Saturday, January 25, 2020
Ethics Within The South African Police Service Criminology Essay
Ethics Within The South African Police Service Criminology Essay Through the course of the past year and this year especially, many police actions have made the headline news for wrong reasons. It is therefore reasonable to ask: Why this sudden increase? It is because the police think that they are above the law? Or it is because of their tempers reaching the boiling point due to the specific circumstances of an event, due to personal or organisational frustrations or it is because of inadequate and infrequent training? One can ask if the media is blowing this type of police actions out of proportion. One can ask if the organisations and the managers are paying an attention to the variety of issues that extend far beyond their normal business and which affect individuals, communities, the environment, countries and the entire world. DEFINITION OF ETHICS It entails the code of moral principles and values that directs the behaviour of an individual or a group in terms of what is right or wrong. A code of ethics sets standards about what is good or bad in behaviour and in decision making. SAPS CODE OF ETHICS The code of ethics of the SAPS underpins the way in which every member of this organisation should behave, irrespective of whether they are on duty or not. This code has a specific purpose of providing a standard of police behaviour that does not allow any leniency for poor service delivery or corrupt activities by the members of the organisation and must therefore be applied by all members in their daily tasks. The key principles of the code of ethics are: Integrity; Respect for diversity; Obedience to the law; Service excellence; and Public approval LEVELS OF ETHICAL DECISION MAKING The SAPS is facing a huge challenge within the individual and the organisational level that needs the leadership of the organisation to take into consideration. It is very difficult to change the attitude and the behaviour of an individual. The south African police service members are no longer trusted within the communities including the opposition parties (Democratic Alliance) raised a question for debate in the parliament for the implementation of the commission of enquiry against the behaviour and the brutality of the police, where the President responded by saying there is no need for the commission of enquiry to investigate the polices conduct as there are bodies that are given a mandate to investigate the police conduct( media statement: e-news, 21 March 2013). The Independent Police Inspectorate Directorate that functions independently of the department of Safety and Security has been given a mandate to investigate the Police conduct, and their functions are: Investigate police misconduct or any offence allegedly committed by the member of the SAPS, Investigating any deaths in police custody or as a result of police actions; and Investigating any matter referred to it by the Minister or MEC for Safety and Security. The DAs shadow minister of police Dianne Kohler Barnard, argues that the low conviction rate of the police reflects the police cover-up culture. The police unethical code of conduct is like a pain to the bodies of the citizens as of the republic since they have invested their lives to the police. During the Parliamentary reply on the costs of legal cases compensated for the period of three years, held on 12th March 2013, the Minister of the Police Mr Nathi Mthethwa, asked the National Commissioner of the Police Ms Riya Phiyega to look into issues of litigations such as: wrongful arrests and detention, corruption, negligent conduct and commission of serious offences by police officers. The above mentioned litigations are the main dilemma that affects the organisation and has brought a lot of mistrust of the police by the citizens. The South African Police Service has a challenge of the individual and the Organisational of ethical decision making that will be discussed on the next paragraphs. MANAGING ETHICS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT INDIVIDUAL LEVEL The human resource is the most crucial part of the organisation and difficult to manage because of their differences. Managers must learn more about the people and their behaviour in an organisation. People should be considered as people they spend a lot of time at work, some work to satisfy their needs that is the contributing factor to corruption. As the smallest sub-system in an organisation, individuals have the same characteristics as other systems. People are complex and interact continually with the environment, they strive for equilibrium and they may have a multiplicity of goals. To understand how people function is not an easy task, for no two individuals are the same. However, there are certain key variables that determine the behaviour of employees with which managers should be familiar with. These, includes, values and attitudes, personality, ability, motivation, perception, and learning. The organisation is one of the instruments employees can use their goals. However the organisation can block the attainments and the needs and goals of employees for them to become unmotivated and unproductive. There are so many issues that the organisation plays a role in contributing towards the behaviour and the frustration of an individual, looking at the impact of the promotions: the labour court granted the SAPS court order that interdicts and restrains the SAPS from promoting any member to the ranks of Lieutenant, Captain and Major due to the court interdict submitted by the labour movement Solidarity on the 27th February 2013 after the announcement of the post by the SAPS on the 18th March 2013, reference 8/1/1 volume 59. With the individual as a system in a changing environment, this is a total torture and the frustration to those who were promoted and to those who were not promoted and qualify for the promotions? ( 414jid.44024. Date of access: 20 April 2013. The SAPS said it has the best interest of their members and will make sure that this matter is addressed. There are some different approaches that the SAPS is using in managing an individual even though is very difficult as the manager cannot sit in the office and monitor the subordinates how much time they spend on telephones and their movement when working outside. But the office open space system other companies uses, as one of the monitoring tool to prevent members doing their own agendas during the working hours as they share the office or the space with their members whereas in SAPS we still use the old system of individuals office but it depends on the services delivered per component. In case of the Crime Intelligence and the Detective unit it will be highly difficult to be implemented in terms of the confidentiality of their cases and the dockets. Management of resources The SAPS has implemented the fire-arm permit system for reporting on duty and off duty to prevent dishonesty and the financial constraints. What was happening previously is that the Relief Commanders and the Commanders of the other units were dishonest of their subordinates absenteeism; a member will be booked on duty on SAP 15 whereas s/he was absent. Some would report on duty and leave early without being noticed and will never come. With the fire-arm permit system, a members fingerprint is needed to verify his/her presence at work and the absence that will push the Human Resource official to verify the member absent. The problem is that it has not been long implemented already it is not working, some stations have tampered with the system, whereas our systems are not fully effective, this is the main reason why some reports of duty early without logging in the system and the following a day they start by booking Off duty with the reason, the system was offline, and this will not be questioned as we all know that our systems are poor. In most cases are offline. The leave policies that are just a written document that are not effective monitored, some members have an attitude of using their sick leave and vacation at the beginning of the leave plan circle. No has ever questioned the member from the provincial office, the matter is left in the hands of the responsible station commander who is afraid to take actions against the member and this leads to the undedicated other member to copy the behaviour that results in an increase of sick leave reported, even though it their rights but some are being misused. The performance enhancement process, serves a monitoring tool to the member. Its existence has been questioned many times if whether it serves its purpose within the organisation. The SAPS is trying its level best with no luck because of the managers and its poor system. In terms of reducing the telephone bills, the SAPS implemented the policy of paying the private telephone calls made by the member. No one will verify if the telephone calls made on the members bill are official or private unless the member is honest. Locking ones telephone account if the member fails to pay hampers the service delivery too. The AVL system, the vehicle monitoring tool, due to the poor system, it is also not properly managed and in some cases, it gives the wrong location of the vehicle during a certain period, but give the right speed the member was driving during the certain time and period and this are the only thing our managers are trained at, to monitor the member in order to let her/him down even though this is important too for the prevention of the accidents due to lack of negligent and reckless driving. ORGANISATIONAL LEVEL The ethics of managerial decision making is often complex and managers often disagree on what an ethical decision in a specific situation entails. Managers should consider two factors: (1) the approach that they can use to determine which alternative to choose in a decision-making situation; and (2) what organisations can do to ensure that managers follow ethical standards in their decision making (PJ Smith et al. (2007:415) Management of Principles). The management of ethics in the law enforcement is a very crucial issue lately whereby the organisation is making the headline news on daily basis. It came to the state where the leadership is being questioned about the state of the organisation and the conduct of its members. We can see how Commissioner Riya Phiyega, avoiding to confirm that the Marikana mine workers were killed by the police and why she failed to suspend the members as she did with the Mido Macia Case, Mozambican who was brutally killed by the police at Daveyton on the 26th February 2013. Her answer was that she cannot confirm that the mine workers were killed by the police as there is no enough evidence and it requires the findings from the commission of enquiry to what caused the killing of the 34 mine workers, the injury to the 78 mine workers and the extra 10 people that includes the two police officials and the security guards near the mine whereas Midos Case is different as there were enough evidence that lin ks the suspended members to the killing of the Mozambican man ( killed by police: Date accessed, 2013-04-20).This shows that the Commissioner is trying by all means to apply the three approaches to ethical decision making that is the utilitarian, the human rights and the justice approach. Her respond to the commission of enquiry will affect the members that are directly involved in the situation including the SAPS members as a whole. She is faced with a difficult task to defend the members even though she is being criticised for being a woman and leading an organisation that was men dominating previously. The SAPS was never lucky in having a good leadership that leads by example except the woman that has just sat on the hot seat left by the corrupt men, to transform it and it seems that she will not be given the chance to proof herself because so much has happened on her taking the position as the Commissioner that leads to her incredibility. LEADING BY EXAMPLE The first and most important requirement for fostering a culture of good ethics in an organisation is leading by example .Actions speak louder than words. Leading by example serves as an inspirational tool that enhances education to the subordinates. The SAPS was never lucky with the good leadership that leads by an example. The leadership of Jackie Selebi opened up so many unethical conducts within the SAPS as he was arrested for corruption. That was a good example for the prevention of further offending to the subordinates. His successor, Mr Beki Cele was also dismissed from the organisation for unlawful conduct and maladministration with R500 million rand lease agreement for new police headquarters in Pretoria on 24th October 2011. Police managers need to be aware of their visible and critical role within the SAPS. Power is needed to bring about the ethical changes in an organisation and even within the community -policing framework. A common thread in most widespread corruption, cases is an absence of an overview from the top management. In some cases of corruption, the managers do not want to admit to the malpractice under their command, and in some other instances they merely turn a blind eye and in some cases they are involved. Lieutenant General Mdlulis and Colonel HJ Barnards case withdrawn for charges of fraud relating to the alleged misuse of Crime Intelligence funds, whom their case had a lot of interference from within the SAPS and the National prosecuting authority. Their cases let to the suspension of the Senior Prosecutor of the National Prosecuting Authority, Glynnis Breytenbach, who strongly believes that there is still a strong case against this two SAPS senior officers and her suspension in Apr il 2012 has got nothing to do with the handling of the criminal investigation relating to a mineral rights dispute between the mining companies Imperial Crown Trading (ICT) and Kumba Iron Ore over Kumbas Sishen mine, she suggests that it is politically influenced. On the other hand within the SAPS, Colonel Roelofse who was in charge of the case, was informed by the Senior officer, Major General Sibiya, that he had been taken to task by certain Generals within the SAPS, by allowing the investigation to continue beyond the scope of the murder investigation that Lieutenant Mdluli was also charged with. The SAPS senior officers were pulling each others throats with the Lt Gen Mdlulis (anti-corruption task team report dated 2012-03-02), and this gave a support to the Democratic Alliances shadow minister of police Dianne Kohler Barnard statement when he said the low conviction reflects the polices cover- up culture, responding to the statistics on police brutality from the Independent Pol ice Investigative Directorate (IPID) make for grim reading. In 2011/2012 financial year, 720 deaths, allegedly at the hands of the police officers, were investigated. IPID recommended 162 prosecutions and called for disciplinary action against 168 police. But only 05 police officers were dismissed and 13 were convicted of crimes during that period. The highest number of alleged deaths at the hands of the police was investigated in 2008/2009 financial year, when 912 came in for IPID scrutiny. In that year just three officers were dismissed and one was suspended for six months. DEVELOPING A CORPORATE CODE OF ETHICS Another way of managing ethics in an organisation is by means of a code of conduct. The South African Police Service Code Of conduct agreement 11/96 was adopted and signed by the SAPS, the unions, SAPU (South African Police Union), POPCRU (Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union) and the Public Servants Association of South Africa in 1996.Ethical policing demands that the employees of the SAPS to act with integrity and respect for peoples diversity and the law thereby enhancing service excellence to the approval of the public. The South African police Service have instituted the policies, regulations, and the standing orders to maintain the standard of its discipline. Some of the order- maintaining bodies of legislation are: The Code of conduct ; Code of ethics; The Standing orders; National Instructions Regulations; Anti-corruption plan; Whistle blowing plan; Internal disciplinary procedures; and The IPID (Independent Police Investigative Directorate). The organisation has done so much to the translation of the values and beliefs into ethical standards or behaviour, not a single police station does not have the printed code of conduct charts but it seems as if its meaning is meaningless since the number of police corruption and brutality increases, members received the pocket code of conduct that may fit in the pocket for references and this was supposed to be checked by the managers during their inspections in the beginning of every shift but to whom do someone expect the work to be done by an unqualified manager. Warrant officer at Knysna, his wife was brutally assaulted by the SAPS female member who works at the same police station with him, the case was withdrawn and the wife was forced to withdraw the charges against the member for the prevention of misconduct against the member that could jeopardise her career. Charges were withdrawn and the constable was promoted to a senior rank (City Press 11.15.April 2012). That gives an additional to malfunctioning of the SAPS management. The problem lies within the individual as the human resources sub-system, the recruitment, the promotions criteria and the SAPS leadership. Managers should take a long view of enhancing ethical behaviour. MANAGING WHISTLE BLOWING The SAPS is in partnership with the insight company, Panda where the citizens can send sms to 33221 of any criminal activities within their area. The line is confidential and no one will make up follow up to call the person for more information. It is reported that successful arrests has been made since the launching of the system. The anti- corruption plan that is implemented and each and every police station have to conduct sessions to educate the members and the community. RECOMMENDATIONS The recruitment policy, strategies and the criteria must be reviewed as the Minister had said on the media release city press, dated 2013-03-26. The Human Resource Development plan must include education and training on ethics. The performance enhancement process has to be reviewed for the improvement of work ethics. The senior promotions policy, strategies and criteria must be reviewed. The National Commissioners post must not be politicised. CONCLUSION The mangers need to be aware of their visible and critical role within the SAPS. It is essential for the managers to understand their peers and subordinates. A manager is a psychologist, sociologist and political scientist (PJ Smith et al. 2007: 295, Management Principles).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Narrative Argument About Education Essay
Reading the web is not the same as reading in the book or magazine or even newspaper. The information that you read from the internet may not stick with you as long as it would if you were to read a book, newspaper, magazine, or journal. This can’t be a hundred percent accurate for everyone, but according to most people that I have questioned, the information that they read from the web/internet doesn’t stick with them as long as it does when they read an actual book, newspaper, or magazine. Personal computers can be empowering tools in a way of learning about technology, but in my opinion they do no good for learning when it comes to critical thinking skills and gaining accurate information for yourself. Most of the web pages that are out there are not even filled with accurate information. If there is no context on the web for the research you are looking up, then neither is there any history for it. Nothing online has been indexed before 1980, so therefore; the information is not completely accurate and gainful knowledge. According to Judith Levine, most of the data her students net are like trash fish, and by that I feel like she means that the information that they get is worthless and will not help them in any way. I would have to say that I can agree with her statement because as a web surfer myself I don’t see how it helps me. Yes, it does give me certain education in the information that I am surfing about, but it does and will not help me as much as it would if I were to read a book about that very same subject. I can gain more knowledge and keep it memorized with a book much easier than I can surfing the web. Judith talks about her students not being able to concentrate when she asks them to organize their impressions into coherent stories, and I find that to be due to the lack of critical thinking skills from not reading books anymore and using this computer technology for all of their research and surfing articles. I feel like students don’t get the full education of the subject that they need when they shortcut it by using the web for their papers. I agree with Judith’s statement about the diagnosis of an epidemic attention deficit disorder. It can be caused by the casual clicking and pointing that has come to stand in for intellectual inquiry. Technology may empower, but when will the power of it be used? Students don’t read anymore and so their critical thinking skills are not as great as they could be if they would just read instead. They should be reading books like literature, history, poetry, and politics so they can be listening to people who know what they are talking about. Otherwise, the information they get will be of no use to them. â€Å"The search engines that retrieve more than 100,000 links or none at all, they will be awkward at discerning meaning, or discerning at all†(Paragraph 14). After reading the story of Judith Levine’s argument about using the web for research papers versus reading books, I can feel like I totally agree with her on every aspect. â€Å"Because reading makes you use your brain. While reading you would be forced to reason out many things which are unfamiliar to you. Reading improves your vocabulary: Remember in elementary school when you learned how to infer the meaning of one word by reading the context of the other words in the sentence? You get the same benefit from book reading. While reading books, especially challenging ones, you will find yourself exposed to many new words you wouldn’t be otherwise.†â€Å"Reading also improves concentration and focus. It requires you to focus on what you are reading for long periods. Unlike magazines, internet posts or e-mails that might contain small chunks of information, books tell the whole story. Since you must concentrate in order to read, like a muscle, you will get better at concentration† Just like Judith talked about in her argument, she feels like the etiology of attention deficit disorder is due to the fact that students these days are not reading books anymore, but are only surfing the web which doesn’t help the brain to focus and concentrate. When students surf the web for answers there is no way of them being able to know if any particular fact is accurate or not. But when they read books it gives them better information that is sure to be accurate. So, when Judith Levine argues the point that she feels reading books, magazines, newspapers and etc. â€Å"are better that surfing the web, I would have to agree with her because it help us in our comprehension, practices our fluency, and many others. But nowadays, because reading books is boring and you have to read for almost a week or month, students today are so lazy to that and they always have the speech of, it’s a waste of time†â€Å"Using Computer is widely practice today’s generation. It is almost needed in the society. You can also be called an illiterate when you don’t know how to use it, because even a 7 years old kid can use the computer. Computers are easy to use, reliable, fast, and consume a short period of time†I believe that is why in the beginning of Judith’s argument she quoted Bill Gates statement after he bestowed a $200 million gift to America’s public libraries so they could hook up to the internet and I understand why he would feel the way he does about computers because of how popular they are in today’s society, but in my opinion I feel that they are not as empowering as people seem to think that they are. They will not give you the education and critical thinking skills that you need like books will do for you. So, therefore; I would have to agree with her argument towards Bill Gates decision and statement.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Strategy Tools Essay - 1343 Words
Strategy tool Personal Platforms: I want to live my life with family a perfect peaceful area which God allowed me to live. Id like to do something with computers related to my work when I will graduate and have my degree. this, of course, one-course term to go. I love learning to host my own Internet-based services. Perhaps I could work in Web hosting, email hosting, or VPS hosting. I do all the home network administration for my familys intranet. Perhaps I could be a network administrator. I have started practicing online digital marketing, placing business advertising as online digital marketing Entrepreneur. this not a plan because I am already doing it but I havent seen profit yet so that this course will perfectly helping me to†¦show more content†¦therefore I have a lot of plan to work around these scenarios. so one more term left to do this. Keeping a journal: developed my internet business become a successful digital marketing entrepreneur. build and Improving my own website Learning more and practicing about Internet-related topics work with my experiences when I get a job that relates. For any computer-based job, Ill likely be qualified a computer science or information technology degree. I dont have to worried about experiences know, but Im working my way through school to for my bachelor degree and masters. Ill need an understanding of computers and how they work. Many people think of computers as magic black boxes that often fail to function, but they often only fail to function because people are using them wrong. This makes it much easier for me to learn to use new software and to use software that Im familiar with much more effectively. I almost never run into computer problems, and when I do, its often because of damaged hardware. In my free time, I often experiment with new computer utilities and other software, so I become familiar with a wide verity ofShow MoreRelatedTesco Boston Matrix and Ansoff Matrix1156 Words  | 5 PagesAnalyses the difference between micro and macro environmental factors 1.2 Compare and contrast a minimum of two tools such as SWOT and POWER SWOT and apply to business solutions 1.3 Critically contrast Primary and Secondary research methods 2.1 Evaluate the use of tools such as Boston and Ansoff Matrix to business situations 2.2 Analyse the effectiveness of models such as Porter’s Generic Strategies 3.1 Evaluate consumer buying behaviour and the adoption process 3.2 Analyse the role of marketing mix toRead MoreMy Writing : The Reflective Essay Essay1666 Words  | 7 PagesThe Reflective Essay Writing has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was in high school, so I used to spend many hours to writing in my daily journals in Vietnamese. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Indira Gandhi Quotes
Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 to 1984. Daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, a hero in winning independence from Britain, Indira Gandhi was also a follower of Gandhi in her early years. Indira Gandhi was elected Prime Minister in 1966, and her administration was often controversial. After using the military to put an end to a Sikh separatist operation, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh security guards in 1984. Select Quotations You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose. Actions today mould our tomorrows. What matters is that we should achieve what we set out to do. (1977) Social change is brought about by those who dare and act, who can think unconventionally and who can court unpopularity. (1974) My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition. Tolerance and compassion are active, not passive states, born of the capacity to listen, to observe and to respect others. They are founded on a reverence for life that shows itself in ones attitude to man and to the earth and to other creatures. This state of listening, observing, is to be alive; it is a state of understanding and it is the manifestation of a truly scientific mind that is mature with the quality of humanness. Ends may vary but means must be based on the acceptance of man as the centre of all quest. (1981) There exists no politician in India daring enough to attempt to explain to the masses that cows can be eaten. (1975 interview with Oriana Fallaci) I would say our greatest achievement is to have survived as a free and democratic nation. Let us not allow ourselves to be oppressed by frustration or misguided by anger into wrong action which will inevitably increase the burden on the common man, undermine the very foundations of democracy and imperil the well-being and happiness of us all. But let our concern lead us to constructive effort, to hard work, to co-operation. (1966) Our ancient philosophy speaks of right action. Lifes journey should be in quest neither of power nor wealth but of inner worth. The Gita says, To action alone have you a right, not to its fruits. We want progress, we want development, but in such a way that it does not disrupt the life of the area, the looks of the area, the beauty of the region and does not alienate the people from their own surroundings... (1975) Martyrdom does not end something, it is only a beginning. You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. There are moments in history when brooding tragedy and its dark shadows can be lightened by recalling great moments of the past. Even if Indira Gandhi dies, her blood would spring from the earth and thousands of Indiras will emerge to serve the people of the country. I say so because Indira Gandhi is not the name of a mere woman but a philosophy which is wedded to the service of the masses. –the month she was assassinated, October 20, 1984 I dont mind if my life goes in the service of the nation. If I die today every drop of my blood will invigorate the nation. –the night before she was assassinated, October 30, 1984. To bear many children is considered not only a religious blessing but also an investment. The greater their number, some Indians reason, the more alms they can beg. (1975) It is not enough for a few at the top to reach outstanding ability. Performance at every level, even the very lowest, must be improved. All of us are part of the huge apparatus of the nation, the efficient working of which is dependent on the smooth functioning of every individual component. (1969) Ability, and not class or community or wealth, should determine what education a child should have, what school he or she should go to. (1966) The Himalayas have shaped our history; they have moulded our philosophy; they have inspired our saints and poets. They influence our weather. Once they defended us; now we must defend them. Our defence services are learning to know them and to love them. ​(1968)
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