How to write a research paper in mla
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Body Fat and Eating Disorders Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Muscle versus fat and Eating Disorders Paper - Essay Example t sickness, hypertension, stroke, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, back agony, respiratory issues, kidney issue, gallbladder issues, osteoarthritis, overabundance weariness, rest apnea, metabolic conditions and urinary incontinence. There are different variables that could prompt weight or an aggregation of muscle to fat ratio which happens because of a lopsidedness in the calories expended and consumed by the body. Other contributing components incorporate an absence of physical action, expanded utilization of fat, sugar, liquor admission, gorging, ceaseless utilization of corticosteroids, hormonal irregular characteristics and other related metabolic issues (Body structure and Health, 2002). Dietary issues, for example, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and voraciously consuming food effectsly affect the physical and emotional well-being of people and in outrageous cases can likewise prompt dangerous issues. This is fundamentally in light of the fact that such issue don't exist for a specific timeframe; rather they can possibly become deep rooted issue in situations where they are not rewarded. In such cases they could influence the psychological, passionate and physical prosperity of people and furthermore put huge strain on their associations with others. On account of anorexia nervosa, in which people starve themselves the body turns out to be seriously drained of crucial supplements and consequently there is a log jam of metabolic procedure so as to monitor vitality. Subsequently various clinical issues emerge some of which warrant quick clinical consideration. The wellbeing outcomes of anorexia nervosa remembers a strange decline for pulse and circulatory strain whi ch builds the danger of cardiovascular breakdown, bone thickness decrease, misfortune and debilitating of muscles, extreme body lack of hydration expanding the danger of kidney disappointment, expanded exhaustion and general body shortcoming, dryness of skin and hair with male pattern baldness and development of lanugo all the body with an end goal to keep up internal heat level (Health Consequences of Eating Disorders, n.d; Eating
Saturday, August 22, 2020
King of Kong
The King of Kong: A fistful of Quarters. The King of Kong: A fistful of Quarters gave numerous procedures and experiences into talking various individuals. This narrative profiled individuals and indicated how they had become the individuals they were in there regular daily existences. Ordinarily it demonstrated past accomplishments or disappointments and how they straightforwardly influenced a people will to prevail later on. Toward the start of this film, Billy Mitchell was presented as the fruitful gamer of the 80's that everybody one enjoyed and turned upward to.He was the icon of the gaming scene that had started to exist when he accomplished his high scores in a significant number of the exemplary arcade games, for example, jackass kong. The executives unmistakably centered around Billy Mitchell's self presumption as he became more seasoned and was inundated into the persona of being the best gamer on the planet. Before the finish of the narrative, unmistakably Billy Mitchell i s presently seen by some as living in his own truth of the gaming scene. The rival in this film, Steve Wiebe, is depicted as somebody who has never fully had the option to arrive at his goals.He has not been as fortunate as Billy Mitchell and he expect the dark horse job. All through the film he is perpetually endeavoring to arrive at his objective of breaking the Donkey Kong record just to be closed somewhere near uncalled for conditions. Numerous statements are taken from Steve and his significant other about his dependence, and need of accomplishing the record for self avocation. All through the whole story, Steve is followed and indicated the adjustments throughout his life do to this new gaming need.Steve doesn't accomplish his objective when he needed to however the interviewees decide to return and show that he did in the end drive forward and acquire his objective. They decided to show that Steve was not a slacker, and could accomplish what he needed to with devotion. In gen eral, this narrative shows man procedures of giving various sides and perspectives on a story. They utilized relatives, companions, and the people own record to communicate the various encounters that had happened.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
New Student Photo Entry #28 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New Student Photo Entry #28 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The first three images come from Jeff Berger, an incoming MIA student. All three images were taken at the Marcavalle juvenile detention center in Cusco, Peru. Many of the boys there had committed serious crimes, yet the center operated like a strict summer camp rather than a prison. The youth are gradually prepared for reintegration into society through a special education system and hierarchical, merit-based programs. Image #1 â€" Morning roll call. Image #2 â€" Me and a few of the boys at a holiday celebration. Image #3 â€" Two of the boys learning the art of the “field goal.†It took me days to find what may have been the only store in Cusco selling footballs. ____________________________________ The next two photos were submitted by Bonita Treinen, an incoming MPA-DP student. This first picture was taken in Lanzhou, China where I lived 2002-2003. I am drawn to signs of community in dense urban environments, and these guys embody that. This second picture was taken in Thailand, where I lived 1998-2001. Theres nothing special about this picture, except that magic things happen every time I visit this little bay. Last time I was there a school of dolphins came up to play near me while I was out swimming alone.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Wisdom Of Repugnance Why We Should Ban Essay
Thesis Statement I will argue against the three main reasons Kass labels cloning as a perversity in his article â€Å"The Wisdom of Repugnance†. I will be demonstrating that strong moral feelings do not necessarily indicate whether an action is right or wrong. An Argument Against Kass’s â€Å"The Wisdom of Repugnance: Why We Should Ban the Cloning of Humans†Society has much to gain from the science of cloning. It is a way to extend reproductive rights so that a parent can have any child of their choosing. Also, it will free women from having to have a sexual partner to have a child, provide infertile couples a way to reproduce, allow parents affected by the death of a child to reproduce, and allow homosexual men and women a way to reproduce without involving the opposite sex. Cloning will also provide a way to enhance the health of our society, understand the causes of spontaneous abortion, create new ideas for contraceptives, and minimize the risk of genetic diseases that comes with sex (Stefan 7-8). It is a way to replace a loved one that has passed away and a way to obtain organs and tissues needed for transplantation. Cloning will also provide the opportunity to replicate people with much talent (Kass 686). In his paper, Kass claims that cloning would cause an â€Å"utter confusion of social identity and kinship ties†for both clones and non-clones. For example, with kinship ties, if a man was cloned and considered the child to be his â€Å"son†it is possible that the â€Å"son†would want toShow MoreRelatedArguments Against Human Cloning1986 Words  | 8 Pagestextbook as to why some people may choose to do cloning or not to, I am personally not in favor of human cloning at all. I know that there are some instances in which cloning may be benefiting the newborn, but everything that God does happens for a reason, and no one has the right to change that for any reason unless the baby is already born. I strongly believe that no changes should be made to the baby until birth. God knows what is best for us, and has a reason for doing everything, so we do not own
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Sartre s Existentialism And Existentialism - 1024 Words
As a continuation of the course assignment, in the following paper, I shall examine Sartre’s Existentialism is a Humanism and give a framework of concepts and reasons as to why it is existentialist in nature. Whereas the last paper chronologically organized Sartre’s life and experiences, this will focus more specifically on his work, thought process and an impression and interpretation of his logic. Presented and chronicled after the liberation of Paris from German occupation, Existentialism is a/and Humanism, flew directly out of that optimistic period where questions about morality and societal integrity were at the forefront of the minds of French (any many other) people. Of the pivotal texts in all existentialism, few are more well-known than Sartre’s. In the course of Jean-Paul Sartre’s work on existentialism, he is believed to be the basis for the coining of the term Existentialism, which in 1943 was first said by Gabriel Marcel, in reference to Sart re himself. After rejecting and then assimilating the phrase unto his own purposes, he set out to clarify and exemplify just what existentialism was, in the face of many of its Communist, Marxist, Catholic, and Christian detractors. Within its confines, Sartre addresses several foundational principles to his theory of existentialism, the first of which is that â€Å"existence precedes essence†. Here is where Sartre first adopts the moniker of Existentialist, specifically aesthetic ones, including Heidegger. This is the conceptShow MoreRelatedSartre s Relationship Between Existentialism And Marxism784 Words  | 4 PagesIn Search for a Method, Sartre discusses the relationship between existentialism and Marxism. As according to Sartre, Marxism is the dominant philosophy in the current era, while existentialism is an ‘ideology’ attached parasitically to this theoretical foundation. Personally, as I read along, I get the impression that Sartre sees existentialism more as the savior of Marxism than a parasite. He has a disdain for what contemporary Marxists have become; he uses terms such as lazy, and stagnant to describeRead MoreExistentialism And Human Emotions By Jean Paul Sartre1513 Words  | 7 PagesJean-Paul Sartre s novel Existentialism and Human Emotions discusses his philosophy that man is responsible for what he is and what he does; that man chooses his values and makes himself. At the beginning of the book, Sartre defends existentialism against several charges that had been laid against it. Throughout the book, Sartre refers to the basis of existentialism using the phrase ‘existence precedes essence . With this, phrase lies the basis for the argument that Existentialism is a HumanismRead MoreExistentialism And The Beliefs Of The Movement1454 Words  | 6 PagesPalahniuk that is a good summary of existentialism and the beliefs of the movement. Existentialism was a turning point for society and literature that advocated the expansion of the minds of authors and their readers so we could improve our thinking to be more enlightened and free. The movement sparked much alternative thinking to allow our society to grow into what it is today and without it people would most likely be more close minded and less free. Existentialism was a very influential movement withRead MoreExistentialism and its Role Today1027 Words  | 5 PagesDaoism, Stoicism, and Existentialism. Since each person defines their happiness differently, each person has their own opinion as to whether or not what is read to be correct or not. The goal is to at least shine a light to what everyone seems drawn towards. Existentialism is an important theory to consider in order to achieve the Good Life. Although existentialism may not appeal to everyone as a reliable theory to achieve the Good Life, it does elaborate as to how existentialism can be used to attainRead MoreExistentialism1408 Words  | 6 Pages Existentialism and its facets There are many philosophies that people use in their lives. Some of the ways of thinking are linked to some prominent people. There is idealism, naturalism, experimentalism, and existentialism among others. This essay explores existentialism, which has been postulated by Sartre among others. The other proponents of existentialism include Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, martin Buber, Martin Heidegger and Martin Buber. The weakness and strengths of existentialism are going toRead MoreExistentialism and Its Role today799 Words  | 4 Pagesdaoism, stoicism, and existentialism. Since each person defines their happiness differently, each person has their own opinion as to whether or not what is read to be correct or not. The goal is to at least shine a light onto what everyone seems drawn towards. Existentialism is an important theory to consider in order to achieve the Good Life. Although existentialism may not appeal to everyone as a reliable theory to achieve the Good Life, it does elabora te as to how existentialism can be used to achieveRead MoreExistentialism : What Is It? Essay1704 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough there is no single answer to this enigma, there are countless theories concerning it. For example, one philosophical approach is known as Existentialism. Jean Paul Sartre, a well-known existentialist, introduced his 3-word ideology, existence precedes essence in his lecture titled Existentialism is a Humanism which was presented during 1940’s Europe, a time when people needed a new foundation of thinking. From then, the theory gained popularity and became the backbone of future pieces. ForRead MoreExistentialism : Existentialism And Existentialism1186 Words  | 5 PagesSubjectivity in Existentialism is a Humanism In Existentialism is a humanism, French philosopher and existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre defends existentialism from 20th century critics who believed that its overly subjective nature promotes anguish, abandonment, and despair. Sartre explains these common misconceptions about existentialism and argues that it is not a pessimist point of view, but the complete opposite. In what follows, I will explain how Sartre not only invalidates the surging misconceptionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Jodi Picoult s My Sister s Keeper Essay1701 Words  | 7 Pagesthree words sum up existentialism in a nutshell and is the single most important of all of its theories. Originating from a nineteenth century Danish philosopher, this theory is still found throughout many literary works. Among these literary works is Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper, a novel in which the theory of existentialism is actively present and found in many elements of the story. These elements, upon further observatio n, exhibit the six major concepts or existentialism: existence, freedomRead More Sartre’s Existentialism in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot1572 Words  | 7 PagesSartre’s Existentialism in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot Critics often misunderstand the quintessence of Sartre’s philosophy. Jean-Paul Sartre, in his lecture â€Å"Existentialism is Humanism,†remarks that â€Å"existence precedes essence†(2), that is, man first materializes and then searches for a purpose – an essence. Samuel Beckett, through his play Waiting for Godot, affirms Sartre’s core argument. Misinterpreting Godot, critic Edith contends that it differs fundamentally
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How to Make Dumpling Free Essays
For Chinese, dumpling is our traditional food. In Ancient, dumpling represents money. So they eat it for good luck. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Make Dumpling or any similar topic only for you Order Now Until now, we also eat it when we celebrate some traditional festivals. Because we think it will bring some good luck for us. In lots of Chinese’s mind, dumping is delicious. But if we want to make it, the process is complicated. Now I will explain you how to make dumpling. Because the dough should ferment, we must make dumpling wrapper first. At this step we should have flour, water, a container, a wet cloth, a knife, a rolling pole and a pastry board.After prepare those materials, we can beginning to make the dough. We put flour into a container, then pour water into the container, and be careful about the proportion between flour and water. It is important to make the good dough. After that, stir it strenuously to make it sticky, put a wet cloth on the dough and wait 20 minutes to let it ferment. 20 minutes later, we can roll dough into a round piece. We should cut part of the dough and put it on pastry board, knead a part of it to a strip and cut it into small pieces.Then press each piece and roll it with a rolling pole into a round piece. Now we will do the stuffing. It is the core of making dumpling. If we do not have good stuffing, it means we fail in the whole steps. Today we choose pork and scallion stuffing to an example. At the start of making stuffing, we should chop pork up and mix it with chopped scallions. Meanwhile we also put in seasonings like salt, sesame oil, pepper, chopped green onion and ginger to get our favorite flavor.And then stir the ingredients in a container well to make them evenly mixed. We can also put an egg to make the stuffing tender. When we finish those two steps, we will do the last step which is make dumpling. There are many shapes of dumpling like waveform, crescent, wallet form and lock from. Waveform is easiest to make. So lots of us like to make dumpling like it. Now I will tell you how to make this shape. Put right amount stuffing in the middle of dumpling wrapper. And double over the dumpling wrapper to become the semicircle.Then knead it from left and let the forefinger around thumb to push it have pleat. Repeat this motion until it to right. After that, a dumpling it completely finished. Those are all steps of make dumpling. Please notice those steps and do not forget the core of making dumpling. Stuffing is the head of dumpling. And memory that delicious dumpling comes from carefully person. Do not careless in it. In our mind, dumpling is so complicated. But if we do it with our family, it will become an unforgettable thing for us. How to cite How to Make Dumpling, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Development of Ancient Systems of Writing in Iraq and Egypt Essay Example For Students
The Development of Ancient Systems of Writing in Iraq and Egypt Essay The Development of Ancient Systems of Writing in Iraq and EgyptAncient systems of writing in the Middle East arose when people needed amethod for remembering important information. In both Ancient Iraq and AncientEgypt each of the stages of writing, from pictograms to ideograms tophonetograms, evolved as a response to the need to express more complex ideas. Satisfaction of this need gave us the two most famous forms of ancient writing,cuneiform from ancient Iraq, and hieroglyphics from ancient Egypt. Both of theseforms of writing evolved and their use spread to other peoples even after theoriginators of the scripts had passed on. Some of the oldest writing found in the Middle East dates from 8000 to 3000B.C. This corresponds to the approximate time period that the people of theregion went from living a nomadic life to settlement in villages and tradingamong themselves. When trading large or varying types of commodities you need amethod for recording. To meet this need developed a token system for therecording of financial data. These tokens were of varying shapes for variousthings, two to three centimetres in size, and used for enumeration and keepingtrack of goods and labour. We will write a custom essay on The Development of Ancient Systems of Writing in Iraq and Egypt specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now These tokens eventually had to be stored so they wouldnt be misplaced orlost. To secure them, they were placed in opaque clay envelopes. To indicatewhat was inside the envelope markings were made on it, eventually someonerealized that all you had to do was mark on the clay what was in the envelopeand you discard the tokens altogether. With this major development we get thefirst writing on clay tablets. In Ancient Mesopotamia the most readily available material for writing onwas clay. When writing on clay first arose, the scribe would try to make anartistic representation of what he was referring to. This is a logical firststep in writing as if you wanted to record that you had three sheep, you woulddraw a picture of a sheep and then add to the picture some marking to indicatethat you had three of them. Thus the earliest stage in writing arose, pictograms. Pictograms, although not really writing in the modern sense of the term, dorepresent a method of communicating an event or message. They also led to truewriting through a process of selection and organization. As people wanted towrite more down and in a faster method, the pictograms lost their artistic lookand took on a more stylised representation of an object by making a few marksin the clay . . . . The writing was eventually written in horizontal linesrather than in squares or in vertical bands . . . became smaller, more compact,more rigid, more abstract, finally bearing no resemblance to the objects theyrepresented . . . .The next stage in the development of ancient writing was when the scribeswished to write more complex ideas down. In time a sign that had represented atangible object, came to represent some word or thing. For example, the symbolrepresenting the sun eventually represented over seventy different words. Thiscaused some confusion as the reader could not be certain what the writer wasusing the symbol for. A solution to this problem was the introduction of a method to indicatewhat the symbol represented. These new symbols were called determinative. Forexample, the Sumerians placed a symbol in front of, or sometimes behind, theword sign to give the reader an indication of how to interpret it. The sign forplow could have the sign for wood in front of it, this meant that the symbol forplow meant the tool, if there was a symbol of a man in front, the symbol forplow would be interpreted as plowman. .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c , .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .postImageUrl , .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c , .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c:hover , .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c:visited , .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c:active { border:0!important; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c:active , .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u50cdfccac56496f5a523ed74cb90190c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Minimum Wages EssayThe most advanced stage of development was the phonetogram. A phonetogramis a symbol that represented the pronunciation of part of a word. Phonetogramsdeveloped from symbols for words that sounded like the syllables of other words. For example you could have the symbol 4 and C in modern writing go togetherto make the symbol 4C, which would represent four seas, but if you added thedeterminative to make it 4C it could be read as the word foresee. Thus atransition from pictographic to phonetographic. With this, you could adapt ascript to write the sounds of any word
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