresses on the physical and psychosocial development, along with the dependencies and vulnerabilities of a child during the early childhood phase (Swim, 2015). Political-Economic Perspective- This perspective sheds light on the impacts of social conventions on the childs principles for learning and growth (Ideland Malmberg, 2015). It takes into account the economic position of the child in relation to the economic position of the society. Socio-Cultural Perspective- This perspective stresses on the fact that early childhood psychology is mostly created by the social norms and conventions and for every different child it is perceived, understood and expressed in different ways (Roskos, 2017). Dialectics and Contradictions The Reggio Emilia approach and the Socio-Cultural Approach by Lev Vygotsky share some acute overlapping as well as contradictions. Unlike the Reggio Emilia approach, which believes in a childs self-discovery through diverse experiences in a society, a Vygotskian perspective argues that a childs intellectual development, during the early childhood phase, depends on the normative lessons taught in school or social institutions, rather than the childs own discovery of knowledge or information (Akalin et al., 2014). It points out a major loophole showing that the Reggio Emilia approach sometimes makes provisions for knowledge systems, even though this aspect remains in conflict with its chief ideology (Nilsson Ferholt, 2014). The main conflict between the two approaches lies in the mediumone encouraging early childhood curiosity, self-discovery as the roots of learning and the other one advocating specific knowledge systems in accordance with the contemporary socio-economic culture. Impact on Teaching and Learning The impacts of early childhood education are multiple and diverse. The potential of a child can be efficiently harnessed only through holistic guidance and teachings based on contemporary socio-political structure of the society. The education during early childhood phase needs to incorporate relationship-driven approach, so as to provide the child ample space for observation, critical judgement and growth (Cascio Schanzenbach, 2013). The major impacts of contemporary early childhood education on teaching and learning today are as follows: Socialization: The contemporary theorists encourage extensive socialization amongst children from various cultures, religions and class, for an understanding of the diversely multi-cultural society and its acceptance (Flook et al., 2015). Awareness of ones surroundings is essential for the learning and growth of a developing child. Co-operation: According to the new theories, co-operation is a vital element that should be incorporated in early childhood education (Heckman, Pinto Savelyev, 2013). Since the effects of early childhood education pave the behaviour and characteristics of a developing childkeeping in mind the growing intolerance within a society, co-operation needs to be reverted through educating the future generation. Two-way Growth: An important element of contemporary image of child includes responsibility of the educators to learn and grow in the process of educating a child. Every child is different and has unique needs and preferences (Garvis et al., 2013). The educator needs to pay exclusive attention and learn every day in order to establish a relationship with the child and encourage growth (Pramling Samuelsson Pramling, 2013). Conclusion In conclusion, a perfect incorporation of both past theories and contemporary ideas of early childhood education would make way for a strong and powerful child. Every child has unique needs based on their unique experiences and perception. Child educators must have in-depth knowledge of the childs psychology in order to communicate successfully with him/her/them. Only following value based moral teachings could end up limiting the childs imagination, confidence and potential; however, complementing the action based approach with the academic approach of imparting pre-defined knowledge and information in relevance with the contextual socio-cultural reality. References Akalin, S., Demir, S., Sucuoglu, B., Bakkaloglu, H., Iscen, F. (2014). The Needs of Inclusive Preschool Teachers about Inclusive Practices.Eurasian Journal of Educational Research,54, 39-60. Cascio, E. U., Schanzenbach, D. W. (2013).The impacts of expanding access to high-quality preschool education(No. w19735). National Bureau of Economic Research. Classen, A. (2017).Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: the results of a paradigm shift in the history of mentality. de Gruyter. Flook, L., Goldberg, S. B., Pinger, L., Davidson, R. J. (2015). Promoting prosocial behavior and self-regulatory skills in preschool children through a mindfulness-based kindness curriculum.Developmental psychology,51(1), 44. Garvis, S., Lemon, N., Pendergast, D., Yim, B. (2013). A content analysis of early childhood teachers' theoretical and practical experiences with infants and toddlers in Australian teacher education programs.Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online),38(9), 25. Gestwicki, C. (2013).Developmentally appropriate practice: Curriculum and development in early education. Cengage Learning. Heckman, J., Pinto, R., Savelyev, P. (2013). Understanding the mechanisms through which an influential early childhood program boosted adult outcomes.American Economic Review,103(6), 2052-86. Ideland, M., Malmberg, C. (2015). Governing eco-certified childrenthrough pastoral power: critical perspectives on education for sustainable development.Environmental Education Research,21(2), 173-182. Nilsson, M., Ferholt, B. (2014). Vygotsky's theories of play, imagination and creativity in current practice: Gunilla Lindqvist's creative pedagogy of play in US kindergartens and Swedish Reggio-Emilia inspired preschools.Perspectiva,32(3), 919-950. Piaget, J. (2013).The construction of reality in the child(Vol. 82). Routledge. Pound, L. (2017).How Children Learn-Book 1: From Montessori to Vygosky-Educational Theories and Approaches Made Easy(Vol. 1). Andrews UK Limited. Powley, E. H., Taylor, S. N. (2014). Pedagogical approaches to develop critical thinking and crisis leadership.Journal of Management Education,38(4), 560-585. Pramling Samuelsson, I., Pramling, N. (2013). Orchestrating and studying children's and teachers learning: Reflections on developmental research approaches.Education Inquiry,4(3), 22624. Roskos, K. A. (Ed.). (2017).Play and literacy in early childhood: Research from multiple perspectives. Routledge. Swim, T. J. (2015). Theories of child development: Building blocks of developmentally appropriate practices.Development,10, 27. Wood, E. A. (2014). Free choice and free play in early childhood education: Troubling the discourse.International Journal of Early Years Education,22(1), 4-18.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Tokyo String Quartet free essay sample
After watching their fine performance at Jordan Hall in February, I marveled at the Tokyo String Quartets magical musicianship. Not only does each of the four performers play with command and complete control of their instruments, but they play with sensitivity as well. The ensemble opened the concert with an early Haydn quartet (Opus 20, No. 2), which was played in a delightfully spirited manner. The heart of the concert followed, with Benjamin Brittens Quartet No. 2, a complex but startling work written in response to World War II. The piece was introduced by Peter Oundjian, the groups first violinist, who informed the audience that at last he, being British, had convinced his otherwise Asian ensemble to perform this British work. After intermission, Beethovens Quartet No. 7 closed the concert, and proving themselves to be true professionals, the group performed the challenging work without a flaw. The tempos did feel a little fast throughout the first and last movements, but the players worked hard to stay in control. We will write a custom essay sample on The Tokyo String Quartet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The group worked as a unit in complete sync, listening and playing with each other throughout even the most difficult passages. They also demonstrated their enjoyment of the music they played during their two encores, smiling and moving with the music. One of the finest ensembles in the world, the Tokyo Quartet played beyond all expectations, demonstrating what true musicianship means. n
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
night advice elie essays
night advice elie essays At the beginning of the book Elie has a very strong faith in God and the Jewish religion, but this faith is tested when he is moved from his small town by the Nazi's. Elie has to deal with the death of his family, the death of his innocence, and the death of his God at the very young age of fifteen. He tells us of the horrors of the concentration camp; starvation, beatings, torture, illness, and hard labor. He comes to question how God could let this happen and to redefine the existence of God in the concentration camp. "The night was gone. The morning star was shining in the sky. I too had become a completely different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed in the flames. There remained only a shape that looked like me. A dark flame had entered into my soul and devoured it." as Wiesel faces each day and witnesses the starvation, the beatings of innocent people, and the tortures, his faith in God begins to waiver. By the end of the book Wiesel has lost his belief in God. If there is a God, how could he allow this to happen, he wonders. Wiesel is a witness to all the horrible things. The death of his family, the death of his childhood and the death of his God. As the days go by, there are frequent selections. A man with a little stick decides who will live and who will die. This man acts like God. To the right you live, to the left, you die. As Wiesel watches the evil that exists, his belief in the existence of God continues to deteriorate. Wiesel asks, "Where is my God? Where is He?"(61) ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Silicon vs. Silicone
Silicon vs. Silicone Silicon vs. Silicone Silicon vs. Silicone By Maeve Maddox A reader has observed confusion between the words silicon and silicone and has asked for a post to illustrate the difference. Silicon (chemical symbol Si) is a non-metallic element that ranks next to oxygen in respect of abundance in the ground. Silicone is a chemical compound that contains silicon. The teeny plates that contain a set of electronic circuits are usually made of silicon. Because so many silicon chip manufacturers located their facilities in the Santa Clara Valley south of San Francisco, the area came to be known as â€Å"Silicon Valley.†Silicone has a great many different applications for everything from breast implants to spacecraft assembly. It’s used in the manufacture of textiles, paint, cosmetics, and cookware with non-stick surfaces. Here are some examples from the Web in which the words appear to be unintentionally reversed: Plan your busy social life with this fun planner from the Silicone Valley collection. - a stationery site. Social Media Goes to Washington - Obama Heads to Silicone Valley - a news site. Some years ago, when silicon baking wares came out, I jumped on them with glee. - a personal blog. Sometimes, the â€Å"error†is deliberate. For example, an episode of the television series Botched is called â€Å"Silicone Valley.†It’s about a woman who has had numerous plastic surgeries with horrific results. An article in Newsweek is headed â€Å"Home: It’s Silicone Valley.†The article is about silicone cookware. A car wash located in Miami, Florida is called â€Å"Silicone Valley Car Wash.†Silicone is an ingredient in some car waxes. If you are referring to the element, the valley, or computer chips, spell the word silicon. For products or applications, spell it silicone. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should KnowYay, Hooray, Woo-hoo and Other AcclamationsNeither... or?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Innovative Entrepreneur Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Innovative Entrepreneur - Coursework Example An example of disruptive innovation was the iPod. I admired the product because it changed how people listen and buy music (Kahney, 2011). I decided that this was an innovation because it created a new platform to get access to music which did not exist before. Starbuck recent market development strategy of â€Å"Skinny Lattes†and low fat/calorie syrup was innovative. I admired the innovation because it was able to address the increasing change in consumption behavior as more people become concerned about their health. This was innovative because it was able to create a product that fits human health through reducing the level of calories. I decided that the idea was innovative because it was able to address an existing problem of obesity (Starbucks Corporation, 2014). However, the current innovative idea might affect the consumption of other foods. This might affect the company’s performance in the market. The change of PayPal business model from a cryptography company to an online money transfer company was innovative. Currently, PayPal enables people to transfer money online from one part of the world to another within a short time. I admire this innovative idea because it was able to identify a gap that existed in the market, an aspect that led to creation of one of the most successful company in the world (Cohan, 2013). However, the disadvantage of the move is that it affected the original idea that led to establishment of the company. Kahney, L. (2011, October 22). An Illustrated History of the iPod And Its Massive Impact [iPod 10th Anniversary] | Cult of Mac. Retrieved May 27, 2014, from
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW Assignment - Essay Example ote rule and with the globalization thrust of the WTO, economic growth and development should have propelled economic equilibrium but nonetheless some countries still remain in the quagmire of poverty and unable to cope with the demands of the multilateral trading agreements. This paper will likewise demonstrate that the equality clause remains a lip-service during the process of negotiations and deliberations until it is submitted to the floor for approval as comments and oppositions registered by developing and least developed economies over the inclusion of certain provisions or requests for amendments and modifications to the multilateral agreements and/or decisions are overturned by the sheer number, extreme pressure or overwhelming influence of developed economies that suggested revisions or changes to safeguard the interest of the less developed countries were not given due course at all even though anchored on meritorious grounds. The revolutionary measures introduced by the WTO under the Most-Favored-Nation and National Principles were considered as breakthroughs in world trading to level the field but on the contrary, it became an avenue to oppress the poor and it is the task of this paper to critically analyze the issues for its failure to alleviate poverty and spawn economic growth and development as WTO set out to achieve from the beginning, to include a perspective in the settlement of disputes. Before the advent of WTO, the trade relations between countries could be traced back to the first century of the Common Era where a Greek Manuscript Traveler named Periplus Maris Erythraei recorded transactions between the Romans and the Indians. In West Asia, Asian nomads used camels to travel towards their trading destinations to trade silk and spices. Some countries used ships and boats to sail the seas to trade with other countries. During the middle ages, the first printed paper money was made by Song Dynasty and England was able to gain market
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Empowerment of Talent Essay Example for Free
Empowerment of Talent Essay The present paper is an investigation of how empowerment of talent is being met in the present times when the entire world is going through rapid changes in almost all walks of life. The changes are bringing the countries of the world together creating a global village and it is the time of mutual gain and benefits. In this very scenario, all major players have been active in the race of competitive advantage that has spread world over. Diversity is what the world has witnessed and affected all the people either in cities of remotest villages. Technological and scientific advances are seen as the ultimate solution of the problems of the world. However, one thing that is seriously being talked about is the development and effective utilization of human capital at every area of work and society. This at once opens a wide door of arguments and conflicts between the nations especially between the developed and the developing world. This paper undertakes an extensive investigation at the issue of talent and the challenges present to the world in the empowerment and retention of talent world over. The paper looks at a number of different sources to gather a number of viewpoints to reach an analysis. In the conclusion section, the paper makes recommendation along with findings of the investigation. 2- Defining Globalization Different writers see the concept of globalization in different terms and diversified contexts. However, there is a common link between their definitions and explanation of the phenomenon of globalization in today’s discourse. For example, Samli (2002) defines globalization in the context of technological advances that have taken the entire world with a swing; other phenomenal milestones that the world has covered in the journey of globalization are outbursts of information and related technologies, common know-how that has been increasing dramatically with the advent of these new concepts, and financial flows that have seen almost every corner of the world: the rise of the corporate culture. According to the author major portion of globalization is to technological advancement of the world. The author defines technology as â€Å"the application of science to economic problems†. Technology is also important in the process of elevating general standard of living on earth. In terms of globalization technology has not only improved rapidly in the recent times, but also its transfer to the remotest areas of the world has made the overall progress a material reality. This is why people from one corner to another are connected with each other via, satellite, Internet, and so forth. Chasing the history of globalization takes us to the nineteenth century when, according to Samli (2002) â€Å"globalization was well on its way†. Such technological strides as telegraph, steamships, rail-road had back then started the process of globalization causing shrinkage for the entire world. Economies conversion with flow of capital continued as international migrations and information technology flows were driven by activities of trade and services which were constantly growing with a rapid pace. However, there are certain issues that the author brings to the reader’s attention in connection with globalization. As developing countries see a way out in globalization by benefitting from agricultural reforms and services provision (which still would be critical to their future development), it is highly required that this process be continued, otherwise the author sees a bungling up between opportunities and struggle to grow worldwide. We can sum up the definition of globalization by Samli that there are at least four important areas where this concept is fruitful for the entire world. 1) Possibilities for specialization and comparative advantage; 2) increased productivity through specialization; 3) more competition (both locally and internationally) and reduction of monopoly; 4) possibilities for transfer of technology and improved production worldwide. Hence, entrepreneurship is one answer to a number of challenges that the entire world is facing: adjustment to global challenges like empowerment of talent without fighting the war of talent is possible through the proper development of entrepreneurship
Thursday, November 14, 2019
To Characterize a Character :: essays research papers
To Characterize a Character      Character is the combination of qualities and features that distinguish a person, group, or thing from others. The wise Benjamin Disraeli once said, â€Å"Characters do no change. Opinions alter, but characters are only developed.†This statement is worth acknowledging, however, I disagree. Characters are an essential part of any literary piece, and in the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I have observed several characters alter and change. Of course, Disraeli is referring to the character within a person and I am referring to characters (or imaginary people) in a novel, but they do have a relation. What would a novel’s character be without an inner character, or personality? Drastic alterations of character occur in both Hester Prynne and Roger Chillingworth. But who, in reference to my statement of what character is, has more of it?      Hester Prynne is the social outcast of the Puritan village due to her sin of committing adultery. She wears a large letter â€Å"A†on her bosom and is constantly put to shame by it. The townspeople (including children) openly mock her as she walks about. But even so, Hester endures it and has gained great strength from it. Though she is an outcast, she works hard and continues to keep herself and her daughter, Pearl, alive and well. Hester achieves survival through sewing. She has, â€Å"†¦bore on her breast, in the curiously embroidered letter, a specimen of her delicate and imaginative skills†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Page 56). She even sews clothing for the homeless, but they are ungrateful for it. Because of her ability to stay alive, and help the needy even though nobody ever helped her, some referred to the letter â€Å"A†on her chest as â€Å"Able.†     Roger Chillingworth, who is secretly the husband of Hester Prynne, has a great amount of character, also. He arrives in town and decides to stay upon his promise to discover the father of Hester’s child. He serves as a physician knowing several medicine concoctions from roots and weeds, as taught by the Indians. Soon, it is suggested by people of the town that Chillingworth should move in with Reverend Dimmesdale in order to care for him during his time of illness. After living together for a while, Chillingworth realizes that Dimmesdale’s illness is not a physical illness. It is due to some internal and spiritual illness, such as guilt. Chillingworth takes advantage of this finding and plays with the Reverend’s emotions already knowing that he is the father of Pearl.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dbq12: the Industrial Revolution: Beginnings Answers
DOC #1 This document would help support the geographical/resource paragraph for the essay question – essentially, England had coal which powered machines, iron which created the machines and wool which the machines made into thread and then textiles. If the map is to scale, it is easy to infer that the resources were fairly close to canals or ports which meant less expense and faster shipping to the factories. DOC#2 This document supports the geographical/resource paragraph for the essay – factories needed a large, mobile population to work in the factories.DOC#3 This document supports an innovation paragraph because the idea of the assembly line was first used in the textile mills to increase production. This document could also be used to support the resource paragraph because if there were not so many people available to work in the factories, then there would not be enough people to man the assembly line. DOC#4 This document aids the resource/geography paragraph as it discusses the coal, iron and wool resources’ proximity to ports and rivers. These waterways cut down on shipping time and cost, as land shipping is usually more costly due to the length of time it takes.Because thee resources are close together, they can also be easily experimented with, due to the lower shipping costs. DOC#5 This document would support an innovation/scientific paragraph as it focuses on how English thinkers are able to work on their inventions. DOC:6 This document can be used in an innovation paragraph as it focuses on what inventions produced which results. It could also be used to support a resource paragraph as it infers that with these inventions, less people were needed to work, so more people were available to work in factories.It could also be used to support a factory paragraph as it describes the inventions that created the first textile mills, the first industry in England. Doc7 This document could support an innovation paragraph due to the impr ovements in agriculture which are able to support a growing number of city dwellers due to increased harvests. It could also support a resource paragraph as it infers that less people are needed on farms to plant and harvest crops; therefore, people are available to work in factories. Doc8This document would support a resource paragraph as it describes how farms create more food and infers that more people are available for other jobs. It could also support a political paragraph as it states that Parliament id not interfere with the consolidation of land into large farms. Doc9 This document would support a political paragraph as it states that England’s freedom in politics and economics, as compared to other countries like France and Germany where businesses are strictly regulated and shipping costs are prohibitive toward industrial development, led to its status as being the first country to industrialize.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Electrical Engineering Essay
1. Introduction Engineers have the potential of developing technology that will be used by hundreds, thousands, even millions of people. Since so many people are using this technology, it has to be safe and it has to benefit one population without making another suffer. As the engineers design new technology, they are the ones that have an ethical responsibility to ensure that it will not endanger lives or cause any suffering. The purpose of the essay is to explore the specific issues that face electrical engineers. The primary focus in this essay will be addressing the question: how can an issue be an ethical concern if it does not directly endanger human life or society? This is particularly important as in contrast to other branches of engineering, the moral issues surrounding electrical engineering do not usually affect a consumer’s health or lead to injury or death. A civil engineering dilemma could involve a building collapsing or roads falling apart leading to direct death or injury, s uch as the â€Å"L’Ambiance Plaza Collapse†1 in Connecticut, or the â€Å"Sampoong Department Store Collapse†2 in Seoul. However, as discussed in Fleddermann (2000)3, the problems faced by electrical engineers are no less important, and that the engineers in this discipline should be aware of the particular ethical dilemmas of this field. The field of electrical engineering covers a wide range of technology from power generation and transmission lines to integrated circuits used in computers. This essay will outline, using real-life examples, three major concerns in electrical engineering and explain how they impact the world on an international scale. The current solutions to the ethical dilemmas will be evaluated using ethical analysis, and alternative solutions will be provided. The following scenarios are an excellent illustration of the ethical issues that electrical engineers have to face and opens up a unique discussion about their responsibilities in both a national and international setting. Issue 1 – Quality of product vs. commercial success Electrical engineers are involved in the manufacturing of everyday household appliances. The circuitry that is designed is used in products that are sold by the manufacturer. Manufacturer’s can prioritise the commercial success of their product over the actual quality. This can result in a conflict of interest between manufacturer and engineer since the manufacturer can be financially motivated, whereas an engineer is supposed to hold paramount the welfare of public in their professional duties (engineering code of ethics)5. An example of this is the manufacturing of the Intel microprocessor in 19944. The microprocessor had a flaw in it that meant that a regularly used operation by users would give the incorrect results. The engineers knew of this problem, and rectified it for future version. Despite this, Intel continued selling the product. This error was found by users, and Intel decided it would only replace microprocessor with a good one to people who could demonstrate that they needed it. Should Intel have provided a replacement regardless? Since Intel was aware of the problem, was it unethical to withhold this information from the users? If this information had been given, and warnings had been included, does this solve the ethical problems for the company? According to Intel, since the error was so minor it would not affect the majority of users. However the few people would have ‘suffered’ from this flaw could have been rectified if Intel had offered to replace their microprocessor for free. This is what Intel did do and so according to utilitarianism principles their response was ethically sound. However, what was immoral was the fact that they did not bring up this issue themselves, and that they continued manufacturing and selling the product without warnings. They did not respect the dignity of their consumers enough to let them be informed consumers. By applying Kantian ethics, one can determine that Intel did not respect the dignity of their customers, and was merely using them as a means to an end. This was to maximise their profit margin by exhausting their faulty stock. There are a number of alternative solutions that Intel could have taken. Intel could have continued selling their product with a warning label so that further customer’s would be aware of flaw. A better solution would have been if Intel discontinued making this microprocessor and told their customers of the flaw straight away, whilst also offering a replacement chip. Issue 2 – experimental nature of electrical. The technology used by engineers to design equipment is complex, and outside the understanding of a majority of general consumers. In addition to this, the lasting effect of some of these technologies is unknown. Since electrical technology is designed on such a small scale, there can be unknown effects due to our limited understanding of quantum physics. This raises an interesting issue that has sparked debate. Can we use technology that we don’t fully understand, but use on a daily basis? Is it safe to use this technology considering that there may be a potential risk that we have yet to comprehend? The nature of electrical engineering can be somewhat experimental. Transmission lines are used every day to transfer energy into our homes. There are inconclusive theories6 that suggests that these transmission lines which emit low-frequency electromagnetic radiation can be harmful to the general population. This ranges from causing headaches and muscles fatigue to an increased risk of cancer6. Is an engineer obliged to consider these potential risks in their design, even if there is little proof or knowledge into the lasting effects? Currently transmission lines are designed so that they are around 5-10 metres off the ground, this is both for efficiency as well as to remove them from the reach of the general public, avoiding electrocution. However, not many transmission lines have shielding to reduce or eliminate the effects of electromagnetic fields, as there is no quantitative evidence to suggest that shielding is necessary. If the observational theories were proven to be true, however unlikely, that would mean that the general public have been placed in a position of possible harm. In the unlikely case this was true, does the small probability of this being true outweigh the seriousness of the potential harm (cancer). An engineer should be morally responsible at all times, and so an engineer should employ some sort of safety measure. Even if there is only a tiny potential for transmission lines to have lasting negative effects, there should be methods used to combat this threat. This is applying contractualism principles. If engineers themselves believed that they could be exposed to these harmful effects, and knew that they could do something about it, they would integrate some shielding into their transmission line design. Issue 3 – sustainability and power generation, impact of cheap labour Power generation and sustainability is a key concern for all people in the world. Electrical engineers are a vital part of this global machine concerned with sustainability. Engineers primarily concern themselves with providing the most efficient means of power generation and distribution, but this can cause negative effects on the global community. Can a balance be achieved? Is it possible for an electrical engineer to be morally responsible at all time? Our current primary energy source is dependent on a limited resource, coal and fossil fuels7. The utilisation of these materials results in emissions and waste that are harmful to the environment. Since an electrical engineer is only concerned with the production of energy and not of its disposal is this even an issue they should concern themselves with? It’s not just up to one person to be ethically responsible. An engineer is only a small part of a network of morally autonomous agents. An engineer can apply virtue ethics or kantian ethics, and create awareness of environmental issues. An engineer should have a virtuous nature and consider all areas of society that they can impact. If an engineer applies Kantianism, their actions would involve trying to tell their managers that they are using the Earth’s limited resources as a means to an end, and the environment gets negatively affected by this. If an engineer raises concern about environmental issues, then they are ethically sound. Even if the situation does not change due to the opinions of higher up people, the engineer has done all that they can be expected to. Cheap Labour: An example of our global effect is found in a youtube video8 where cheap child labour is used to break down parts in a circuit board for further use. The toxic fumes emitted from deconstructing the components are extremely hazardous and can cause lasting health consequences. Companies source labour to developing countries because it is an extremely economical alternative. This is primarily due to developing nations not having as stringent workplace health and safety requirements, and also being able to obtain workers who would work for a much lower wage. Essentially this action will achieve the same outcome, for a lesser cost. These companies clearly priorities profit margins over social wellbeing. Is this an electrical engineers concern? An electrical engineer is part of the company that makes the decision to employ cheap labour, and so they can be in a position to influence this decision. A number of options are available. Employ 1st world employees to perform the same job locally This will mean that there is a higher cost for the company. However, this will take away work from third work countries. Cheap labour will no longer be exploited, but the people of the country will no longer have employment, which could have serious roll-over effects on the society and economy. A better solution would be: Employ 3rd world employees, and provide better wages and working conditions. The major benefit of this is that a company can still provide work for the global community, while improving the working conditions and economies of the developing nations, rather than exploiting them. The downside is extra cost put into educating employees and providing good equipment to apply process. Both scenarios involve extra money input from companies, resulting in loss of profits, but this is weighed against the safety of the people contracted to the company. Value of human life is held paramount here which satisfies engineering code of ethics. References 1. http://www.engineering.com/Library/ArticlesPage/tabid/85/ArticleID/168/LAmbiance-Plazza.aspx 2. http://www.hazardcards.com/card.php?id=8 3. http://www.ele.uri.edu/courses/ele400/f12/cases.pdf 4. B. Crothers, â€Å"Pentium woes continue,†Infoworld, vol. 16, no. 48, pp. a. 1–18, Nov. 18, 1994. 5. http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au//sites/default/files/shado/About%20Us/Overview/Governance/CodeOfEthics2000.pdf 6. http://www.mcw.edu/radiationoncology/ourdepartment/radiationbiology/Power-Lines-and-Cancer-FAQs.htm#1 7. http://www.dg.history.vt.edu/ch2/impact.html 8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeDw6yHQVbI
Thursday, November 7, 2019
1993 Dbq About New England and Chesapeake Region Essays
1993 Dbq About New England and Chesapeake Region Essays 1993 Dbq About New England and Chesapeake Region Essay 1993 Dbq About New England and Chesapeake Region Essay After they defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, the English began to explore and colonize the New World. By the 1600s, the English occupied the eastern part of the New World. As reformations and revolutions went on in England, different types of people immigrated to different parts of the New World. Two distinct regions, New England and the Chesapeake region, grew to be different in economy, social and family life, and religious beliefs. The two different way of life created two settlements that contrasted and complemented each other. Though the differences between the settlements of New England and Chesapeake region are many, they are largely due to the different style of life and desires, such as economic and religious freedom, that led the people to leave England. The economy between the New England region and the Chesapeake region were far apart from each other. The Southern region of the New World was known for agriculture because of the rich and fertile soil. In 1611, John Rolfe perfected a way to grow tobacco without the bitter tang and it became a cash crop instantly. Farmers were attracted to the money that was made from growing and selling tobacco. Workers were needed to work for the farmers and since slaves were expensive they were not used until after the 1700s. Instead, indentured servants were often brought over to work the farms. New England was a rocky and hilly area with poor soil and the climate was not suitable for agriculture. Merchants, craftsmen, and fishers were common to the area and trading was important because Boston was a main port harbor. As read in â€Å"Articles of Agreement†(Springfield, Massachusetts, 1636), plantations in New England consisted of merely forty families which was nothing compared to southern plantations. In History of Virginia, John Smith said, â€Å"The worst [among us were the gold seekers who]with their golden promises made†¦there was no talk†¦but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold. †Gold was a big attraction for people in the south and the obsession grew over time amongst them. Emigrants that were in the North focused less on gold seeking and more on family management and trade management. Different types of economies also resulted in different family and social life between the two regions. In â€Å"Ship’s List of Emigrants Bound for New England†by John Porter, the emigrants traveled to New England with their family members and some brought along their servants. During the 1600s, because of short lifespan, women gave birth to several children leading to large families moving to New England. On the contrary, in â€Å"Ship’s List of Emigrants Bound for Virginia†shows that the majority of people that immigrated to Virginia consisted of men; very few women traveled to Virginia. With fewer women, the population remained small in the South. Family life was more important to the North because of the large Puritan settlement in Massachusetts. On the other hand, due to the large male population in the Chesapeake region, agriculture business was more important than keeping a family together. In addition, the South had many diseases such as malaria, dysentery, and typhoid fever which caused a decrease in members in the Virginia area. Reasons for a large male population in the Chesapeake region also include the laws of primogeniture, which stated that only the eldest son of a family was allowed to inherit land, which left the younger sons helpless. The North was much keener on education than the South due to trading and businesses. In 1636, Puritans founded Harvard College in Massachusetts, which still stands as a highly prestigious college today. Education was more valued in the North while the South home-schooled their children and taught them how to run plantations. Though the College of William and Mary of Virginia was founded in 1693, it remained that plantation and agriculture maintenance was deemed more important. Due to the religious nature of the Puritans, education was valued so that children can read the Bible. Religious freedom was greatly desired by Puritans and one of the main reasons for immigration. Puritans believed that the church should only accept â€Å"visible saints†and because King Charles I accepted all of his subjects, they left England for Massachusetts. John Winthrop wrote: â€Å"We must be knit together in this work as one man†¦We must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us†¦if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us,†in A Model of Christian Charity. Winthrop believed that his followers should stay together in unity and to always remember their religion and to follow it well. Puritans entered the Massachusetts area, ready to pursue religious freedom from the Church. On the other hand, the Chesapeake region consisted of Protestants who followed the Church of England. However, following religion did not become as important to the Protestants until the 1700s. In History of Virginia by Captain John Smith, he mentioned that Smith had to kill one of the captains to stop the settlers from going back to England as the settlers were being unruly. Without unity, the Chesapeake region was hard to maintain order, but the unity between the Puritans was bound by religion and their desire to practice it. In 1643, The New England Confederation, a military alliance, was created between the Massachusetts Bay Colony, New Haven, Connecticut, and Plymouth as a step towards colonial unity. In â€Å"Governor Berkeley and His Council on Their Inability to Defend Virginia Against a Dutch Attack, December 1673†, William Berkeley complained of how settlers in the South were weak and unable to protect themselves. They had no order, hence no unity, and without unity between the emigrants, the society would have problems such as being unable to protect against potential threats. The economy, the social and family life, and the religious beliefs set the New England and the Chesapeake region apart. Though there are specific reasons and events that set these two settlements apart, the key component that influenced the two diverse environments was desire. The people of England migrated because England was not providing for them what they needed or wanted. The New World represented freedom in all aspects of life. Nonetheless, these two settlements, as different as they were, formed the foundation of America. Even today, most of America’s agricultural needs are focused in the South while businesses and trading is in the North.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Auditing Chapter 2
Chapter 2 The CPA Profession 2-1The four major services that CPAs provide are: 1. Audit and assurance services Assurance services are independent professional services that improve the quality of information for decision makers. Assurance services include attestation services, which are any services in which the CPA firm issues a report that expresses a conclusion about the reliability of an assertion that is the responsibility of another party. The four categories of attestation services are audits of historical financial statements, attestation on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, reviews of historical financial statements, and other attestation services. 2. Accounting and bookkeeping services Accounting services involve preparing the clients financial statements from the clients records. Bookkeeping services include the preparation of the clients journals and ledgers as well as financial statements. 3. Tax services Tax services include preparation of corporate, individual, and estate returns as well as tax planning assistance. . Management consulting services These services range from suggestions to improve the clients accounting system to computer installations. 2-2The major characteristics of CPA firms that permit them to fulfill their social function competently and independently are: 1. Organizational form A CPA firm exists as a separate entity to avoid an employer-employee relationship with its clients. The CPA firm employs a professional staff of sufficient size to prevent one client from constituting a significant portion of total income and thereby endangering the firms independence. 2. Conduct A CPA firm employs a professional staff of sufficient size to provide a broad range of expertise, continuing education, and promotion of a professional independent attitude and competence. 3. Peer review This practice evaluates the performance of CPA firms in an attempt to keep competence high. 2-3The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board provides oversight for auditors of public companies, including establishing auditing and quality control standards for public company audits, and performing inspections of the quality controls at audit firms performing those audits. -4The purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission is to assist in providing investors with reliable information upon which to make investment decisions. Since most reasonably large CPA firms have clients that must file reports with the SEC each year (all companies filing registration statements under the securities acts of l933 and l934 must file audited financial statements and other reports with the S EC at least once each year), the profession is highly involved with the SEC requirements. The SEC has considerable influence in setting generally accepted accounting principles and disclosure requirements for financial statements because of its authority for specifying reporting requirements considered necessary for fair disclosure to investors. In addition, the SEC has power to establish rules for any CPA associated with audited financial statements submitted to the Commission. 2-5The AICPA is the organization that sets professional requirements for CPAs. The AICPA also conducts research and publishes materials on many different subjects related to accounting, auditing, management advisory services, and taxes. The organization also prepares and grades the CPA examinations, provides continuing education to its members, and develops specialty designations to help market and assure the quality of services in specialized practice areas. 2-6Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements provide a framework for attest engagements, including detailed standards for specific types of attestation engagements. -7The PCAOB has responsibility for establishing auditing standards for public companies, while the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the AICPA establishes auditing standards for private companies. The ASB previously had responsibility for establishing auditing standards for both public and private companies. Existing auditing standards were adopted by the PCAOB as interim auditing standards for public company audits. 2-8Generally acce pted auditing standards are ten general guidelines to aid auditors in fulfilling their professional responsibilities. These guidelines include three general standards concerned with competence, independence, and due professional care; three standards of field work including planning and supervision, understanding the entity and its environment, including its internal control, and the gathering of sufficient appropriate evidence; and four standards of reporting, which require a statement as to presentation in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, inconsistency observed in the current period in relation to the preceding period, adequate disclosure, and the expression of an opinion as to the fairness of the presentation of the financial statements. Generally accepted accounting principles are specific rules for accounting for transactions occurring in a business enterprise. Examples may be any of the opinions of the FASB. 2-9Auditors can obtain adequate technical training and proficiency through formal education in auditing and accounting, adequate practical experience, and continuing professional education. Auditors can demonstrate their proficiency by becoming licensed to practice as CPAs, which requires successful completion of the Uniform CPA Examination. The specific requirements for licensure vary from state to state. 2-10For the most part, generally accepted auditing standards are general rather than specific. Many practitioners along with critics of the profession believe the standards should provide more clearly defined guidelines as an aid in determining the extent of evidence to be accumulated. This would eliminate some of the difficult audit decisions and provide a source of defense if the CPA is charged with conducting an inadequate audit. On the other hand, highly specific requirements could turn auditing into mechanical evidence gathering, void of professional judgment. From the point of view of both the profession and the users of auditing services, there is probably a greater harm from defining authoritative guidelines too specifically than too broadly. -11International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) are issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). ISAs are designed to improve the uniformity of auditing practices and related services throughout the world by issuing pronouncements on a variety of au dit and attest functions and promoting their acceptance worldwide. A CPA who conducts an audit in accordance with GAAS may not comply with ISAs because there may be additional ISA requirements that extend beyond GAAS requirements. 2-12Quality controls are the procedures used by a CPA firm that help it meet its professional responsibilities to clients. Quality controls are therefore established for the entire CPA firm as opposed to individual engagements. 2-13The element of quality control is personnel management. The purpose of the requirement is to help assure CPA firms that all new personnel are qualified to perform their work competently. A CPA firm must have competent employees conducting the audits if quality audits are to occur. 2-14A peer review is a review, by CPAs, of a CPA firms compliance with its quality control system. A mandatory peer review means that such a review is required periodically. AICPA member firms are required to have a peer review every three years. Registered firms with the PCAOB are subject to quality inspections. These are different than peer reviews because they are performed by independent inspection teams rather than another CPA firm. Peer reviews can be beneficial to the profession and to individual firms. By helping firms meet quality control standards, the profession gains if reviews result in practitioners doing higher quality audits. A firm having a peer review can also gain if it improves the firms practices and thereby enhances its reputation and effectiveness, and reduces the likelihood of lawsuits. Of course peer reviews are costly. There is always a trade-off between cost and benefits. 2-15Firms may belong to Center for Audit Quality and the Private Companies Practice Section (PCPS) Firm Practice Center. The mission of the Center for Audit Quality is to foster confidence in the audit process and to aid investors and the capital markets by advancing constructive suggestions for change rooted in the profession’s core values of integrity, objectivity, honesty and trust. The PCPS Firm Practice Center provides practice management resources for firms of all sizes. In addition to these resource centers, the AICPA also provides the Governmental Audit Quality Center and Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center to provide resources for performing quality audits in these unique and complex audit areas. 2-16a. (1)b. (2)c. (3)d. (3) 2-17a. (2)b. (1)c. (2)d. (3) 2-18a. The comments summarize the beliefs of many practitioners about the Sarbanes–Oxley Act and the PCAOB. The arguments against the Act can be summarized as four arguments: 1. Costs of complying with the Act are excessively high, especially the requirement to report on internal control over financial reporting, and will discourage companies from becoming public companies. 2. Relative cost for local audit firms is excessively high. 3. Additional oversight is not needed because sufficient quality controls have already been implemented by most audit firms. 4. Three other things already provide assurance of adequate quality: a competitive economic environment, legal liability, and auditing standards. To support these comments, it can be argued that the profession has generally functioned well with relatively little controversy and criticism. The arguments against these comments are primarily as follows: 1. Reporting on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting will provide benefits in improved controls, resulting in higher quality financial reporting and reduced losses from fraud. 2. The increased confidence in financial reporting will increase access to capital and lower the cost of capital by reducing information risk. 2-18 (continued) 3. Changes in the scope of CPA practices and other threats to audit quality required government regulation. 4. Regulation of public company audits will not affect most audit firms that do not have public company audit clients. b. There is no correct answer to this question. Different people reach different conclusions, depending on the weights put on the various arguments. Time is needed to effectively assess both the costs and benefits of the Act. 2-19a. Engagement performance . Human resources c. Engagement performance d. Engagement performance e. Relevant ethical requirements f. Monitoring g. Acceptance and continuation of clien ts and engagements h. Human resources i. Human resources j. Leadership responsibilities 2-20a. Rossi and Montgomerys primary ethical consideration is their professional competence to perform all of the audit work for filing with the SEC. In addition, if Rossi and Montgomery have performed bookkeeping services or certain consulting services for Mobile Home, they will not be independent under PCAOB and SEC independence requirements. The firm must also be a registered firm with the PCAOB. b. The filing with the SEC, in addition to normal audited financial statements, will require completion and registration with the SEC of Form S-1 which includes an audited summary of operations for the last five fiscal years as well as many additional schedules and descriptions of the business. Each quarter subsequent to the filing, Form 10-Q must be filed; and within 90 days of the end of each fiscal year Form 10-K must be filed with the SEC. In addition, Form 8-K must be filed whenever significant events have occurred which are of interest to public investors. These forms must be filed in conformity with Regulation S-X, which requires considerable disclosures in addition to those normally required in audited financial statements. 2-21 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF GAAS |HOLMES ACTIONS RESULTING IN FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH GAAS | |GENERAL STANDARDS | | |The auditor must have adequate technical training and |It was inappropriate for Holmes to hire the two students to conduct | |proficiency to per form the audit. |the audit. The audit must be conducted by persons with proper | | |education and experience in the field of auditing. Although a junior | | |assistant has not completed his formal education, he may help in the | | |conduct of the audit as long as there is proper supervision and | | |review. |The auditor must maintain independence in mental attitude|To satisfy the second general standard, Holmes must be without bias | |in all matters relating to the audit. |with respect to the client under audit. Holmes has an obligation for | | |fairness to the owners, management, and creditors who may rely on the | | |report. Because of the financial interest in whether the bank loan is | | |granted to Ray, Holmes is independent in neither fact nor appearance | | |with respect to the assignment undertaken. |The auditor must exercise due professional care in the |This standard requires Holmes to perform the audit with due care, | |performance of the audit and the preparation of the |which imposes on Holmes and everyone in Holmes organization a | |report. |responsibility to observe the standards of field work and reporting. | | |Exercise of due care requires critical review at every level of | | |supervision of the work done and the judgments exercised by those | | |assisting in the audit. Holmes did not review the work or the | | |judgments of the assistants and clearly failed to adhere to this | | |standard. | 2-21 (continued) |BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF GAAS |HOLMES ACTIONS RESULTING IN FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH GAAS | |STANDARDS OF FIELD WORK | | |The auditor must adequately plan the work and must |This standard recognizes that early appointment of the auditor has | |properly supervise any assistants. advantages for the auditor and the client. Holmes accepted the | | |engagement without considering the availability of competent staff. In| | |addition, Holmes failed to supervise the assistants. The work | | |performed was not adequately planned. | |The auditor must obtain a sufficient understanding of the|Holmes did not obtain an understanding of the entity or its internal | |entity and its environment, including its internal |control, nor did the assistants obtain such an understanding. There | |control, to assess the risk of material misstatement of |appears to have been no audit at all. The work performed was more an | |the financial statements whether due to error or fraud, |accounting service than it was an auditing service. | |and to design the nature, timing, and extent of further | | |audit procedures. | | |The auditor must obtain sufficient appropriate audit |Holmes acquired no evidence that would support the financial | |evidence by performing audit procedures to afford a |statements. Holmes merely checked the mathematical accuracy of the | |reasonable basis for an opinion regarding the financial |records and summarized the accounts. Standard audit procedures and | |statements under audit. |techniques were not performed. | |STANDARDS OF REPORTING | | |The auditor must state in the auditor’s report whether |Holmes report made no reference to generally accepted accounting | |the financial statements are presented in accordance with|principles. Because Holmes did not conduct a proper audit, the report | |generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). should state that no opinion can be expressed as to the fair | | |presentation of the financial statements in accordance with generally | | |accepted accounting principles. | 2-21 (continued) |BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF GAAS |HOLMES ACTIONS RESULTING IN FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH GAAS | |The auditor must identify in the auditor’s report those |Holmes improper audit would not enable him to determine whether | |circ umstances in which such principles have not been |generally accepted accounting principles were consistently applied. |consistently observed in the current period in relation |Holmes report should make no reference to the consistent application | |to the preceding period. |of accounting principles. | |When the auditor determines that informative disclosures |Management is primarily responsible for adequate disclosures in the | |are not reasonably adequate, the auditor must so state in|financial statements, but when the statements do not contain adequate | |the auditor’s report. |disclosures the auditor should make such disclosures in the auditors | | |report. In this case both the statements and the auditors report lack| | |adequate disclosures. |The auditor must either express an opinion regarding the |Although the Holmes report contains an expression of opinion, such | |financial statements, taken as a whole, or state that an |opinion is not based on the results of a proper audit. Holmes should | |opinion cannot be expressed, in the auditor’s report. |disclaim an opinion because he failed to conduct an audit in | |When the auditor cannot express an overall opinion, the |accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. | |auditor should state the reasons therefor in the | | |auditor’s report. In all cases where an auditors name is| | |associated with financial statements, the auditor should | | |clearly indicate the character of the auditors work, if | | |any, and the degree of responsibility the auditor is | | |taking, in the auditor’s report. | | 2-22a. International auditing standards. b. PCAOB auditing standards. c. PCAOB auditing standards (reporting in the U. K. will be under international auditing standards). d. Generally accepted auditing standards. e. International auditing standards. f. PCAOB auditing standards (due to the publicly-traded debt). 2-1International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) are issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB (http://www. ifac. org/IAASB/). Visit the IAASB’s website to answer the following questions: 1. What is the primary objective of the IAASB? Answer: The objective of the IAASB is to serve the public interest by setting high-quality auditing and assurance standards and by facilitating the convergence of international and national standards, thereby enhancing the quality and uniformity of practice throughout the world and strengthening public confidence in the global auditing and assurance profession. International Standards on Auditing (ISA) are used by auditors in countries that have adopted ISAs as their auditing standards. 2. What is the IAASB’s due process that it follows when setting standards? Answer: The IAASB follows a due process in setting standards. The standards-setting Public Interest Activity Committees (PIAC) identify new projects based on review of international developments and consultation with the Public Interest Oversight Board. †¢ The project may be assigned to a task force, which considers whether to hold a public forum or roundtable. †¢ Dra ft pronouncements are exposed for a minimum of 90 days. †¢ The task force considers all comments and whether re-exposure is needed. †¢ The PIAC votes on the approval or withdrawal of the pronouncement. Affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members, but not less than 12, is required to approve an exposure draft. Internet Problem 2-1 (continued) 3. The IAASB is committed to transparency. How does the IAASB make public information related to standards setting activities? Answer: The IAASB is committed to transparency. Where practicable, meetings are broadcast over the Internet or recorded. Meeting agendas and minutes are published on the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) website. All exposure drafts are subject to public exposure for a minimum of 90 days. (Note: Internet problems address current issues using Internet sources. Because Internet sites are subject to change, Internet problems and solutions may change. Current information on Internet problems is available at www. pearsonhighered. com/arens).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Explain why information systems project management requires careful Essay
Explain why information systems project management requires careful attention to quality management - Essay Example Second reason is that lack of focus on quality management within information systems project management can result in rework and high number of project changes. Such issues can cause delay in the completion of business processes which can consequently decrease the level of organizational efficiency. This is the reason why experts suggest adhering to the standards of quality while managing any information system project. â€Å"It certainly is a better and safer practice to plan quality in advance than hope that no quality gaps occur†(Mladinov 2012, p. 1). Therefore, we can say that quality management and IT systems project management go side by side in order to reap desired benefits from the projects. Quality planning process refers to the set of tasks that ensure quality of the project during all phases of the project. Some of those tasks include designing and checking the quality standards, using most appropriate resources for the project, and continuously monitoring the efficiency and quality of each of the completed tasks. Quality planning is a systematic process that interprets the policy regarding project quality into a set of measurable targets. The planning includes identification of all objectives and laying down a sequence of steps to meet those objectives. The techniques of quality planning include use of control charts, statistical sampling, flowcharting, designing of experiments, cost benefit analysis, benchmarking, cost benefit analysis, and use of quality management methodologies. The outputs of the quality assurance process include updated project management plan, updated organizational process assets, updated project document, and change requests in accordance with the results of analysis of processes. Mladinov, L 2012, Importance of Quality Management on IT Projects Within the Pharmaceutical Industry, viewed 16 December 2013,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Corporate Finance Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Corporate Finance - Speech or Presentation Example g too little has its problems and costs like the cost of lost profits that would have been made because of lost sales, the problem of loss of costumer loyalty and patronage, the cost of making more orders from time to time because of limited inventory on hand. Just in time (JIT) practice reduces an inventory level which means lower investments in inventories. It also greatly improves the lead time reliability due to shorter delivery- lead time. There is reduced lead times and set-up time increases scheduling flexibility. Many companies had reported improved quality levels in using JIT. It is also believed that extensive valued analysis reduces cost of purchased materials. There will be lower investments in factory space for inventories and product. There will be also less obsolescence risk in inventories and less paper work and a reduction in scrap and rework. On the other hand, the arguments against JIT include the following: JIT presupposes a disciplined act and as such it demands a long term commitment from management to do it. It management is changing or if there is no stability, it possibly the company may lose what would have earned under the ordinary way of maintaining inventories. There is also great possibility that there would be large initial cost that would possibly not compensated by short term returns. JIT presupposed anticipated demand and supply of its products and if management commits mistake along the way, the effect could be disastrous. JIT also making a stable agreement with supplier for the timely delivery of inputs for production and this may also create problems with supplies of terms large of money to implement the plan for JIT. Related with the large cost is also a risk that will have to be considered by the companies in wanting to implement JIT1. The formula above uses D, which refers to annual demand for the product, O which stands for ordering cost per unit and C, or the carrying cost per unit. In so computing minimum
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Analytical Critique of the Novel Ionization Device for Controlling the Term Paper
Analytical Critique of the Novel Ionization Device for Controlling the Charge States of Peptides - Term Paper Example Therefore understanding current improvements in the analytical procedures such as the inductive ionization technique is vital in the progress of proteomics. This paper by Peng et al (pp.8863) presents an improvement of the electrospray ionization method used in mass spectrometry, the inductive electrospray (inductive ESI). This work provides a background of the existing electrospray (conventional electrospray) method, its short comings and then attempts to introduce the novel technique. The benefits of the new technique are highlighted in the study together with a simple experiment giving a comparison of the mass spectrum produced by the conventional ESI and the one produced by inductive ESI. A background Mass spectrometer is used to measure samples by producing ions and separating them according to their mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio. In mass spectrometric analysis various steps are carried on the sample to be analysed. These include atomization, conversion of the atomized portion into a stream of ions. The streams of ions are then separated based on their charge-to-mass ratio (m/z). Final step in mass spectroscopy involves measuring the current when these ions hit appropriate transducers. Major components of a mass spectrometer are an inlet system for injecting micro amounts of the sample to the ion source. Conversion of the sample into ions is achieved by bombarding the sample with electrons, ions or molecules. Upon samples being converted into ions, the stream of ions is directed into a mass analyzer which disperses the ions based on m/z ratio. From the mass analyzer, the transducer converts the beam of ions into electrical signal which are processed to generate a mass spectrum of the analyte. Method for ionization falls into two categories; the gas phase and desorption methods. Gas phase involves the vaporization and ionization of a sample whereas in desorption method; solid or liquid sample is converted into a gaseous phase directly. Matrix-assisted desorpti on-ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI) are examples of desorption ion sources for mass spectrometry and bear the advantage of being applicable to thermally unstable samples as well as in non-volatile samples. Electrospray ionization(ESI) is based on extraction of ions from solution (Rosenberg 845). ESI is amenable in the analyses of biomolecules such as polypeptides, proteins and oligonucleotides which have high molecular weight (100, 000 kDa) (Skoog pp560). Multiple charged ions are produced in ESI which enable measurement of high mass species. This is achieved by reducing m/z ratio to a range appropriate for mass spectrometry application. Samples used in ESI are usually non-volatile and the method is amenable for mass determination of biomolecules, analyzing and sequencing of proteins as well as analyzing drugs. Description of the chemical target to be measured, desired precision, accuracy and cost of the measurements/instrument. The mass spectrum in an electrospr ay depends on the generation of ions in an aerosol. Usually ion formation in the aerosol is a competitive process where the sample of interest in this case peptide will compete for formation of ions with contaminants such as phosphates
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Contemporary relevance of Porter’s Five Forces to corporate strategy
Contemporary relevance of Porter’s Five Forces to corporate strategy Introduction Porters Five Forces introduced back in 1979 by Michael E. Porter from Harvard University in his first book Competitive Strategy. It becomes international best seller, and considered by many to be a definitive work on corporate strategy. The book itself had been published in nineteen languages and re-printed almost sixty times, changes the way business leaders thought and remains a guide of choice for strategic managers the world over. It has become an important tool for analyzing an industry structure and strategy process [Morrison M., 2008]. Porters work has had a greater influence on business strategy than any other theory in the last half of the twentieth century [referenceforbusiness.com]. The tool provides a simple perspective for assessing the position and competitiveness of a corporation or business organization within the industry. Porter points out five forces which the upturn and downturn, will affect the profitability and existence for a corporation or business organizatio n. Business leaders and managers might be interested in this paper for the purpose of this paper is to discuss the contemporary relevance of Porters Five Forces to corporate strategy. An attempt also being made to find what is missing from this model related to corporate strategy in current business environment. In so doing, a comparison will be made between Porters Five Forces and another tool for corporate strategy. Another assessment made concerning the business environment in Porters era and current business environment. Porters Five Forceshttp://wiki.telfer.uottawa.ca/ci-wiki/images/e/e4/Porters.gif The development of this framework is based on the idea of attractiveness of an industry. As for the attractiveness itself, is determined by the profitability within the industry. More profit means the industry is more attractive and low profitability means a low attractive industry. The way of thinking in the model is to achieve a better competitive position against other players. The competitive advantages developed from strengthening the own position within this Five Forces. The Five Forces framework is based on microeconomics. It considers supply and demand, substitutes and complementary product, and the relationship between production volume and cost of production; also the market structures such as monopoly, oligopoly, or perfect competition. Threat of new entry The chances in which new competitors can enter the market and drive the current players price down. The threat to entry depends on six major forces of barriers which Porters describes as: economics of scale, product differentiation, capital requirements, cost disadvantages independent of size, access to distribution channel, and government policy. The decision of the new-comer also pretty much influenced by their expectation on the existing player. If the incumbents known for previously fought vigorously to new entrants, or possess such substantial resources to fight back (such as excess cash, unused borrowing power, available productive capacity, or clout with distribution channel and customers), the new entrants will likely to have second thought on entering the market. This also happened if they know that the incumbents seem likely to cut the prices. New entrants fear more also when the industry growth is so slow so that newcomers can gain volume only if they take it from the incu mbents. Bargaining power of supplier Another force Porter mention in the model is how powerful the supplier to drive up the prices of is corporate input. The term supplier includes all sources of input that are needed to provide the product. A supplier of group is powerful when it is dominated by few companies and more concentrated than the industry it sells to. The products are also differentiated or unique means relatively no substitutes for the particular input so that it built up the switching cost. The power of supplier also increase when there is a possibility for the supplier for integrating forwards in order to obtain high prices or so. Also when the industry is not an important customer of the supplier group or when it is not obliged to contend with other products for sale to the industry. Bargaining power of customer Similarly, bargaining power of customer settle on how powerful is the customer can impose pressure on margins and demands. Buyer are powerful if it is purchase in large volumes and/or the product it purchases is standard or undifferentiated, means they can always find alternative suppliers. Customer will also become more powerful if the products it purchases from the industry form a component of its product and represent an significant fraction of its cost, in other words, the customer become more price sensitive. Furthermore when they know that the company earns low profits, which create great incentives to lower its purchasing cost; and when the industrys product is unimportant to the quality of the buyers product or services, then the bargaining of customer increase. More threat comes from the possibility of the customer to integrating backward and has the ability to produce the product themselves. Another factor mentioned by Porter is that customer will be more prices sensitive w hen they recognize that the industrys product does not save the buyer money. He gave an example of logging of oil wells, where an accurate survey can save thousands of dollars in drilling costs, therefore affect the market price. Substitute products The extent of which substitute product can be used in place of one product. Porter highlighted the characteristics of substitute products that deserve the most attention as those products that are subjects to trends improving their price-performance trade-off with the industry product or are produced by industries earning high profit. Porter also said that substitutes come into play when the competition within industry increases which lead to price reduction or performance improvement. Jockeying among competitor for position within industry This factor describes the strength or the intensity of competitiveness among the existing players within the industry. High rivalry limits the profitability of an industry. Factors that shape the intense rivalry in a industry are: (a) payers are roughly equal in size and power (b) the growth of the industry is slow, precipitating fights for market share (c) lacks of differentiation and switching cost of the products (d) strong willingness to cut the price either because the fixed cost are high or the product is perishable (e) high barriers to exit the industry (f) capacity is normally augmented in large increments, and (g) diversity of strategies, origins, and personalities of the rivals. Other than the intensity, the dimension basis in which the rivalry takes place also reflects the strength of the rivalry such as price, products features, support service, delivery time, and brand image. Whether the competition takes place in the same dimension, or the rivals converge to compete on same dimensions. Strategy Crafting What do you want to achieve or avoid? The answers to this question are objectives. How will you go about achieving your desire results? The answer to this you can call strategy. William E Rothschild, Former General Electric Corporate Strategist, CEO of Rothschild Strategies Unlimited LLC Corporate strategy is about how a firm or business organization should make a decision of series of steps to achieve the desired goal. To create the best decision, the decision maker must be able to analyze the current and expected factors associated with internal as well as external environment. With strategy, one company can be more prepared and comfortable to operate on the market, because good strategy should have examined all the forces involved in business activities. Strategy planning can be developed in three levels, which are: company level, business unit level, and functional or departmental level [Morrison M., 2008]. Corporate strategy Æ’Â ¨ concerned with overall purpose and scope of the business to meet stakeholder expectations. This level of strategy concerned with the selection of business in which the company should compete and with the development and coordination of the portfolio of business. This is a crucial level since it is heavily influenced by the investors in the business and acts to guide strategic decision making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is often stated explicitly in a mission statement along with the formulation of visions and goals. It also decide on how business unit to be governed; through direct corporate intervention (centralization) or through autonomous government (decentralization). Corporate strategy also seeks to developed synergies across the business units. Business Unit StrategyÆ’Â ¨ is concerned more with how a business competes successfully in a particular market. It concerns strategic decision about choice of products, meeting needs of customer, gaining advantage over competitors, exploiting or creating new opportunities or market, etc. The strategic issues is about developing and sustaining a competitive advantage for the product and service that are produced. Functional or Departmental Strategy Æ’Â ¨ the strategy level of the operating divisions. It is concerned with how each part of the business is organized to deliver the corporate and business unit level strategic directions. The functional units translate them into discrete action plans that each division must accomplished for the strategy to succeed. Operational strategy therefore focuses on issues of resources, processes, people, etc. Functional units involved in higher level strategies by providing input into the business unit level and corporate level strategy, such as providing information on customer feedback. Business environment in current era Current business environment much likely to be characterized by more dynamic market situation. The digitalization and globalization contribute to this dynamic movement. The power of information technology (IT) grows more and more each day. And as it grows, all players in the market can have access to more information. The world is flat, globalization made great improvement in distribution of logistics and communication, enable all business to operate globally. Meanwhile, the customers have the chance to shop also on a global level, and compare the prices globally. The trends and demand now changed as the increased commoditization in so many areas. Companies now must be able to differentiate themselves by give more value for their products. One way to do that is by improving customer experience, through the improvement in the service area. Customers now want individual service and attention, and have high expectations for the goods and services they buy. Other tools for corporate strategy David P. Baron nonmarket approach: 4Is Business environment consist of market and nonmarket environment. An effective corporate strategy must be able to facilitate both market and non-market goals of the company. In relation to this, Baron introduced his 4Is, with emphasis on non-market environment. This framework together with Porters Five Forces formed the integrated strategies. The nonmarket environments are social, political, and legal setting that affects the interaction of the corporation outside and in conjunction with, the market environment. Barons define the characteristics as four Is. The first is Issues, of what nonmarket strategies address. Issues in nonmarket environment cover the regulations, proposed laws, court judgments, etc. Second is set of relevant institutions for the particular industry. Regulators or government is usually always become the relevant official body that affect a corporation decision making process. NGOs are also another example of institutions. Interests are individuals and groups with preferences about the industry. Baron includes this factor to address the identity and goals of those with a stake in the issue. Also information concerning with what the interested parties know or believe about the relation between actions and consequences and about the preferences and capabilities of the interested parties. This factor let us to think, what info needed to reach the goal? what is persuasive for the other parties? Prejudices, rumors, state reports, almost all public relations stuff is included in this factor. SWOT model Æ’Â ¨ covering external and internal forces Another tools being used for corporate strategy is SWOT. SWOT models addressing the internal and external forces. The Strength defines what characteristics impose by a company that can be used to keep hold on the market or even expand it. Weakness is really the opposite, this factors is any kind of lack the company has that can affect its existence in a bad way. Both strength and weakness is internal factors. Meanwhile, the external factor is covered by the Opportunity and Threat. Opportunity discuss about all issues or current condition of the environment that can give a better chance for the company to improve the operation. The threat talks about all threatening situation from the environment in which the company operates. More of this are, opportunity and threat, be explored more in Porters Five Forces model. Contemporary relevance between Porters Five Forces and corporate strategy Any organization, especially ones dealing with corporation or business environment realize that their success depend on both internal and external factors. With his Five Forces, Porter tries to emphasis on the most important or most influencing forces to the business profitability and existence. The competitors, the new entrants, new substitute, also the bargaining power of both supplier and buyer covered most aspects of a business activity. Indeed, Porters Five Model focuses heavily in competitive strategy, which is essential. To be specific, the Five Forces, mentioning competition, are related more to analysis of external forces from the market environment of the strategy. Of course, all business organization will always seek the best way to maximize corporate profit and determining the attractiveness of an industry. This is a need that will always be in managers mind in every industry, from every era. Therefore, through his model, Porters tries to give a framework that can help the decision maker to create a strategy where enable the company to stay in the market, defend their current position, and even grow the market size. It supports the decisions about to enter or to exit from an industry or market. As a business leader, it is important to understand the competition in the industry. The model can be used to compare the impact of one competitive force on our own company and to the impact on the competitors. With the knowledge of power and intensity of competitive forces, the strategy can be developed in way that gives the company options to influence the forces to improve their own position, such as new positioning or differentiation of product. It also gives the details on how to prevent the new entrants. Not only new entrants, the strategy should be able to cope with the substitute product that is getting more and more accessible now for the customer. Bargaining power of supplier and buyer is more relevant to supply and demand. It is essential to know which side of supply and demand equation our business is referring to. The framework tells us how profitability can be affected, in good way and in bad way from the context of industry rivalry and competition. It creates to positi on the firm to leverage its strengths and defend against the unfavorable effects from the five forces. Generally speaking, the model talked about the profitability and survival of a company. Referring to the definition of corporate strategy, Porters Five Forces seems irrelevant. Corporate strategy designs the grand strategy for the company grand purpose. And almost no company has a mission statement for to be the most profitable or so. Most company longing for sustainability; to be able to hold on success for a long term period. They achieve this by creating more value through their business, managing portfolio business, and developing business units; things that we dont learned through Porters Five Forces. Profitability is just one way to get to the grand purpose. That is the reason why, for the grandiose strategy of a company, to be based on only Porters that is focus on profitability, is unadvisable. The strategy such as focus and differentiation for competitiveness can be implemented at business unit level strategy to create competitive advantage. It may be relevant in corporate l evel as for the interest of stakeholder, indirectly. When the business unit strategy is achieved the desired goal, which most likely to be more profit, this is also will considered as favorable by the investors. Corporate strategy also concerned about the development and coordination of portfolio of business. The complexity that portfolio has cannot be found in the Porters model. Multi-variance product, multi-company in different industries, all this density of current market environment made Porters Five Forces become less practical. Other relevance is the dimension of competition. It is something that decided at the corporate level. Porters mentioning that based on the competitive advantages, we must choose the dimension of competition and it is best to create a battle field in that dimension, not in other dimension. This is about knowing our company competitive advantages and where to compete and win over the rivalry. What others are missing? Porters Five Forces did not describing the other external factor like regulator and social environment of the company. Porters Five Forces made based on the economic situation on the eighties. During early eighties, the economic situation is more stable and predictable development in industries compared to today dynamics. It is also characterized by cyclical growth and also by strong competition [D. Recklies, website]. Thus, in Porters era, the main objectives of many business organization or corporation are profitability and survival. Porters model focuses on analysis of the actual situation of companys customers, supplier, and competitor; and predictable development from new entrants as well as substitutes. Global and networked markets, as mentioned previously, force the business players to think more in the corporate strategies. Now, it is not enough to only position oneself as a price-leader or quality leader. Competitive advantages now comes from the ability of the company to de velop a way to maintain the relationship with more mobile customer and also to manage the networks that could be located in other part of the world. Porters Five Forces treats customer and supplier as third parties, which they no longer are. Corporate, suppliers, and customer now have extended relationship. And how this relationship managed is not less important than competitive advantages, because it creates values which harder to obtained and maintained than profits. This side of Porters Five Forces, lack of value-adding analysis made Porters Five Forces is less applicable in corporate strategy. In addition to that, in spite of always strengthening position within the industry with competitive advantages to compete against the competitor, co-operation with competitor by mergers and acquisition is also one way to maintain the existence and survival of a business organization. Hence, this model cannot keep up with dynamic situation in the current business environment. Globalization and digitalization Porters did not include how technology developed and that it is a strong force on competitiveness. Whereas, Porter did not explicitly mention it as a force, but it IS there. New entrant and new substitutes could mean that the competitor could have innovations background. New machines can affect the bargaining power of supplier too, in example. Not to mention how information spread unbelievably fast, and wide, around the internet. Experts coined the term of internet economy for this decades in which internet have been so embedded in everyday life. Various e-business applications have strongly influenced almost all industries. The development of the information system gives new opportunity for players from outside industry to chance the basis of competition in a market. Porter did not mention how technology will affect the competitiveness. The difference is that on Porters era, technology is something more like a tool to implement the change. But now, with its more rapid growth compare to eighties, technology has become a most important driver to a change. Non-market environment Needless to say, nonmarket environment, as brought up by Baron, also one important forces that must be considered in crafting the strategy. Any kind of corporation or business organization must dealing with social, politics, and legal arrangement, directly and indirectly. Of course, Baron extended work from Porters Five Forces expected to be able to give the best model to develop the so-called integrated strategy. Dynamic market structure Porters model assumes relatively static market structure. Yet, todays market is far from static. Dynamic market entrants, supported by more technological breakthrough, may change the entry barriers, the business model within short time. The model also assumes that all companies always try to get competitive advantages and win over other player in the industry. The dynamic market structure have new way of thinking of survival than to compete and kill each other. It is designed to analyze individual business performance. It is not considers strategies such as synergies and strategic alliances (mergers, acquisition), electronic linking of information system of all companies along a value chain, virtual enterprise-networks or others [D. Recklies]. This model also cannot assist the more complex structures of industries. The analysis cannot cope with multiple group products, by-products, and segments. And narrowing the focus only in one industry is too risky in todays corporate strategy. T his model also not yet considering that sometimes it may be possible to create new market than compete in the existing market. Nevertheless, later in his paper on 2008, he includes how technology is one factor that can greatly affect competitiveness and rivalry in an industry. Not only had that, he also included other factors such as government and complementary product that can affect the companys profitability. In this paper, he also mentioned how a change in industry structure shifts each of the five forces. In general, Porters Five Model has some limitation in todays market environment application and on its relevance with corporate strategy. In relation to corporate strategy, Porters model might be a little help for defining in which dimension or market out company wants to operate, although this dimension might be converted again once the strategy derived to business unit level. However, with all the lack Porters Five Forces had, the model is not completely obsolete to current business. Porters is an economist, so the model is basically the simple way of how he describes the microeconomics. He describes the attractiveness of the industry that is influenced by the five forces. This is also explains why the model always repeat and focusing more in profitability; for economics talks about profit maximization. Even now, business still operates in five forces framework describes by Porter. The model enable the decision maker, the managers, to think about the environment surrounding their i ndustries in a structured way, easy-to-understand way as a starting point for further analysis. Conclusion In summary, while Porters Five Forces seems less reliable concerning the current competitiveness in the industry (in terms of technology or innovations involvement), it is still manage to help strategic focus of the company in profitability and survival within the industry. The models assist more in business unit level strategy and less applicable in corporate strategy level. Corporate level strategy talks more about value which we hardly find in the Five Forces. Yet, indirectly the success in business unit level strategy supports the achievement of corporate strategy. Porters Five Forces is still relevant to current strategy planning, yet today business players must considered more things such as the growth of globalization and technology and how it will affect the other factors, if not creating its own forces. The tremendous growth of technology nowadays cant be separated in any aspects of life, and that including corporate strategy. However it might be, technology leads to innovation which will influence the every step a company have to defend its market and even expand its market. Certainly, a corporate strategy should not be carelessly made without take note of the non-market environment. In addition to that, examination on the nonmarket environment also should be conducted to support the strategy on market environment of a company. Another kind of analysis also may be needed to examine the dynamic state of markets. Porters framework becomes one of the tools in developing a strategy, maybe as a starting point, but not the most important or the only model being used. A good strategy never should use only one or few model as a basis.
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